New stables and snacks this market


Hey guys, it's Fox.

So I'm bringing my grilling setup to the market day again if you need food. I'll have hot dogs, grilled cheeses for a gold and a few other things maybe, unless I get requests before then. I'll have hot foods on request, and will be putting on a larger load Friday night and Saturday as things start winding down for the evening.

Also, in the interest of not having to walk just frickin' everywhere, I'm converting one of the old buildings in town into someplace good enough to keep horses. Can't promise how many we'll have available this market since it's just starting and those animals are really tricky to work with.
I know that Passwall is within riding distance, so that might help out with the campaign there if I can get things going well enough.

Also, since transportation magic is expensive and the local militias and other people don't have a good source of message delivery, I've gotten a lot of questions about helping deliver letters and packages and stuff. Which, I mean, if I already have a bunch of horses and people taking care of them sounds good.

So, uh, if anyone is, or knows someone, who's good with working with horses, I'll pay to have you help out.
Or can just ride really well or can help organize stuff or want to help out another way.

Ugh, I honestly just didn't want to walk places....

-Fox, the slightly overwhelmed fox-kyn