Not from Andar


Rain and Boulder not from Andar, just travel threw it. Rain and Boulder will do as the Elders of new village ask, but Rain and Boulder not Andarian, do no think you can boss us around with what you think is the power you hold over us. Worse you can do is kill us, then Rain and Boulder win anyways, we return to Mother. Rain and Boulder help when asked, but demand and receive nothing.

Brother right, we not uder rule of you king, this not Andar, this new land far from Andar. No let townsfolk learn defense, enforce own laws and rules on these people. That how you conqur and enslave people. Sir Avaran not Sir, you tyrant. how many moons pass before you tax people too? You tyrants with title ask boulder nice, maybe he help, you try order and boulder cut you tongue out.

Our laws and rules do not apply to the people of Tarndale and their laws do not apply to us. But since we are their guests, it is our obligation to honor their requests and their traditions and laws. I have no intention of getting involved in their way of life; they are free to govern themselves and live their lives under their laws; they are also free to ask us to leave, and if they did, I would see to it that we did.

Put simply, our agreement is basically this: If they have an issue with an Andarian or someone where with us, they will bring it to my attention and I will deal with it. If we have a problem with one of them, I am to bring it to their Elder's attention and he will dole out justice as their laws and customs warrant.

I have no legal right or authority over the native populace, nor have I said as much; if I implied that at any point, it was not my intention. My authority is only over Andarians, and those who came here with Andarians; while you may not be from Andar, you are living here under Andar's Flag. If you do not wish for it to be this way, you are free to leave our part of town and live elsewhere, and our laws will not apply to you either, and you would be free to live and do as you please. However, remember that you would no longer be protected by Andarian law and I would not be responsible for your well-being, as I am now.

My intent is to be as "hands-off" as I can be, but I will not stand by and let things get flushed down the privy. All I ask is that we respect the locals and their laws and requests, and remember our own laws when dealing with each other.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or think I am not seeing an important point, I invite you to seek me out. I am always willing to listen. I do not claim to know everything, nor do I claim to be infallible. If you feel I can do something differently, I invite your suggestions for improvement.

In service,
Sir Avaran
So, for clarification, the Elders of Tarndale, that is to say, their leaders, have deemed that the citizens of Tarndale are not to learn any of our skills? They ask your help in enforcing this, Sir Avaran, and therefore the proclaimation? They wish that we respect their laws?

I take no issue with this unless by "citizens of Tarndale," you include the Family; Shepherds as they are called by those of Tarndale. Family business is Its own and neither of Tarndale nor of Andar. Is this acceptable, or shall I face death and banishment myself for teaching the Family what It asks for?
prashka said:
So, for clarification, the Elders of Tarndale, that is to say, their leaders, have deemed that the citizens of Tarndale are not to learn any of our skills? They ask your help in enforcing this, Sir Avaran, and therefore the proclaimation? They wish that we respect their laws?

And since we are, among other reasons, their guests and in their land, I felt it a reasonable request.

I take no issue with this unless by "citizens of Tarndale," you include the Family; Shepherds as they are called by those of Tarndale. Family business is Its own and neither of Tarndale nor of Andar. Is this acceptable, or shall I face death and banishment myself for teaching the Family what It asks for?
Does your Family consider themselves citizens of Tarndale? This would be most unusual for Gypsy, but this valley is not what we are used to, and so I have to ask.

If not, I would say that your Family may live by your Family's laws and customs, as it always has in every land I have ever heard of. I would simply ask that they not teach any citizen of Tarndale.

As a favor though, I ask that you not teach them just yet, so that I may ask their "Papa" what his wishes are in regard to this. If he does not have any issue with it, then neither do I. But given the delicate nature of things, I would like to hear from him personally on the matter.

In service,
Sir Avaran
BDawg said:
Good, you speak with Boulder and Rain. two months, our home.

I look forward to it.
Is it acceptable to learn from the citizens of Tarndale?

