Not the mama!


If you were not aware, last event I had told several people that my wife was pregnant. Well, after 3 home tests and a visit to a walk in clinic all Positive we assumed that she was; but no one told us the cardinal rule of pregnancy: Don't tell anyone until after the first tri-mester.

Anyway, after seeing the doctor and having an ultra-sound this past week it was determined that she had an empty sack. What that means is the embryonic sack formed, but there is no embryo inside. Since the sack is there Jenny's body thought she was pregnant and so started producing all of the necessary hormones and stuff which is why all the normal tests came back positive. Also, after talking to the doctor and doing some research we found that this is relatively common; the doctor said roughly 1 in 3 pregnancies. Which is strange because neither Jenny nor I had heard about this before (until we started asking around and learning from friends and family experiences).

As such, no baby in my near future. This news was received as a mixed blessing. While we did not plan to have a child we were starting to get excited about the idea. Finding out we are not having a child gave us both a sigh of relief and a twinge of depression. But, everything works out for the best and we are glad to have a second chance to attempt to get ready before a child comes. :D
Well, good luck on your next (real) attempt then. Babies are always better had when you're prepared for them. :)

I assume there will be more attempts in your future, anyway. You're too good looking not to try and pass that on, amirite? :lol: