Next market day


we will have a journey man black smith this next market day. With skills to fashion many items. I would like to offer the workshop that was left in the memorence of jehyu to him as it would be most useful to someone with skills to appreciate one of the finest craftsman in the lands. If anyone has a discrepancy with him using it let me know.
I will be traveling to the library of the Mala'kari to learn more about prophecy that is said to be my peoples end. If anyone wishes to come with me I will be selective on who may come as I am the ambassador of some sorts between the adventures and the Mala'kari.
The contract appocolypes has been a treat to the adventuring group and I talking with my grandmaster they are a group that will keep taking from us regardless if we cave in. Don't get taken advantage of over and over.
If you have anything that you wish to do let us know as the lands are unsafe and going alone is very bad. Plan plan plan.

I don't believe any of us are foolish enough to believe that Contract Apocalypse will leave us alone if we don't mess with them, and rest assured that the only reason I took great lengths to appease them last market day was because we were ill-prepared to face them at the time. We will not be bending to their will, and once they start attempting extortion, measure will be taken.

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You talk as if you represent the adventures. I see no actions that would prove this as you ran to save your own skin to appease them without consorting with the others.
I have made friends with in the adventuring group and wish not to see them harm and will ask help of my people if the time arises that my friends are in danger. I would like to set a vote next market day as to whom speaks for the group and will make the decisions based on a groups thoughts.
The Mala'kari are my people and I stand with them. If they see use for me to stand next you the adventures I will do so. But I will not back foolish endeavors or those who wish to do harm to the Mala'kari.
Next market day will be set to make decisions and provide structure to the group as there is very little from what I saw this last time. If you want to disagree I see a easy way to leave this area as the mist is close and easy to move away. Those who wish to support this idea should meet at the tavern we were used when the mist moved us to the new lands. A name for such should be given to it so we can distinguish it easier.
I do not wish to be appointed leader nor a nobility status as my place is with the Mala'kari. I don't want to see any of my friends die from a disorderly group so what I am explaining now will happen or measure will be done to ensure the safety of only those who wish to band together as a group when a eminent threat arises.

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Pyke, it is you who presumes to speak for the adventurers, not I. As any adventurer who has been in our little band for any length of time can attest, we deal with problems our own way, for better or for worse. Regarding this disillusioned fantasy you have about democracy within the adventurers, you seem to foolishly overlook the fact that we already have leadership: Baron Havok, Sir Neo, Sir Robert, just to name a few. If you wish to speak with these aforementioned leaders, namely Baron Havok, about reforming our system, feel free to do so. Just don't be surprised when he gives you a blank stare and/or laughs in your face. You see, if you haven't figured this out over your short time among us, we are not a platoon of soldiers mobilized to defeat evil, but a conglomerate of individuals with vastly different goals, intentions, and agendas.

Additionally, I don't know which adventurers you identify as "friends", but don't you dare stand to judge my actions last market day by your twisted standards. Had I NOT acted as I did, your "friends" would've been painting the walls of the tavern. I don't think you, in your obvious inexperience, quite grasp the danger we were in: the most highly combat oriented House in these lands was threatening to kill every single one of us, in a time when many people are still weakened from their loss of powers due to the mists. We weren't even CLOSE to being prepared to take them on in any fashion, and what's more, they outnumbered us at LEAST a hundred to one. My actions spared many lives, and for your information, were I only trying to save my OWN hide, I would've simply hidden myself from the carnage that would've taken place, instead of direly risking my safety by running headlong into the corrupted mists chasing their envoy.

In conclusion, Mr. Embassador of the Mala-Kari, be sure to remember that as of now, the Mala-Kari are not allies of ours, nor does being our link to them afford you any power within the adventurers. Check your thoughts before you dream them, because as you've now blatantly stated, your alliegance lies with the Mala-Kari, NOT the adventurers, and statements like that do not build trust.

- Velnaeus Xevaz of the Seekers.

