News Announcement- Arbor Hall of Records Partially Burned

An excerpt from a local Arborian Paper:

Last night a freak assault on Arbor by "reactionary" forces led by "The Emeral Archer" set ablaze the east wings second floor of the Arborian Library. Volunteer Firemen quickly controlled the blaze but several areas of the library sustained severe damage. Several anonymous tips sent to the Guards claim seeing men waving green banners emblazoned in the street as the Firemen arrived. The Town Guard has declined any further comment on the matter and claims suspects are "still at large".

Gladis Pockswaddle, assitant librarian's clerk, was found within the building but has lost all memory of the event. Healers speculate due to trauma as caused by the assault. "At least they only got part of the reference section and not historical records, we keep those in the basement" she exclaimed. Physicians prognosticate a complete recorvery for Ms. Pockswaddle.

Public Magistrates are condemning the actions of the Folk Villain "The Emeral Archer" for his wanton disregard for the safety, security, and artistic value held in such works. They decry further actions as "anarchy" and have increased the reward for information leading to his capture to 5 gold.

Citizens of Arbor grow weary of the continued unrest within the guilds some pointing to Mayor Horatio's Lack of desisive action as a factor in the spread of unrest.

"This cant go on forever you know, with all this phishing about and not doing anything of use its no wonder we havent gotten more troubles on our head. For all I care That pointed eared idiot and his chamber boy Rassh can piss up the nearest Scratch Bark Tree!" said a concerned and angry citizen.

Officials concerns grow over the lack of action of the Part of Briarpassians to quell the recent surge in rebel activity. An inquest has made its way to the High Magistrate for review asking for mobilization of the Militia in quelling the activities.