Nomad Curse: Highly OP; here's a case for improving on it


I’d like to start an open conversation locally about potential for change within the skill Nomad Curse*. I understand that this skill is on the chopping block for consideration of wholesale deletion from the game.

* I recognize that, at present, Denver is choosing to use the old name of this skill for clarity during in-play use – Outside of game play, I figure that there’s no real reason to carry on the tradition of the outmoted skill name, so I’m gonna roll with “Nomad Curse” in this discussion. :)

FYI: Nomad Curse is detailed in pertinent part on PDF pp. 61-62 of the ARB, and further described earlier on PDF p. 44.

I believe that Nomad Curse is one of the most highly overpowered skills in the current Alliance game. I think that this skill has tremendous potential for abuse, and for ruining a player’s whole experience with a victim character. I strongly advocate for change within this skill, using the following scale:

Leaving the skill as it is (sux!) <
Deleting it from the game (boo!) <
Improving the skill so it’s no longer O.P. (yay!)​

Progressive rules changes over the years, stemming from the historical origins of Alliance as part of the NERO system, have attempted to homogenize so much in the game system. There is little in the rules system itself which remains uniquely flavored, colorful. Nomad Curse is one such element, and I think its benefits in creativity and flavor are worth preservation. The “roleplay” mental powers for Biata and Stone Elf characters carry similar power to really mess up a character’s day with their power to reveal confidential information, or influence the mind and personality in-game. I understand that those abilities are not currently on the chopping block at this time. There is much that we can do to improve Nomad Curse without simply kicking it to the curb – and I’d like to convince you of that.

As the skill is currently written, Nomad Curse is overpowered. It has tremendous power to really ruin a player’s fun! Here’s some problems:
  • Nomad Curse cannot miss; it is point and click to use. There is no delivery via packet or melee weapon.
  • The victim’s only defense is not being there. There is no magical protection against this. You can’t dodge it. Use of the skill works through Wards, Circles of Power, and so forth.
  • The only ways to remove Nomad Curse are for the victim to resurrect, or for use of the specific reverse of the skill, Remove Nomad Curse. There is strong cultural obstruction in-game toward removing another Nomad’s curse.
  • Mean-spirited, or even just uncreative use of the skill really has potential to ruin a player’s fun through effects that the victim player might consider embarrassing out-of-game, or which at the very least run contrary to the character archetype one wishes to play. What’s funny for 5 minutes gets a whole lot less funny as time goes on – especially with the potential of event after event with no clear cure except taking a death to resurrection for the victim. Here are some examples straight out of the rulebook:
  • Uncontrollable Actions: Rhyme, bark, laugh, jump, sing, sneeze, skip, cough, whistle, limp, trip, spin, cry “with everything you say and do.”
  • Deformities: Grow a pig’s tail, grow warts upon your face, sprout the mane of a lion.
  • Personality Changes: “Become the opposite of yourself.” A Nomad can point-and-click, with no defense available except not being there, and without chance of miss or failure – curse a character to become the opposite personality than natural.
Whoa! Talk about O.P.! Those are not small effects!

Bad side: The use Nomad Curse can belittle and degrade a player into behavior that is embarrassing out-of-game, or least not “cool.” Few people are interested in spending $65 and a weekend of their free time in having their conversation restricted because they can speak only in rhyme, or stumbling around in big fat clown shoes… or taking their free-spirited, devil may care independent hero and having that turned into a cowering, subservient wisp in the opposite of what the player wanted to play.

Upside: The free form of Nomad Curse allows for tremendous storytelling potential! It’s a real game changer, and that does have the potential to be fuel to great roleplay. A creative, cleverly delivered curse, wherein the punishment of the curse fits the crime of whatever offense committed within the game can be the act that “punishes” a character and at the same time rewards a good roleplayer with more opportunity for great roleplay.

We can put together a version of this skill that limits the potential for fun killing, and encourages good storytelling.

