New to the area

Hi all,

I’ve been away from Alliance LARP a few years and have recently moved to the area. I’m thinking of joining the August event but have a few questions:
1) what time does the game start Thursday and end Sunday?
2) if I show up late (e.g. Friday) would it be better for me to just NPC? I wouldn’t want to break immersion by my arrival.
3) which rules set are we using? It looks like a new one is either released or will be released soon?
4) I’m new to the CMA system. It looks like my character is now blank, and I can choose all new skills for him now as if I had a spirit forge?
5) what kind of lodging options are there? Cabins with beds, toilets, showers?
6) is food provided? Fees? Mess kit needed?
7) anything else I should be asking or should know about?

Thanks all - I look forward to role playing with you!
Hey Patrick! I'm not on Logistics for the Kansas team, but I can answer a few of your questions.

1) Usually games start around 8-9pm, and end around noon.
2) I know a few people that are going to be showing up late and PCing. If you show up late, just be sure to unload your gear and get into character as soon as you are able. Unless you are deliberately interrupting people's roleplay, it shouldn't be a problem.
3) The Alliance 2.0 system is official as of May 31, 2019. There are still some tweaks being made, but the official rulebook all chapters are required to use can be downloaded here:
4) Due to the many skill changes in the 2.0 rules, all players got a Race change, and Spirit forge as part of the change. You may select any skills you have XP for, as well as change race if you'd like. This is a 1 time reset, and any selections cannot be changed, although there is a short period of time that skill purchases can be undone in the CMA if you make a mistake. ~1 hour. If you'd like to play around with the CMA without worrying about your official character, a "freeplay" version is available here:
5) The KS site has one building with a shower, and also has a few Yurts, and tabins available. The logistics team can probably chime in with a bit more info on the options.
6) Kansas has a meal plan for events, but it is an additional cost not included in the event fee.
7) It's a really good idea to look over the new rules before you come to game, as there have been a number of changes. In addition, if you had any magic items from before, those will need to be converted to the new 2.0 system before they can be used, even if the rituals on the items still exist.
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Hey Patrick,

I'm just now finally getting to this, sorry for the delay, but Wulfgar has all of that 100% spot on. We're a lot more active on our Discord, I'm going to send you a DM with that, if you'd like to join our online chats and whatnot.

Hope to see you soon! (I'll also still peruse around here plenty if this is your preferred method of chatter)
Thanks – these were very helpful!

A few follow up questions below:

4) Due to the many skill changes in the 2.0 rules, all players got a Race change, and Spirit forge as part of the change. You may select any skills you have XP for, as well as change race if you'd like. This is a 1 time reset, and any selections cannot be changed, although there is a short period of time that skill purchases can be undone in the CMA if you make a mistake. ~1 hour. If you'd like to play around with the CMA without worrying about your official character, a "freeplay" version is available here:

4a) Does the spirit forge come with new spell books to match our spell levels? Or the ability to pay for one, without having to find someone to copy from?

8a) what do I do with my old potions and scrolls? It appears that some of the incantations and spell names have changed. Do I just bring them into logistics and get them swapped out? And I assume the answer is the same for old spell books.

8b) same question for magic items. I have an LCO from another chapter and a “restricted” item.
One more thing:

9) I have some dragon stamps and would like to create a small magic item (just one ritual). I found the costs/etc but not how to purchase them. What is the process? Any chance I can have it made before the upcoming event?
4a) Does the spirit forge come with new spell books to match our spell levels? Or the ability to pay for one, without having to find someone to copy from?
Any spellbook you had previously will be converted to the new 2.0 spells. You will be missing the same number of spells you were previously, but can otherwise choose which spells are in the new book. Otherwise you will still need to acquire spells in game. Alternatively, you can spend 500 goblin stamps on a full earth or celestial spellbook, or 250 goblin stamps on a full alchemy book (minus any illegal recipes).

8a) what do I do with my old potions and scrolls? It appears that some of the incantations and spell names have changed. Do I just bring them into logistics and get them swapped out? And I assume the answer is the same for old spell books.
Old production items that do not exist can be changed out for similar production items. For the KS opener, I believe this is being done at monster camp. I am unsure if they will be providing new scroll reps, or just the item tags.

8b) same question for magic items. I have an LCO from another chapter and a “restricted” item.
All magic items, even if the rituals still exist need to be converted before they are able to be used. In most cases, items need to be converted in the chapter of origin. LCO items cannot be converted in any chapter but the chapter of origin, although restricted items can be converted at some chapters that have logistics permissions from the chapter of origin. This would need to be done ahead of time, so the item can be entered into the new system. For the KS opener, the deadline has already passed, although if you reach out to their logistics team, they might be able to help you out. No guarantees though.

9) I have some dragon stamps and would like to create a small magic item (just one ritual). I found the costs/etc but not how to purchase them. What is the process? Any chance I can have it made before the upcoming event?
All Dragon stamp item purchases need to be emailed to and the local chapter's logistics email that you wish to have the item created at. Once the dragon stamp purchase is completed, the local chapter will be given permission to create the item for you. I'd wager this is unlikely to happen by the KS opener, as this relies on a couple of different people's approval/time.
Check in begins at 6:30pm,
Game on 8/9pm depending on plot.
Old tags will be exchanged at monster camp for new tags. We do not provide reps.
Please bring your old spellbook and we'll get you a new one at game. Unless you plan to spend GS to buy a full one as Wulfgar stated. Magic items needed to be submitted by August 2nd for me to have time to finish converting them for this up coming event I'm afraid.

If you submit the tag to the logistics email I can have it emailed to your next event but it is a bit too late to request for this one. I'm just a one woman Logistics team sadly. Hence the late reply. is the email.
Please see the thread post for our Opener event for details on pricing for each style of lodging.

Let us know in the CMA if you require an outlet for health reasons.

There are several people who will not show up till Friday. No worries there.
Thanks. I will probably be showing up Thursday around 8 PM, so may get in game a little late.

I assume logistics will be open a bit beyond game start?
Thanks. I will probably be showing up Thursday around 8 PM, so may get in game a little late.

I assume logistics will be open a bit beyond game start?
Logistics hours are 630pm-930pm. I can be there late if I have enough heads up. 8pm is plenty of time for me to get you checked in and pointed to your lodging so you can unpack and kit up.