New rule questions

Kauss said:
as far as I know, this is fully legal, as long as if you can fully get into the trunk and realise you can only get things out when all the way in it. It would become imobile for the duration of the spell, and would be marked in the same way a doorway is.

Except... wards have a 10' x 10' minimum size, do they not?

I don't know about Kitty, but if you ever go running around in that Strega dress again, I'd definitely Ward your chest. Might keep it warmer ;)

No, too easy...

Kittyfox said:
So here's a fun scenario.

Kitty "finds" a trunk/chest dealie. Through a bit of "experimentation", she finds she can fit inside it.

This phrase alone opened up about a billion avenues of gutter jokes.

Damn you Warlock... =)

Polare Lissenstine said:
Hmm, you're right. Guess they changed that too in this edition.

Nope. Just double checked last edition AND the one prior. Never was an Alliance rule (nothing in my five editions of International have it either).


IMO, my personal response would be "no". Again, the intent is to secure a space that one might reasonably expect to have as a "room" ("a room or building"). I don't see a reasonable arguement to allow a trunk to be considered such. While I agree that the inclusion of the allowance for securing a wagon might seem contradictory, once you understand the description to outline wagons in the form of Gypsy vardas or frontier settler wagons, the intent is clearer.
jpariury said:
Nope. Just double checked last edition AND the one prior. Never was an Alliance rule (nothing in my five editions of International have it either).


IMO, my personal response would be "no". Again, the intent is to secure a space that one might reasonably expect to have as a "room" ("a room or building"). I don't see a reasonable arguement to allow a trunk to be considered such. While I agree that the inclusion of the allowance for securing a wagon might seem contradictory, once you understand the description to outline wagons in the form of Gypsy vardas or frontier settler wagons, the intent is clearer.

The problem is, the spell isnt clear on the detail that the "room" or "building" need be long term or well made. IRL I could put together a lean-to that would shelter a person fairly well, and even make a small one that only a small person could fit in. I could, IG, ward such a place no matter if it was the size for 10 people, or the smallest page could just bairly fit in it.
Just as a wagon can also be a room, a trunk can be more than a trunk (in my view) and as long as the person fit in it, and was never semi in it, its like a small room that you brought in and set up.
The rulebook (last edition, don't have my book handy to check current) specified 'permanant' as a qualification for wardable structures, then went on to specifically exclude wagons and tents from that restriction.

Boxes, lean-tos, sheets, couch-cushion forts, and the like do not qualify as permanant.

We recognize, however, that the site does not allow for the construction of walls in the cabins. As such, if you feel that your (home/wagon/tent/whatever) would legitimately have wardable walls you should:

a) not change your room setup each event (after all, walls aren't movable!)
b) get in touch with plot to discuss your home; having a floor plan also helps