New plot team.

Going into the first game run by the new plot team I wasn't sure what direction things would go. But what I experienced this weekend was amazing in so many ways. I wanted to say thank you, and I cant wait to see what you do in the future.

-Eric E. / Teth

P.S. I also want to say sorry to anyone who didn't get to visit the middle mod cabin on our little egg hunt. You probably missed one of the most terrifying scenes I've ever run across in an A-Frame. It was beyond awesome.
Super ditto on the PS!

The game was utterly amazing! Thanks new plot team!

Plots and NPCs were awesome. Thanks to all of you.
Thanks guys! I am really glad so many people had such a great time. It was awesome to see all the ideas we had in our heads come to life and see how people interacted with them. I can't wait to see what kind of crazy things you all do next time = ).
You guys rocked. Had a blast. Remember to hit me up if you ever need audio recorded for a game. :D
I was really excited to hear sound effects utilized, it made the landing amazing.
Zomg! Yes! The sound at landfall was AMAZING! Combined with the wind gently blowing the tent and everything, i could've sworn I was ON a boat! :) So amazing.
It was an amazing restarting. I loved meeting all the new people, seeing all the old friends and just getting to play a character again! I loved the sound on the boat I swear it rocked as we landed.