Emily said:
Is it acceptable to learn from the citizens of Tarndale?

I do not see why not. It was only requested that they not learn any of our, shall we say, unique set of skills.
Historically, teaching inhabitants of a new land who were previously ignorant of adventuring skills, especially magic, the skills which we use has resulted in devastating effects. I have witnessed it once and heard of at least two other instances where adventurers ventured into a new land and taught the unknowing populace magic, swordsmanship, and legerdemain. In all instances it resulted in either the death of those that were taught or destruction of the land around them by their naive attempts at controlling their new found power.

I recommend respecting the wishes of the Elder, both with regards of the farmers and merchants of Tarndale as well as the Shepherds of the valley for the safety of the valley's inhabitants. I highly recommend caution and advise patience; I am sure teaching the population will happen in time, but as a community we must ensure that it is safe to do so. Lets not keep repeating the same mistakes.

Rain look forward to talk. Just remember, Rain and Boulder never claim to be stand behind Andar war banner or claim what protection you claim. And you telling us to leave "your part of town", you have no right to do any such thing. Rain and Boulder talk with your more face to face.


Thank you everyone for the clarification of this new law and the reasoning behind it.

I have been a teacher for many decades and, I fear, some of the damage may already have been done. The townspeople have seen our unique skills and their hunger for that knowledge will not be extinguished easily.

Am I also correct in assuming that we do not have record of who (or what) has travelled through the portal? If the townspeople do not receive some kind of formal education, they may seek out training from less honorable sources with even more severe consequences.

I respect and follow the laws of Andar and am grateful for the hospitality the citizens of Tarndale have shown us. When the time is appropriate, I also humbly offer my services as an educator. Until then, I will remain patient and heed the advice of those who have experienced a situation like this before.


The Family keeps to Itself, I was only curious what these Elders thought. In light of these concerns I will speak with Papa about these matters. I simply wished to confirm that would not face death for my customs.
Greetings and Salutations,

I recently was passing through Andar to conduct some business and learned that a new land was discovered. In light of what I learn here, I suspect more information is needed before I consider visiting. Sir Avaran, Baron Polare, and anyone else that might help educate me, please send me a missive that I might know what I would be stepping into.

Sir Gregor Orpheus Dimitris
High Knight of the Knights of the Vale
Defender of the Realm
Protector of Wayward Lasses
once Clan of the Wandering Rose
Am not trying to be trouble, but am confused.

Are the people in Tarnsdale the slaves of Elder and Avaran? If people are not slaves, then why do they not choose what to learn? If peoples are slaves, then learning more skills would be very good for Avaran and Elder.

Part of town we sleep in now belongs to Andarians, not people of Tarnsdale? Where will the young Tarnsdale people who do not want to live with parents go now? The town healer told me they would go to the houses we sleep in before.

If people cannot protect selves, then when we leave valley, they will be killed by the gargoyles in the dark and have the children taken by spiders again, or the man with the silly mustache will take all their berries that are not really big as your head.

I say again, I do not understand, not being a trouble.
Also forgot to say, I am not slave, I have papers to say this. So why can I not teach? I am not good teacher, but if I say I will teach, then I should be able to teach, since I am freeman.

I believe these are valid concerns all. I find it unsettling that we wish to keep knowledge away from anyone. Is not the point of meeting others to interact and share knowledge with them? If things have gone badly in the past, who is to say that they shall in the future with new people under new circumstances? I believe there is something very wrong with the people in this town, and if their Elders forbid knowledge, how is that not tyrannical? How is that something any free man or woman can stand behind?

My primary concern may be for my people, but upon reflection, I realize that the parallels run deep. There is little difference between the freedom to walk and the freedom to think. One travels roads of dirt, the other of thought. To restrict either runs counter to everything I hold true.

