Newbies 1rst event


Hi all I'm looking forward to my very 1rst event next Saturday. I'm brand new to larping so bear with me lol. My Alter ego name is Phelan Marrok wolfkin scout extraordinar. Glad to be a part of such a great community and I look forward to meeting you all

Shawn Weir
ING. Phelan Marrok. Wolfkin scout

I would add that we love to see new "blood" but that seems to send the wrong message... <grin>

Have fun and find a friendly healer and a good blacksmith!
yay another furrie! You better stay away from my squirrels tho!! :ninja: tee hee you'll see what I mean! ;)
Yay squirrels :p

If my armor doesn't come in in time I don't think a blacksmith will help me much lol ....note to self bring a pillow because I think I will be on the grounds dead a lot :tears:
Garou - we've taken to not lying down during combat. Sitting with your arm over your head (to show 'oog' you should be down) is best (Especially at night) too easy to get stepped on. Also - protect your face even if sitting - don't be me and get whacked in the face by someone down-swinging their weapon. Much better to get hit in the forearm than in the cheek bone =Z (Somehow I earned the nickname 'indestructible face' from that though... go figure)

(as an aside - the word "Garou" more closely translates to "Were" "Loup Garou" would be the equivalent of "Were Wolf", but you could as easily be a "Lapin Garou" and be a "Were Rabbit", just a FYI ;) And yes I know White Wolf Games just uses 'Garou' Weird thought though - what happens when a -kin gets lycanthropy? :blink: )

If you don't get your armour - I'm sure some players would be okay casting low level spells like Shield (5 armour) and Bless (5 body) on you. I have armour, but am leary about getting into combat, because 10 points of armour + 8 body doesn't actually go very far if enemies are swinging for 5s. I usually steer well clear of 5+s. I even had Magic Armour, Bless and 'power cubes' (+5 body in addition to bless) and they still didn't go very far (I can't have 'Shield' on me 'cause it's icky Celestial magic). Pretty sure I burned through 5 Magic Armour pots last weekend... at 10 gobbies a pop except the ones I bought in game at 2 silver (oh wait, one was 'free' because it was someone my char knows well and he knows I'll return the favour if he needs something.. so yeah).

I'm in hyper/ramble mode atm, so I'll stop here before this becomes a 'wall of text'. :eek:

(OOH - rereading I just have to say - I was considering an owl-kin... Hibou Garou? That rhymes :p )
I wouldn't worry so much about dying too much. The Plot committee isn't there to kill people, we....

...hmmm, er, actually, yes, yes we are.

Bring your pillow.
