

Hello Everyone,

I am a brand new Larper just starting out- now when I say new I mean really new.
Just wanting to introduce myself- I'm Itaeo, I'm hopefully going to start with some NPC characters before trying my hand at a PC, hopefully a Wyldekin.

Any advice, tips and tricks or suggestions would be really appreciated- I seriously know next to nothing.
What to bring - important stuff:
Any medieval style clothing/costuming you own.
Black pants and black shirt, as plain as possible. Logos should be avoided.
If you get cold easily, a black sweatshirt or sweater. Again, plain black is best.
Extra socks.
Footwear traits, in order of importance, are comfort, looking in period, not being distractingly modern
A Plan for sleeping, whether that is a tent and camping gear, a reservation at a local motel, or a comfortable back seat.
Toiletries in general, and deodorant in particular. Smelly people make for bad company, and becoming smelly is very possible.
Seriously, extra socks. If it rains you will be glad for them.
Snacks and drinks. We provide a meal Saturday evening (with a vegetarian option) and NPC camp often receives donations of snacks and drinks, but it can't hurt to bring your own to make sure you'll have something you want. If you have any dietary restrictions or allergies this is especially important. Also, please let us know ahead of time so we can make sure camp is safe for you.

Optional stuff:
Supplies to make a weapon. PVC or lighter core such as kitespar or graphite pole, open and closed cell foam, duct tape. There is no better way to learn than practicing alongside an expert, and we will have several on site. Not me, though. I am a klutz.
A camera. We love having people take pictures.
Your love and respect for the Boston Bruins.
Donations. We always need stuff. If you have any skills with theatrical makeup, costume making, or anything else that you would like to help out with, that sort of thing is always especially appreciated.
Friends! More people makes the game more interesting for everyone, and NPCs in particular are invaluable.

What not to bring:
Alcohol or any illegal drugs. There's no drinking during game, and playing while impaired is both dangerous and otherwise detrimental to the game.
Racist, sexist or any other discriminatory ideals. We try to be a welcoming, inclusive and respectful environment. Our game is not the place for hateful agendas.
High explosives, I guess? There's really no need for dynamite or anything like that.
Only one pair of socks.
Don't bring low explosives either, actually.

We have a training and rules intro session before every game for new players and players who want to refresh their memory, so whether you come as a PC or an NPC, you ideally won't feel like you've just wandered into the Ren Faire of Death completely blind.

I am guessing you've already taken a gander at the rule book, but familiarizing yourself with the basic concepts like the Hold rule, how combat is performed, and some of the effects you may suffer or wish to inflict on others is definitely a good idea!
Im so glad you mentioned a quick training session! I was wondering about that...