Next year's calendar dates?

I would like to second the motion for a 2016 schedule, please.

Trying to pick a "local chapter" and I'm in a weird place where Asheville, Charlotte and Chicago are about the same distance.
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Crossroads uses their facebook page as their primary mode of communication:

Make sure you put (IG) and (OOG) at the front of your post if it's in game or out of game, respectively. They had a calendar posted once with prospective dates, but I don't know where that went.

The next game is this coming weekend, there is no game in December, but I believe games in January, March, and April with potentially a V-day faire day.

I am not staff either, but there are many staff on the FB page that can help you out.
So I was very wrong. First full game in the new year is the first weekend of April. They are looking at having faire days before then, though.