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You speak alot for knowing so little. These lands are my home. He laws and rules you do not know. The titles and ranks of nobility no will care because they are not of this land. But those among you should respect as they have care enough to gain the respect of someone with power.
I have spent more years in battle and understanding fighting than you have thought of adventuring. Even thou you know who has a leadership role from Arden, this is a new land and to survive you need to gain structure and understanding of the lands. You are so young and unknowing of so many things that you should bow out of trying to lead anyone as it will only get others killed. Becomes a follower and help when it is needed but your leadership skills and understandings are becomes less and less as you keep living. I do be little you on purpose to show that you need to be checked as your actions are becoming dangerous in my lands.
You can run your mouth but i will not tolerate your actions.
[Harsh and boisterous laughter echoes through the dream.] You are as misinformed as you are misguided, Stone Elf. I've lived over two hundred years, and seen more than my fair share of the workings of the sentient races: the setting may change, but people are the same wherever you go. In regards to the fact this is "your world", you seem to know far too little about it to chastise me in the matter. Furthermore, never once did I say I was vying for any leadership, I simply stated the facts: first, that we HAVE leadership already, and second, that you have STATED that you are NOT, IN FACT, A ADVENTURER, PYKE. 'The Mala-Kari are my people, and I stand with them.' Therefore, how we govern is NOT. YOUR. CONCERN. NOR your right to interfere OR hold any kind of 'vote'. I've tried to be civil and use soft words, but since stone elves don't understand emotion, I guess VOLUME will have to suffice.

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This bickering is less than amusing. You took a fact you agreed upon, that bending to the will of Contract Apocalypse was ill advised, and turned it into a shouting match about representation and leadership. In doing so, you have both shown a lack of leadership skills, and more importantly, a lack of willingness to work together to resolve something you agree on. This is silly.

If you are referring to Jehyu's Haven, I believe it is still under construction in Dragonreach. Should you be referring to a local workshop I do not know of, since you are the first to ask, I see no issue with this unless it is reserved by his family or guild. I suggest you seek clarification on the locale before offering it to your friend for use.

I have not yet heard of the Mala'kari. I would like to aid you in this endeavor. As we are recently relocated here, any information or allies are worth pursuing. Pyke, if you would continue to act as liaison, it would be appreciated.

Velnaeus Xevaz, I believe learning the full potential of these shards of Arden is of utmost importance. Will you continue to research and document your findings without actually using any shards? Until we have a better grasp of their proliferation, it is unwise to waste them on what may be comparatively trivial things.

Contract Apocalypse is rumored to be well equipped. Do not poke the hornets nest unless you are prepared to be stung. And please remember, as Baron Havok would say, "we don't life stupid."

While the idea of a vote, or democracy is interesting, it is unnecessary. We already have nobility among the adventurers. Regardless of that, people will follow whom they will, elected or not.

Just as many of us are from Valdanis, Pyke is Mala'kari. This does not preclude him from being an adventurer anymore than it does anyone else. I am both House Silverbane, beholden to my lands in Valdanis and my people, and House of Games, my guild and adventuring family. The adventurers are a conglomeration of many people, from many lands, with many viewpoints. Ideally we all come together to achieve that which we could not achieve on our own.

As a town, we do have many things to accomplish. On the first evening of the next gather, I will be at the pavilion on the back trail from the tavern to the cabins. The tavern echoes far to much for my taste, and the front pavilion is hosting two circles. Any who wish to present information or perchance take the lead on an endeavor should attend. I have a variety of tasks to be accomplished. I know Baron Havok has a few things to say as well.

~Baroness Ahlana Antaro Silverbane
of Abalyss, within the Forest of Life, Valdanis

I realize my temper may have gotten the best of me, I'm sure you realize the implications of what he has stated. I will leave it at that.

More importantly, I have a way to learn everything we need to know about the Shards, if I can obtain another. You see, Foss, while he did waste a shard by simply breaking it, he also proved that a single shard can tell you all of their uses and capabilities. Be that as it may, one person's mind cannot handle all the information at once, and as we saw with Foss, only a fraction of it was retained. Using my expertise in creation and the Seeker's Tome's special properties, however, I can channel that information through myself INTO the book, and create a full compendium of the Shards' capabilities! Yes, it would cost a Shard to do so, but it is undoubtedly the quickest and most thorough way to go about this, as I've already learned nearly everything that can be learned about them without their use.

