New Potential player introducing himself


Hello. I don't know if this is the right place to introduce myself, but I will continue to do so anyways. My name is Sawyer, I am seventeen years old and after attending two events at another LARP in the area, I have decided to expand my range of experience in regards to LARPs so that I might begin to create an informed opinion about this hobby that I have loved the thought of so much for so long. I am enthusiastically prepared to attend the March event. I would love to go in January instead of jumping in at the end of a season, but unfortunately I will be auditioning for colleges in the mean time. Even though that is many painfully long months away, I would like to gather some information about this chapter of Alliance so I can come to game with a well-considered character. If I have questions about the world, is this the place to ask them?

A little more about myself, I make LARP weapons and would be happy to talk shop (look at me with the hip lingo) with some folks, I am a stage actor and plan to make a career of it, and I can't say the alphabet backwards (if that matters).

I hope I can talk with you all more prior to my first event! Thank you for your time and patience for getting through that whole long, me-promoting post. Or if you just skipped to the end, I appreciate you to.
Hi Sawyer, Im Norman, Head of Oregon Logistics. Unfortunately we are having some problems with our New Player Representative email at the moment. I am sure you can message him on here, his profile name is Durnic.

I handle characters and our database. I am the one you contact to when you have a question about build on your character, if you want to buy back events with goblin stamps, or if you want to purchase skills. I also handle pre-registration for events. You can contact us (logistics for Oregon) at

If you have any general questions, this board is a good place to ask questions locally, otherwise there is the national forums New Player Questions board where you can get a broader view from players all over the U.S.
Hello Sawyer! My name is Rick and I am the New Player Representative for Alliance Oregon. I would be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

If you are on Hangouts, you can message me at If you are on Facebook you can message me on my profile Rick Raddue, just go ahead and friend me. As Norm said, unfortunately we are having problems right now with our New Player Representative email address. In the meantime, the other two ways to get a hold of me are best and you can message me anytime.

I look forward to talking to you!
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Sounds like he might benefit from any culture packets that Plot might be able to give him.
Ah yes, the elusive plot race packets. Please email our lovely (that's right I called them lovely) plot team at

We recommend only asking for the race packets that you are going to play. The national race packets (which contains all the information that is in the Alliance Rule Book) is a good place to start getting the basic information for the races you are interested in.
I appreciate all of the informative responses. I have time before my first event, so i will wait before asking for a race packet until I'm sure I know what I want to play. It certainly seems like this group is well organized.

I have a question about what the expectation for primitive behavior from Barbarians in this chapter. For example, I understand that Barbarians aren't inherently unintelligent, but how "Me name Togmo, and I like smash" are Barbarians generally? Specifically, I was wondering about speech.
Barbarians aren't expected to be unintelligent. They're expected to be more tribal in their language and speak "poorly." I personally assume all barbarians simply have a native tongue that isn't Common, and Common is simply a second language to them, resulting in it being broken to some degree.
The loosely thrown around term is "uncultured", meaning that they simply come from a culture more removed from the societal norm in the game. Examples could be things like not understanding the point of nobility and instead calling knights "warchief" or some such. Spitting in your hand before offering it to someone for a handshake could be seen, in their tribe, as a way of securing a deal but would be looked upon as unclean by everyone else. I know of at least one player who speaks of himself in the third person but you aren't required to do anything like that.
I have read the barbarian packet and, with the perspective you have provided, i think I have an idea of what to expect. I was also wondering about boffer weapons. I have been doing some three layer blue camp pad foam builds painted over with latex and was wondering if those were frequently rejected. I ask because I have seen a large number of pvc weapons from the YouTube videos of Oregon and Seattle with a few latex weapons sprinkled among the player base. I may also have the wrong idea, though.
They can pass. The problem with blue camp mat is that it breaks down much faster than other foams. Many of the weapons are actually not PVC but Kitespar or graphite golf clubs. They are much lighter and easier on the insides of the foam (helping reduce the breakdown).
So, regarding Norm's response on blue camp mat:

In my experience with the stuff, it can be pretty great, until you try to make it look too realistic. I also don't think it necessarily breaks down that fast, unless you're using it with too much force.

I find that blue camp mat/graphite core weapons can be pretty good, as long as they have either rounded or block edges, meaning you're not going to have something that looks as realistic as a latex, but still lightweight and functional. Additionally, I assume you're going to seal with duct tape. I recommend finding a way to use a stocking cover (it stays soft during the cold and wet, and it's lighter). I've never personally built something like that myself, but if I was going the camp mat route, I'd give it a shot.
He specifically mentioned using latex Evan :P

The foam I have used and seen used is either Y20 or Y30. This is more expensive than blue camp mat but it holds up longer as it is the same foam that latex manufacturers use. The blue camp mat has larger bubbles which is more room for compression which is more movement and more breakdown. Even with light touch.
Well, I have some researching to do. I just built a two-handed sword with a fiberglass core and blue mat foam and plan to use it as a my test weapon as far as durability goes. If it works out, I'll use the same technique for my first characters weapon and if not, I'll pout outrageously until I find another affordable alternative that makes durable long weapons.
Depending on how much you care about aesthetics, you can get pipe insulation from Home Depot. If you get the stuff that is split down the side, you can adjust it down to the size of the core. Its like $2 for a 6-8' piece. So $4 to do enough foam to make it thick enough. Then you would just need to make a stocking to fit by sewing a length of cloth to be just a little snug (not too snug otherwise you will have to redo it). It's not as good looking but its serviceable and I have found that the foam is sturdier than blue camp mat.
As I am reading the rules I have noticed an emphasis on traps and roguish work such as disarming, lock picking, and legerdemain. As I continue to think about characters, I was wondering how often these tasks functionally show up in game and whether or not it is worth having more rogue-types around?
There are times for traps. Sometimes they come out and some games we don't see any. Lock picking requires actually picking the locks, which means people have to prove to plot that a lock is pickable to be used. There are not many locks that come into game. So, I say, play what you will be happy playing or you think will be fun. If you think playing a rogue would be fun, then play one.
Hey y'all. Are there any sparring groups or anything interested in meeting in the Portland area? I would like to get to know some people before my first event in March.
@SkollWolfrun sometimes puts on sparring practices. It has been a while, however. Sean! Setup a sparring practice! :D
Amanda and I have been interested in Sparring. The problem is finding a place and people :P
Ya know, I understand Chuck E. Cheese does parties if you need a place to spar. Plus we would all get, like, twenty free tokens and a free soda if we reserve for a party of ten or more.