New Scroll case for the new season


This is version 3 or something. but I'll be testing it out at the one day.

Each end cap comes off to store components, with the scroll rolled up inside the leather.

See you guys Saturday.


I did not. My co-worker, Jeremy, did. He makes all kinds of stuff for tabletop gaming. I'm trying to find cool things we could use larping as well.

His son's birthday was over the opener, but hopefully he'll come out for the April event.

Right now his Etsy is only dice towers. He's brought a bunch of cool things into the office.

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How did it work out at the event?
Pretty well. Held the rules, dice and everything in one object.

I think this case will function best as an on-demand 'in the field' ritual prep solution. It's a bit long right now to be carried all the time. Still trying to find a solution to hold the standard caster 'back-up' rituals. (DFM, spirit walk) However, for a mod where a scroll needs to travel and be cast, it's perfect. Set everything up, quack quack ducks in a row, then you can just unroll and 'Begin ritual.'

It's also just a cool prop in general. Maybe donate one or two to the chapter for loot, royal decrees, contracts or merchants. Figuring out some kind of shoulder sling or belt attachment would be pretty helpful.
Yeah super cool! I'm working at upping my props/costume game this year, and one of the things on the list is something to hold those standard emergency rituals.

If you find something, I'd love to hear about it! I'll keep you posted on my findings as well. :)
For a larp if he put detachable loops on it to hook it to a belt that might just be scroll perfection.
I love the look of it too with the runes on the end. He should bring them to the event so we can pay for his son's birthday. :)