Knowledge is always dangerous. Is it not said that the pen is mightier than the sword? That forewarned is forearmed? That knowledge is power? Inherent in each statement is the idea that knowledge is far more dangerous than any sword arm might be. A contest of strength can send one to the Earth and lead kingdoms to ruin. A contest of minds can rewrite the course of history. Even the Wraith King, the Chill, they ruled not by might alone, but by knowledge and wisdom, and was it not by knowledge and wisdom that they were defeated?

But even then, should we be wary of sharing or acquiring knowledge? What right have we to say, "I have learned this, and to me it was freely given, but you, you are not good enough to know this, and so I shall keep it from you"? Where is the justice in that? Where is honour or wisdom? It seems to me to stink only of selfishness, of lust for power and domination over others, of cowering fear and hidden agendas to keep the lowly low, and the haughty high.

I understand that this is not your decision, Avaran, but that of the Elders here. I challenge this decision of theirs. Knowledge is not evil, nor is it good, it simply is. If history tells us that we may well create a monster in sharing this knowledge, as Alavatar has said has happened before, are there not also instances where we were taught dangerous information and used it well? I like to think I am a walking example of this. I live under no illusions - I am rash and excitable and enjoy, rather profoundly, utilizing the talents I have and the knowledge I have been given to set any variety of gigantic, ugly creatures aflame. Was this a poor decision on the parts of my teachers, sharing this knowledge, or did they trust that I would learn responsibility with the magic? Did they themselves teach me responsibility with that magic?

A call for patience and caution is not unfair, and I understand that concern. But equally so, we must recognize that knowledge is not something we can or should keep from those who desire to gain it, like a ball held high above the heads of crying, wanting children by some petulant youth. Instead, I think time would be better spent discussing the moral issues at stake, the responsibility of a teacher to his student, and effective ways of teaching the wisdom required for utilizing such knowledge. As I myself have proven before, South Millbrooke comes to mind most readily, forbidding an action only encourages creativity in the least wholesome way possible. Better, instead, is spending that energy on discussing the best course of action, sharing knowledge and theory, and ensuring all teachers are aware what the repercussions are if they, themselves, do not show wisdom.
Um, me thinks people are eating the kill before it's killed.
They just want us to stalk the decision before rushing it.
We don know them & they don know us yet, so ya don want to teach them sumthin that may make them all regrets it.
Learn & teach can be a long process & gain trust will be the 1st step to it.
I don't expect everyone to like their decision, or understand their reasoning, or even like the way I presented things (which could use some work, admittedly), but I do expect people to respect their decision and accept it.

If you wish to challenge their choice in reasonable discussion, I certainly won't stop you, as long as it's done peacefully (I have no reason to think otherwise, just covering my homesteads and being as clear as I can), and I thank everyone for their understanding and cooperation.

Pherak, Sir Gregor, I'll see what I can do do answer your questions tomorrow.

In service,
Sir Avaran
I is not knowing why so much upset. Canoe is watch many of Corrupt and is seeing Corrupt has many more attacks of people of more knowledge. More so, Corrupt very aggressive against any knowing magics.

Barbarians understand to wait till talking is good. Is reasonable and give time to reflect and gain wisdom.

Gypsy Lady is say self, rash. Is time you need to be wisdom'd. Please take time to self-think and maybe speak with Sir Avavan with or after Barbarians?

Canoe is know much, but Canoe also see that knowledge has already killed in this village. Example: Sam, Merchant Rufus' son, was interest in adventuring. He have no mind of adventure before we came. His interest and parents concern for safety cause friction. He want to follow in steps of adventure so badly he was rash and left into night, alone. He never would do before he meet us. But we show that we do what they did not before. Because we show him we can, he do and die.

If not for us bringing Earth Circle Sam be gone forever and Merchant have lost only son because of what we "taught."

Canoe see wisdom in voice of Elder and Sir Avaran. Let moon pass few times and us be settle before learning come to people. They not know how to use and we not know how it hurt them.

Let us not hurt new friends and family say Canoe.

-House of Nails