New to LARPing!


Hi all!
My name is Shaya. My boyfriend and I have been very interested into getting into LARPing when I stumbled upon the Alliance, Denver. I have been reading a whole bunch on the Alliancelarp website about what goes on and how to start off and was wondering if we could get some advice and maybe make a few friends to help us out once we start! We're hoping to start off in the 2015 year events to give us plenty of time to make our characters and get the whole view of the story.
Thank you:)
Heya there, welcome to the nonsense : ) Lets see, advice...........

-Definitely get on the Facebook group if you havent because we chat a lot on there and its the fastest way to reach people and get the latest info on whats going on in the local community.

-You will never have the whole view of the story, no matter when you actually start- but thats not a bad thing! think of it as arriveing in a new place, you may not know what happened before you got there but moving forward will be just as interesting and you arent going to be out of the loop in any problematic way any more or less than anyone else.

-Dont define how finished your costume is as the point where you start playin- a lot of people do this and its just a waste of time. Get the bare bones together and then just -go-. Ive seen people do this and then they jsut never show up because they get in this mindset of "Oh well my costume isnt ready, guess I cant play". Dont do that to yourself! it takes, literally, an afternoon to put together a basic totally reasonable larp costume.

-NPC for your first time! its a reeeally good way to get introduced to how stuff works with the bare minimum of investment. Plus you get to meet people, learn first hand what you enjoy and best of all its FREE, plus they feed ya, plus they provide all your costume and makeup stuff. The bonus is that you get some extra points to start play with and if you NPC 5 times in a row, you get to PC a game for free.

-Come to fighter practice! this is the most absolutely casual way to start getting to know people.
Hello Shaya! Welcome to the group! B gives good advice. If you have any questions at all, you will find our player base incredibly helpful!! You can always email me at
If you guys are dead set about waiting until next year, we can always schedule a meetup to chat more. :)