- Velnaeus Xevaz of the Seekers.

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I realize my temper may have gotten the best of me, I'm sure you realize the implications of what he has stated. I will leave it at that.

More importantly, I have a way to learn everything we need to know about the Shards, if I can obtain another. You see, Foss, while he did waste a shard by simply breaking it, he also proved that a single shard can tell you all of their uses and capabilities. Be that as it may, one person's mind cannot handle all the information at once, and as we saw with Foss, only a fraction of it was retained. Using my expertise in creation and the Seeker's Tome's special properties, however, I can channel that information through myself INTO the book, and create a full compendium of the Shards' capabilities! Yes, it would cost a Shard to do so, but it is undoubtedly the quickest and most thorough way to go about this, as I've already learned nearly everything that can be learned about them without their use.

- Velnaeus Xevaz of the Seekers.

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Velnaeus Xevaz of the Seekers,

I appreciate your fervor in talent and research, yet I do not think that breaking another shard is the key. There are other methods to determining location and origin of any item. If we could obtain both Lore and Vision scrolls and cast the rituals upon a shard then the caster would also know very pertinent information. There are the less traditional universal and ancient magics that could be employed as well.

If the shards cannot be understood directly then divination can be used to get us down the correct path. Any medium would suffice. I do not think that all of the answers will appear unto us directly, we will have to work for them. And either a Lore or Vision would point us in the correct path. I am very concerned that there are a finite number of shards in the world. What if we need them all to heal the myst or another yet unknown purpose?

Lady FallingStar
Lady Fallingstar,

If it will help, let me share everything I've learned about the Shards. That may help explain my conclusion creating a compendium is the best way to go about this.
The Shards of Arden are fragments of what I've named a World Core. These World Cores are the residual Magic of a world being forged, similar to the sparks that fly off a blacksmith's anvil. As such, it's existence is not directly linked to Arden, and therefore does not harm Arden upon it's use. Furthermore, the magic contained within the shards is the base of all magic, the One Magic that I study. It has been referred to as Creation magic, seeing as it was used to create the universe, but that's not quite accurate, as there is a slightly lesser version of this that I've used for some time which is named Creation. For now, we will call it the One Magic. As for it's magical composition, and I will apologize that I must revert to academic terms for this, the structure is mono-ethereal with no innate bonding, allowing it to take nearly any form as per the user's Will. Hand in hand with this, the Shards so far have all contained the same amount of energy, and can only be used by breaking them and releasing the One Magic sealed within the planar Crystal barrier, and what aspect the magic takes is defined by the user's Will. If the user has nothing in mind for it, and is simply breaking the shard to break it, the magic will go wild, and quite literally anything could happen. That being said, their uses are nearly infinite, and as they operate on the level of the One Magic, they defy conventional rules of magic and even certain rules of physics; nearly anything the user wishes to happen will happen to some extent, but as the One Magic contained is a finite amount, the magnitude of the effect varies its complexity, as they follow the law of diminishing returns. For example, with one shard, I could create a weapon that can harness any foundational element, earth, and chaos, but it would only probably last an hour, whereas I could make a sword channel flame for a few months, maybe even a year. Simply put, the shards are best used for one strong effect, a single purpose. Finally, though for the moment, I seem to be the only one this applies to, any aptitude with controlling Will based magics aids the user in controlling the One Magic within.

That is everything pertinent about the Shards. As you can see, other than how many shards exist, we know everything important that a lore or vision could tell us. What we really need is what magnitude a single shard will produce of specific effects, especially if we plan to use them for cleansing something, as trial and error will not be desirable for such a task. In conclusion, I can assure you that creating the compendium would be worth a shard, as by the frequency they've shown up, the least amount we're dealing with is over a hundred. Knowing exactly what we can do with them would be indispensable, and would aid in stopping their frivolous use.

- Velnaeus Xevaz of the Seekers.

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