  • Potential for Failure: Make it packet-delivered, under the normal spellcasting rules. Complete a verbal, throw a packet. Stopped by all the barriers, both real and magical that stop packets.
  • Out-of-Game Oversight / Marshall Presence: Maybe the Nomad needs a Marshall present to preapprove the content of the curse, and witness its casting?
  • In-Game Oversight / Elder: What if Nomad Curse cannot be delivered on the spot, but is a ritual? Perhaps culturally, some IG Authority (tribal leader, local wiseperson, whatever) must approve the use and content of the curse? Put in an IG oversight body.
  • In-Game Oversight / Numbers: Instead of having to draw on Plot resources for an NPC in the form of that IG Authority, what if use of the skill takes more than 1 Nomad to bestow? Perhaps 3 are needed to enact the curse. This encourages players to rally friends to play the race with them, encourages IG teamwork. Perhaps there can be an option where it could be 3 Nomads, or 6 persons of any race – building community outwardly even if there aren’t many Nomads in the local game. This would provide community oversight against bad curses.
  • Condition for Removal Within the Verbal: One decision that I made personally in my Nomad play is that the delivery of the curse MUST include the condition for making right and having it removed. “Until you pay back the 3 gold you stole from me….” This puts control into the hands of the victim, letting them know exactly what they have to do to appease the Nomad bestowing the curse, and get out of it.
  • Let the Punishment Fit the Crime: Add an IG rule that the nature of the curse might be fitting for the offense committed. You cheated me at cards? Pig nose or lisping won’t fix this. Having to say, “I cheated Lola at cards” at the end of every sentence might make more sense. This still has potential for embarrassment, and diminished fun (but so does a Paralyze spell!) – but, again, it puts control into the victim’s hands, encouraging the making of good in-game, not merely the punishment of having done wrong.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of possibilities – and I’ll be honest that I don’t even like some of these, myself! It gives you an idea, however, that there are really very easy improvements that we could make to this skill right now instead of just deleting it wholesale from the game. I believe that the game world will be a little less colorful, and more drab for loss of Nomad Curse.

Thanks for reading through this – I welcome any and all ideas that you have here on this.

Trace Moriarty
This is an amazing idea to fix something I've had an issue with ever since reading the rulebook. First thing I thought seeing the curse was how out of control it was. These are great suggestions on how to make it more acceptable! Before I had hoped it was fully deleted but I feel this would allow it to stay in game while balancing it out for everyones enjoyment of the game.
I won't be playing in the Denver Chapter,
But I think this suggestion is Fantastic and would benefit all the chapters if this sort of change to the power were
These are some really simple yet effective ideas, Trace!

I especially like making the punishment fit the crime and adding a condition for removal within the curse. This can help corral the people using curses for silly reasons, while still maintaining the flavor of the curse.

Thanks for getting this topic rolling!
I'm really hoping to garner some grass roots player support for keeping - but improving on - this skill. I appreciate everyone's support -- and particularly your detailed feedback, Mac!

If anybody else has new ideas to add to the list, or if - like Mac - you have an opinion about something in particular here that catches your interest, I appreciate the specific and detailed feedback on my pitch.

Thanks, all!

Friends and I discussed this idea further since I originally posted this thread. Additionally, my Nomad PC cast the Nomad's Curse this weekend, and we learned a few things in that course that I'd like to share:
  • Cory came up with the idea to add a time limit into the curse when delivered, not to exceed a maximum limit of, "a year and a day."
  • What do you think of a tier of time limits that require more Build Points/level of Nomad's Curse to increase that? For example, for 1 use of the skill, you can generate a curse to last 1 event, with 2 uses it can last 1 month, then a year and a day or something?
  • What would you further think if multiple Nomads could team up to pool use of their skills? So two Nomads each utilize 1 use of the skill, and together produce a curse that lasts 1 month or something?

  • This weekend, the PC who received the Nomad's Curse that my PC delivered had the excellent idea to approach me OOG, and ask me to write on the back of the character card the exact terms of the curse, so there is no ambiguity through memory from being overtired and dehydrated and busy at the event like we all are. I thought that was super smart, and a great suggestion for clarity!
The assertation that the thing is overpowered is contradicted by giving it harder parameters that actually give it greater mechanical legitimacy rather than stem it and it dosnt make it any harder to cast.

