Next market day


A plan is only affective if there is a plan in first place.
What are there to accomplish to make the settlement secure or to create trading with the surrounding area?
And word from contract appocolypes and their intentions?
Does anyone have information regarding the mist and how the lands are connected?

I can't speak much for the other three, but as for Contract Apocalypse, their intentions are profit. That's about it. They don't care much what it is, as long as they can profit from it.

- Velnaeus Xevaz of the Seekers.

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Looks like a lot needs to be accomplished. There will be multiple things that should happen so the boarders are secure and a alliance with certain fractions. There are no rules for this land and havok may have quoted some basic rules to live by but a written charter should be placed with punishments followed out.

Fortifications are the major improvement I believe we need for this settlement. We need allies as well, and to choose our enemies wisely.

I believe that, while they may be a bit over-zealous, the White Wyverns may be a group we should ally ourselves with, at least for now. They seem powerful with strong morals that are a necessity when choosing allies. I'm not sure whether or not we have any groups who would call themselves enemies of us, or that we need to directly work against.
I'm actually quite wary of Contract Apocalypse. Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to avoid making enemies of them, they are in the pursuit of nothing but money, and have locked onto the Shards. It's almost undoubtably that they'll try to extort us for shards once more, an eventuality we should be prepared for. Meanwhile, we still aren't positive on what we'll even be _doing_ with said Shards of Arden, so that's another topic of discussion. Currently, using them is forbidden without permission from a knight or above, and I tend to agree with that until we know how many there are and also how exactly they affect the world. We know that they are shards of a powerful caster's spirit, but I'm still working on figuring out their consequences: so far, it's been difficult to find such a thing out without using them, but I've managed to gather from the time I DID use them, as well as from extensive study, that when used correctly, they do not leave any lingering magic nor have any effect on the spirit of the person using them. The rest, I'm still working on.

- Velnaeus Xevaz of the Seekers.

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