Newb Needs Edumacation!


Hey Everyone
I'm new to this whole Larping gig and I would love it if someone could teach me how to spar correctly. I flail around a bit when I get nervous and I don't want to hurt anyone. So if someone wouldn't mind taking a bit of time to show me how I would really appreciate it. I'll be at the opener this weekend...just look for the NPC that looks totally lost. :-p


Ray holds newbie orientation before each game. Just ask for Ray who plays Tabin.

And then come find HoR Sean, and i will pummel you mercilessly until you can defend yourself, just ask Jamie and Melissa about GOTEC combat training....
Sunnfire said:
I also need to be de-newb-ifyed.

I would also like to sign up for a GOTEC style beating.


Heads up, I'm not sure Sean uses foam. He use to play amtgard. :shock:
Sunnfire said:

You say that now. Just you wait.

I made the mistake of rednecking it up once with the good old ampgardians. Whilst LARPing, ever have some dude dressed like a mix between Braveheart Mel Gibson and a convict snap a 15 foot bamboo stick off of your plate mail, and then drop the F-bomb because you apparently broke his "f%&king sword"? Even better, ever LARP with a homeless looking kid dressed in a blue jump suit with a 12 inch pipe-foam(ish) shank, running and diving at people in an attempt to stab them?

Sean knows how to LARP, jail house style.
Deadlands wrote
ever have some dude dressed like a mix between Braveheart Mel Gibson and a convict snap a 15 foot bamboo stick off of your plate mail, and then drop the F-bomb because you apparently broke his "f%&king sword"? Even better, ever LARP with a homeless looking kid dressed in a blue jump suit with a 12 inch pipe-foam(ish) shank, running and diving at people in an attempt to stab them?
Sounds like most of my family functions.
the funny part is....i've had all those orientation bits and i've seen people using the foamies backwards sidewards over a shield etc...and i'm like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can i just run and hide now? BAHA!! as for being in line for that too this is my first time PCing i went to a rocky horror picture show once where all the RHPSvirgins had to hold a balloon between their knees and a veteran had to crawl on the ground and bite the balloon to pop it....I won't be doing that...poor veterans....BAHA!