Its also contradicted by this from the book:

"This curse is intended to entertain through
humor or drama. If it becomes overly burdensome
or embarrassing out-of-game, it is not entertaining.

At the time the Curse is cast, a player
who would suffer out-of-game embarrassment
or difficulty with role-playing the Curse may
negotiate out-of-game for a different curse.
However, he or she must eventually accept one
of the listed curses."

- the person receiving the curse has to agree to it or one of multiple options and the point is to create humor or drama: NOT negatively affect someone's gameplay ooc any profound way. If someone is useing it to a degree where it is considered OP, both the caster, and the person accepting/receiving, did it wrong and the player is within their rights to say 'screw it, this is not fun, therefore it is breaking it's own rules, im not doing it'... OR ask an ooc re-negotiateing as per the rules till something is arrived at that works. Likewise, it is not within the scope to make ANYONE do ANYTHING they are uncomfortable with OOC, the rules specifically state against it. Its meant to be COOPERATIVE roleplay skill (to the tune of 'Yes,and...'), not a true pvp one ('TASTE MY SHEET!"), thats why its so flimsy mechanically. I will not treat it any differently and neither should anyone else.

Not that any of this will matter when the new rules comes out. But this is all completely needless.
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1 vote for no change necessary noted! Thanks for your input.

No. I think there should be LOTs of change to bring it into line with how the rest of the system works or that it should be ditched entirely as a mechanic and left entirely to negotiable roleplay to let it be what it is in a more story-positive format (NONE of wich matters because a new system is comign out eventually). Im saying your presentation of possibilities and problems is incorrect per the actual writeup and that saying it is Over-powered is based on misuse and misunderstanding of the actual rules and players who play it and who dont both unfamiliar with the straightup rules and their rights as players in the game. Your innitial writeup literally says it can do things that it cannot and cannot be used for.

If it is not FUN for all involved, if it does not CREATE gameplay, if it does not ENCOURAGE story that is good for EVERYBODY involved, it is not a legal gypsy curse per the rules.
Full writeup, pg 65

For each time this skill is bought, a selunari
may bestow or remove one Selunari Curse per
day. (Be warned, however, that there is a strong
cultural bias among the selunari tribes about
removing these curses without express permission
from the curser or the tribe’s leader.)
A selunari should not bestow a curse on
another unless he or she feels that the offending
being has somehow insulted them or threatened
their well-being.

This curse is intended to entertain through
humor or drama. If it becomes overly burdensome
or embarrassing out-of-game, it is not entertaining.
At the time the Curse is cast, a player
who would suffer out-of-game embarrassment
or difficulty with role-playing the Curse may
negotiate out-of-game for a different curse.
However, he or she must eventually accept one
of the listed curses.

In order to bestow a Curse, the selunari
must be able to see the victim and must be able
to speak. Note that this skill is not packet-delivered.
You may not bestow a Curse if Silenced,
unconscious, or blindfolded. The selunari can
even be bound or magically held and still be
able to cast a Curse as long as they can still talk
and see the victim. The Curse will pass through
a Ward, Wall of Force, Wizard Lock, Circle of
Power, or any other magical barrier since the
curse is not magical.

The Curse takes effect immediately upon
the completion of the Curse verbal. The victim
has to hear the Curse being given by the
selunari. (Unconscious victims cannot be
Cursed.) The effects aren’t noticeable until the
victim is given all applicable props, instructions,
etc. A Hold should not be called unless absolutely

The Curse will remain in affect until removed
by a Remove Selunari Curse or by the
resurrection of the victim.

In order to remove a Curse, a selunari must
simply touch the Cursed character and state
“Your Curse is Removed.” The Cursed character
must be willing and conscious. Note that
this uses one of the character’s Selunari Curses
for the day. One Remove Selunari Curse will
rid the victim of all active Selunari Curses.
Ideally, removal of the Curse should be
role-played out with the kind of great theatrical
spectacle that selunari love. Lots of bell ringing, incense burning and requiring
the person who is having the
Curse removed walk backwards
or do other silly things fits right
in with the selunari character even
if these things do not actually remove
the Curse. (After all, making
non-selunari look foolish is a
favorite selunari pastime.) The
character who needs the Curse removed
should probably not be
aware that all of these things are
unnecessary, for what selunari
would reveal a secret like that?

Spell defenses do not block
Selunari Curses, nor can they be
Dodged or Resisted. Selunari
Curses are not magical, and so
cannot be removed by a Dispel
Magic, or even the Destroy Magic
effects of Formal Magic.

Selunari verbals are unlike
spell verbals, although like spell
verbals they must be stated in a
voice that is heard and understood
by everyone. They all begin with
a little personalized prefix of the
selunari’s choice, such as “May a
thousand ills befall me if. . .”,
“May my favorite horse break all
his legs if. . .”, “May I suffer a
long and painful death if. . .” and
so on. Selunari are encouraged to
come up with their own colorful

Selunari Curses are all roleplaying
Curses only. The Cursed
player should not allow the Curse
to hinder or prevent the use of any
Game Ability in any way. You can
still fight, cast, use alchemy, perform ritual
magics, and use any skill while Cursed. The
Curse is not intended as a combat effect and
should never affect safety in combat.

The Cursed player should try to act out
the effects of the Curse as often and completely
as possible. The Curse is intended as an in-game
nuisance, embarrassment, and hindrance.
Following is a list of Curses that are allowed.
You are not allowed to create your own

Uncontrollable Action: “(Individual prefix)
if you do not ______ with every thing you
do and say!” Fill in the blank with some inconsequential
but annoying action like the following:

Rhyme, bark, laugh, jump, sing, sneeze,
skip, cough, whistle, limp, trip, spin, cry, etc.
Effects: The Cursed character must attempt
to make all sentences rhyme, will constantly
trip, giggle or sneeze uncontrollably, or will otherwise
abide by the requirement of the curse.

Deformities: “(Individual Prefix) if you
do not _______!” Fill in the blank with something
along the following lines: Grow a pig’s
tail, grow warts upon your face, sprout the mane
of a lion, etc.

Effects: The player must wear the appropriate
makeup or mask to simulate the change
of appearance. These items must be supplied
by the selunari bestowing the Curse.
A player may refuse to wear a mask or
appendage if he or she feels it may be a hindrance
in combat or a safety hazard, and can
refuse to wear makeup in the case of allergies
or similar reasons. In these cases, the selunari
may replace the Curse with another from the
Curse list, such as an Uncontrollable Action or
Personality Change.

A Deformity curse may not be used to
simulate the appearance of another race or
monster (no vampire fangs, no elf ears, no
ghoul’s claws, etc.). It may only be used to simulate
the features of real life animals or deformities.
No such deformities can ever be used offensively
as weapons.

This Curse cannot be used to disguise
someone. Anyone affected by the Curse should
still be recognizable as their character.
Personality Changes: The
following two Curses can affect
how your character thinks or acts
in-game. It is entirely up to the affected
player to decide how to
properly role-play a given Curse,
not the selunari who bestowed it.

1. “(Individual Prefix) if you
do not help those less fortunate
than yourself!”
Effects: The affected character
will attempt to aid any non-hostile
player they see in trouble or that
requests help.

2. “(Individual Prefix) if you
do not become the opposite of
Effects: The affected character
should take some significant
facet of their personality and reverse
it. A greedy character may become
a philanthropist, a cowardly
character might charge bravely into
conflict, and a normally peaceful
and reasonable character might become
aggressive and short-tempered.
Note that this should be an
important aspect of your character
that changes. Saying “before I was
cursed, my favorite color was blue,
but now that I have been cursed,
it’s green” is certainly not in the
spirit of this rule.

This Curse does not act as a
Dominate effect
; it does not necessarily
turn the antagonistic
Cursed victim into the selunari’s
best friend. Remember, it is the affected player’s
choice as to how his or her character’s personality
is affected.
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