

As many of you know the nightmares are getting worse and the creatures they bring are getting stronger. If an infected person dies in the nightmare, he or she will die permanently. We have already lost two villagers and two children to this. None of which had died previously so their spirits were strong and should have been able to make the resurrection. I am requesting that everyone who knows anything regarding the nightmares and the nightmare creatures to please respond with any information they have. Here is the list of knowledge I have acquired from others as well as from personal experience with the creatures. If you know any of this is incorrect or have anything to add that I missed, please respond and let all know the information needed to deal with this infection.

- From what we can tell the creatures are not necessarily elementals; however, they are not exactly from this plane. While on this plane, a banish will send them back to the nightmare. Though if you are in the nightmare itself, a banish will do nothing for that is its home plane.

- Some of the creatures have the ability to open a portal to the nightmare. From what I experienced, the creature sent those that were asleep through the portal; though those still awake could cross through the portal of their own will. The portal seems to stay open for about five minutes. Once through the portal into the nightmare, the portal cannot be used to cross back over to our plane.

- All of the creatures I have encountered had some ability to put people to sleep. Once the victim is asleep, the creature would then try to taint the person’s dreams, causing the person to be infected with the nightmares. They are also sound enough of mind to steal your equipment after putting you to sleep.

- Those infected by the nightmares go into a coma-like sleep. Some have slept for weeks or even months without waking. Then the nightmare kills them and their spirit finds the nearest Earth Circle, but they are unable to resurrect.

- The infection may have become contagious by this point. A villager, the husband to the woman and father to the children that did not resurrect, came to us looking for his family. He had not slept for weeks himself. While speaking to us, he passed out and entered a nightmare. Somehow the infection is spreading.

- Anyone infected as well as their families or anyone else they might have infected need to sleep in either Enan’s Keep or the cabin near the tavern in Encampment 42 that Enan sleeps in during market days. Enan has said the cabin has a more powerful enchantment on it. If the tavern requires payment for those infected to sleep in the cabin, please let the tavern keep know to bill either myself, Pandora, or the Earth Guild.

- If you attempt a resurrection for a spirit and you believe they are infected, please let the Earth Guild know, especially if the spirit does not resurrect. Once the Earth Guild has received this information, they can try to track down the individual’s family and let them know the sad news as well as have the family sleep in an enchanted room in order to make sure the family is not infected as well.

- It has been said that the creatures are weak to Awaken spells and Break Commands. How so I do not personally know.

- Using an Awaken on an infected person whilst he or she sleeps causes the nightmare creatures to appear on our plane and begin violence against those present. As will taking the sleeping person into the enchanted rooms.

- It has been said that an Awaken on the person having the nightmare while in the nightmare may either end the nightmare or make it worse. Also if it is said in the nightmare that it’s a dream and not real, that may cause the nightmare to get worse as well.

- Hags have been seen in these nightmares. They are powerful though have been known to speak cryptically with the adventurers, sometimes regarding finding a man. It was told to me that there are three hags total.

- Some believe the nightmare creatures are Corrupt. Maybe not all of the nightmare creatures but at least some of the more powerful ones. If this is true, I cannot say. From what I have gathered, many show similar abilities to Corrupt as well as similar appearance. What this means is anyone’s guess. A few theories are they are real Corrupt that ended up on the plane of Nightmares; they are nightmare creatures that have been Corrupted; or since they are nightmare creatures, they have taken on the appearance of Corrupt.

Any further information would be appreciated. The nightmares are spreading quickly and the enchantments for Blissful Rest will not last much longer. We need to work together to deal with this threat.

Also please let me know any information you may have regarding a traveling glassmaker, Marcus Malone. He may be infected, which means he may be spreading the infection in his travels.

Thank you for your time.

With hope,
~Soon complete it shall be,
My beloved sisters three.
With strength in numbers, he shall be freed,
The final batch, will fill our greed.
What dreams may come, we do not know,
Dream now my sisters, so our army may grow~

-3 voices, rasping in unison
Well, I'll take that as confirmation that there are three hags. Anybody have anything more to add to all this so we can be ready to deal with this as soon as possible?

With hope,
Army. I heard army there. What kind of army?? And who shall be free?

This is Marcus. I want to help. I don't want to infect any more people. I'll do whatever you need me to do. For my families the families I've also infected that haven't yet had their spirits taken do what you need of me.


I beg you!

Let this nightmare truly end! Pandora......I can't say where I am here...but I'll contact you.......they hear everything....and I can't stop seeing ...... ...... ...... ......
Oh love, my true love, how long have we been from your touch?
We do, what we must for you, our true love!
The days run long, and we were without you,
The days run short, and we are still without you my love, our love!
But freed you shall be my love, our love
Such people give up their spirits for you,
Soon the nightmare shall end, and sweet dreams shall follow
For you my love, our love, we shall summon it,
It shall help to set you free, but more people we shall need!
Do not worry my love, our love, the time will come at last,
We shall call to it, we shall bring it to our plane, the master of dreams will help set you free,
The price it needs is almost achieved, fear not my love, our love, what took you away will not stay,
Once it comes, and it feeds, free you it shall, with certainty,
My love, our love, our eternal love for thee, just a few more days, and you shall be freed!

- 3 alternating raspy voices chanting in unison
A reminder of Pandora's knowledge seems in order.

-Lillith C. Winters
Yes, a reminder indeed.
A reminder of betrayal, of broken promises, of mistrust.
Listen to Lilly Winters.
She tells you the truth.
She does not lie.
She only betrays.
She is selfish.
She does not want my love, our love saved.
Do what is right.
Undo your deceit.
Watch him come from the stars.
Kneel before his power.
Watch as he devours your spirit.
Do nothing.
Say nothing.
