Zen Mallowbrooks
This is a transcription of the notes that I took at the last gathering. If you notice any mistakes, have anything to add, or have any questions please let me know.
Dragon Orb
A magical orb was found in a village near Tilmere. When held, the orb caused a number of command effects to the holder including fear, charm, and berserk. The adventurers managed to contain it and decided the safest place for it was in the vault of Evodir. The Curator took it and placed it in the vault and also made several comments regarding the orb. They said the orb was called a Dragon Orb and was surprised to see one outside of the vault. They also commented that they didn't think that this Dragon Orb came from the vault.
As an aside, the Curator also stated that they believed Evodir would eventually return. Its possible they know something we don't, however I believe it's more likely that they are unaware of his demise. Given that the Curator's only loyalty is to Evodir, we have decided not to tell them of his death.
Huntsmarshal Lor'tek and the fey
Several adventurers came upon a sentient creature fighting several monsters. We later learned that this creature was a fey. They asked for the adventurer's help in subduing the monsters. As soon as the monsters were subdued, another fey came through what seemed to be a portal of mushrooms. This fey identified himself as Huntsmarshal Lor'tek. He declared that the first fey was unworthy because he needed help on his hunt. Lor'tek shattered the spirit of the other fey using his bow. He claimed that he was able to come to Erabella due to the lack of a Djinn protecting it. Eventually he left through the same portal he came through.
Afterwards we learned that a small nearby village had been raided by fey. Almost every single person was killed and those who weren't killed were taken. Some of their bodies were found cowering in corners of their homes. The bodies had mostly marks from arrows, blade, and claws. Notably, these are the same weapons that the fey we encountered used. Some of the bodies were missing body parts or clothing that were presumably taken as trophies of some kind.
We also found what appeared to be another portal nearby, though it as slightly different from the previous one. This portal seemed to be made in a tree that looked like it had been ripped open from inside.
My assumption is that a different fey than Lor'tek created this portal and led a group of fey to kill and abduct the nearby town. Their actions seemed similar to the ideals that Lor'tek spoke about, which leads me to belive they are allied in some way. This is pure speculation on my part.
Werewolves and werebeavers attacks the 3 local sawmills. Some of them claimed that the sawmills had been harvesting too many trees and desecrating the forest. The foreman later claimed that nothing had recently changed in their habits. The werebeavers seemed to be using necromancy. Tom, the foreman of the last sawmill claimed he saw one of the werebeavers create some sort of undead.
I asked Ser Zihr to get in contact with the werewolves we had encountered the previous year to enlist their help in this matter. Ser Zihr later reported that the old werewolf leader was dead and they would not be able to help. Its speculation on my part, but I want to know if these new werecreatures are somehow related to the old pack.
The Oathsworn nation are sending a delegation to be received by the Adventurers at the next gathering. They believe that Erabella has broken their oath to Evodir and that that makes them a threat to everyone. Our job is to welcome them and hopefully convince them that Erabella is not a threat. By showing that we can host them in their own fashion we can hopefully change their opinion of both Erabella and the adventurers.
The oathsworn have many customs and traditions. It will be difficult to remember and follow them all so I will separate them into two lists, one which everyone should be aware of and one that deals with more specifics. Adventurers who are members of the aristocracy guild should be aware of all these customs.
Things everyone should be aware of:
Zen Mallowbrooks
Administrator of the Town Box
Dragon Orb
A magical orb was found in a village near Tilmere. When held, the orb caused a number of command effects to the holder including fear, charm, and berserk. The adventurers managed to contain it and decided the safest place for it was in the vault of Evodir. The Curator took it and placed it in the vault and also made several comments regarding the orb. They said the orb was called a Dragon Orb and was surprised to see one outside of the vault. They also commented that they didn't think that this Dragon Orb came from the vault.
As an aside, the Curator also stated that they believed Evodir would eventually return. Its possible they know something we don't, however I believe it's more likely that they are unaware of his demise. Given that the Curator's only loyalty is to Evodir, we have decided not to tell them of his death.
Huntsmarshal Lor'tek and the fey
Several adventurers came upon a sentient creature fighting several monsters. We later learned that this creature was a fey. They asked for the adventurer's help in subduing the monsters. As soon as the monsters were subdued, another fey came through what seemed to be a portal of mushrooms. This fey identified himself as Huntsmarshal Lor'tek. He declared that the first fey was unworthy because he needed help on his hunt. Lor'tek shattered the spirit of the other fey using his bow. He claimed that he was able to come to Erabella due to the lack of a Djinn protecting it. Eventually he left through the same portal he came through.
Afterwards we learned that a small nearby village had been raided by fey. Almost every single person was killed and those who weren't killed were taken. Some of their bodies were found cowering in corners of their homes. The bodies had mostly marks from arrows, blade, and claws. Notably, these are the same weapons that the fey we encountered used. Some of the bodies were missing body parts or clothing that were presumably taken as trophies of some kind.
We also found what appeared to be another portal nearby, though it as slightly different from the previous one. This portal seemed to be made in a tree that looked like it had been ripped open from inside.
My assumption is that a different fey than Lor'tek created this portal and led a group of fey to kill and abduct the nearby town. Their actions seemed similar to the ideals that Lor'tek spoke about, which leads me to belive they are allied in some way. This is pure speculation on my part.
Werewolves and werebeavers attacks the 3 local sawmills. Some of them claimed that the sawmills had been harvesting too many trees and desecrating the forest. The foreman later claimed that nothing had recently changed in their habits. The werebeavers seemed to be using necromancy. Tom, the foreman of the last sawmill claimed he saw one of the werebeavers create some sort of undead.
I asked Ser Zihr to get in contact with the werewolves we had encountered the previous year to enlist their help in this matter. Ser Zihr later reported that the old werewolf leader was dead and they would not be able to help. Its speculation on my part, but I want to know if these new werecreatures are somehow related to the old pack.
The Oathsworn nation are sending a delegation to be received by the Adventurers at the next gathering. They believe that Erabella has broken their oath to Evodir and that that makes them a threat to everyone. Our job is to welcome them and hopefully convince them that Erabella is not a threat. By showing that we can host them in their own fashion we can hopefully change their opinion of both Erabella and the adventurers.
The oathsworn have many customs and traditions. It will be difficult to remember and follow them all so I will separate them into two lists, one which everyone should be aware of and one that deals with more specifics. Adventurers who are members of the aristocracy guild should be aware of all these customs.
Things everyone should be aware of:
- The Oathsworn pride themselves on honor and dignity. Do not insult their honor or take it lightly.
- Do not touch the Oathsworn. They only allow other people to touch them unless they have an oath with them.
- Bowing is their preferred greeting. You bow more to those with higher stations
- The Oathsworn must maintain their honor and oaths and they do not make them lightly
- Do not make prolonged eye contact. Its seen as a challenge
- Do not use their first name casually. Its customary to address them as their title followed by their surname
- The Oathsworn delegation should be served first as they are guests. Always make sure their cups are not empty. If they offer to refill your cup, always accept.
- If the Oathsworn are being silent, do not attempt to fill the silence. They are likely contemplating and will speak when ready.
They do not do business over a meal as they consider it rude. - The do not like to deny things outright. Do not pressure them into making a decision.
- Watch their body language. They will likely be open with their discomfort in body language. If they have to speak their discomfort they are already offended
- Because they do not lie they will often try to steer the conversation away from topics that they do not discuss. If they try to avoid a topic, let them.
- The delegation with likely bring presents of some kind. Its proper to give a gift in return of equal value in return. The gift may be delayed but it diminishes the value of your gift.
Zen Mallowbrooks
Administrator of the Town Box