November Event PC Shifts


Crossroads Staff
We are asking for PCs to volunteer for an NPC shift during our November event. This is to help us make sure that we are giving you all the best game we can give with more constant access to people who are willing and able to help us run parts of the weekend. PCs who volunteer will not be asked to NPC on plot specific modules so that spoilers are not occurring for the PCs who are donating their time to NPC camp. Having PCs help us out with crunch and other essential bits of running the weekend will allow for the weekend NPCs to be freed up for focusing their energies and time on the plot specific activities that are being planned.

Please note: To help facilitate this process and to make sure that your character is not missing a part of the weekend that they would want to be involved in, we are asking PCs to sign-up as individuals, or as small groups and then our plot team will organize your shift around when you need to be IG as your character.

When you sign-up, please indicate which other PCs you would like to take a shift with, or just mention that you'd be happy to take a shift.

To Sign-up: RESPOND TO THIS THREAD OR PM ME and I'll add you to the list!

We will post a schedule of when everyone's shifts will be occurring the week of the event so you can plan accordingly and know when you'll be heading over to NPC camp.


NPC Shift volunteers:

Individuals to group as needed:
- Will Kinkaid
- Jessica Brown
- Brian Bender
- Justin Coggin
- Kelsey Desrosiers
- Tim Cray
- Jill Segraves
- Steve Duetzmann
- Rebecca Dawn
- Albert Lamonda
- Todd Silber
- Illana Navas
- Brian Davis
- Loren Williams

Group sign-up:

Group 1:
- Alison Buntemeyer
- Dom Alioto
- Jeremy Davis/Kate Drake (Jeremy out watching Morgan while Kate NPCs a shift)

Group 2:
- Mark Simino
- Mike Lawson
- Chris Belcher
- Melissa Guertin

Group 3:
- Paige Hubbell
- Jaimi Davis

Group 4:
- Meghan Kinkaid
- Nellie Condee
- Mike Chagnon
HI Megan,
I am planning on NPCing a shift, I am also planning on several of the Griffon Guard working together on that. Friday night might be the best for that since we are mostly helping in the tavern other evenings and during the day.
So definitely put us in fpr a Griffon Guard group shift. I suspect it will be me, Mike, Chris, possibly nate K and Tova.
I am always willing to work a shift or two. Sign me up!
Add me to the group as needed list. :)
Paige and I would both like to take a shift on Saturday at some point!

Thanks very much for your consideration in not requiring us to take on plot specific roles!

You all are just the best!

If I could be at either the beginning or end of a day that'd be awesome- I'd like to only put on the face once a day :-) No other restrictions though!
Marcus said:
HI Megan,
I am planning on NPCing a shift, I am also planning on several of the Griffon Guard working together on that. Friday night might be the best for that since we are mostly helping in the tavern other evenings and during the day.
So definitely put us in fpr a Griffon Guard group shift. I suspect it will be me, Mike, Chris, possibly nate K and Tova.
Hey Mark,
Could you get a set list of who on your team would like to take a shift so we can add their names to the list?


Also, thank you to everyone who is volunteering! You rock!
as far as I know it will be Mark, Mike ,Chris, and Melissa....maybe Nate
Meg, Deb has the list right. Count on me, mike, Chris and Melissa. If we can convince anymore.... Well i'm sure you would be happy for extras :thumbsup:
If you ever need me or my NPC characters just have someone tap me. Also, Caldaria used to come out with a flag that we all knew meant "we need NPC help" I am pretty sure we would all be willing to help. Tzydl doesn't wear too much make up, I can help if asked. I don't usually go into NPC camp without five kinds of allergy medicine but if it was something simple, I can definitely help!
I'd like to NPC for a shift. I'd just really prefer not to be NPCing when/if any of the Woven are out and about because I am super interested in that plotline.
Count me in as well. I want NOV to be awesome!
