november faves

my first favorite moment is playing my pooka for the first time, thank you dan and gary
this makes up for the fact you guys allmost got me banned from mike and jena's tavern :P
i had a ton of fun this weekend and i still luv all u guys in npc camp its so much fun there hanging out with you guys and goin out crunchin early in the morning
i think im starting to progress a little bit, i even remembered that on my monster card i had more then just damage and body points /gasp /high-fives self
thats it for right now. ill post more tomarrow, brain is still fuddled i just wanted to let you all know that pictures are up on my facebook page,
rachel durfee st.albans vt 05478 you might have to put in burlington vt.
and you can friend me if you want.
and there are a ton! five freaking albums. omg. i couldnt belive how much that one memory card held
thanks goes to stephine for taking the pictures of the keep battle. /claps

ray and mike, it makes me actually sad the two of you guys didnt come out as well as i had hoped /cry :(
in total there were 318 pictures and i think i filtered out most of the badly blurry ones :( and there are a couple that arent too bad, that i just couldnt get rid of. hope you like and if you want any like hard copies pm me the album its in and whats going on in the picture or number of the picture. ill keep the memory card around for a little while.
So after 5 years of playing this game I finally made it out to NH. Woot! Thank you to all the staff and NPCs.

Thanks also to the tavern folks! It's a tough job


-Ash Forest running through the mists chasing after the bastard Emilio. Always Fun times running with our team.
-Meeting Sir Wynn. My character had heard of him from her friend, the now deceased Sir Koshi. Thanks for some very touching roleplay.
-The near party-wipe at stupid o'clock friday night. "Did anybody search the necromancer?" lol
-Valkryies!!! Girl power mod of awesome. Thanks to my girls Dee, Christina, Ali, Kelly, and Lauren as well as all the NPCs that were part of that. I'm sorry but in the dark aside from Tori I have NO clue who you all are, but thanks!
-Meeting new people, and seeing friends I haven't seen in a while - some for almost two years.
-Mystic force and PTD combos.
-Scott as Drak and the ensuing conversations about May Day. Not sure what I got myself into on that one ;)
-Backpacking folks. It's a fine dance indeed.
-Intense roleplay with Gary as we attempt to apprehend his character (after chasing him through the woods for at least an hour). Awesome stuff.

I'm only sad that I had to leave early on Sunday because of a family commitment. Grr. Thanks for a great time all!
Because these events were so close together I only got play Saturday but it was a great time, and a great first year I must say. It is good to see Gary, Ray, and ect writing plot again. Some of my favorite memories in old Syraandor were encounter/weekends that they had written. But because I was only there for one day 1 day everything I did was a lot of fun but here a quick few.

Fighting in the fort! That this is awesome and I wish there was one at every site we played at.

Jamie, Ben, and I being the core NPCs for almost all the mods. Mod Squad!

Seeing soo many people from other chapters coming to play. It felt like, to me, the few times I have played down in HQ. Loads of people and crazy stuff coming out to attack the town.

Being the undead that got their pets jacked from them.


Whale scavy. I ain't no dolphin!

Once again thank you all for everything you did there year and I can't wait to see you all next season.
syra pefferfoot said:
in total there were 318 pictures and i think i filtered out most of the badly blurry ones :( and there are a couple that arent too bad, that i just couldnt get rid of. hope you like and if you want any like hard copies pm me the album its in and whats going on in the picture or number of the picture. ill keep the memory card around for a little while.

i ment to say that if anyone, not just ray and mike want pictures let me know
i screwd my upper post i hope i didnt confuse you all
all right, my bed is calling its soft and its quiet.... ahhh quiet.... zzzzzzzz
I am working on getting better remembering people's names IN and OUT of game but its still a tough job so here goes I may have to describe chars instead of use no particular order:
1. the girl put into a ghost sword against her will and the fact she couldn't be held by her brother JEEPERS I almost cried.
2. Nicodemus dying (yes he rezzed) but it was sad watching Paladar thinking "how many friends is Paladar gonna lose?"
3. The dead forest and poor Nettle waking up to everything dead. It wasn't his fault!!.I almost cried.
4. Little Boy Zonicar being told he was useless and nothing and destined to be evil and everyone convincing him we loved him and he could be whatever he wanted and then he won chess!!! Then blew up in a burst of white sparklies that was WICKED COOL! But touching as well
5. The funeral pyre of the Sadeen Morian who ended up NOT killing Lord Orin.
6. Missing NPC Camp ::sniffle:: I'll be there next season! I feel like such a mother hen over the NPCers hehehehehe
1. Arkelian Hunt battle formations on Saturday night. I just stuck beside them and then when I did get separated they actually saved my bumm!! muy muy I love you!
2. FIREMAN! Sorry I forgot your name but the not only did he keep the fire going (when he wasn't rezzing!!! poor guy) but he helped me with my injured arm!
3. Meeting Zhenyu!!! Watching her bizarre eating of the dead habits (Gnolls NOM NOM NOM)
4. Meeting Rock!!!! Watching his bizarre eating of the dead habits (Mind Flayers Brains NOM NOM NOM)
(wait do i see a pattern forming?)
5. Logistics line on Saturday night. I ADORE the out of game moments of remembering past battles and funny moments!
6. Seeing everyone I love so much!! If I tried to list names I would leave someone out.
7. Rock trying to buy beer with an American Quarter.
8. Geebus (Sp?) selling me pretty sparklies!
9. Me and Alopax getting the alchemy we wanted (still doing a little dance of joy)
10. Zhenyu being impersonated by Emelio? Sean walks in dressed as Zhenyu calls "HOLD you see zhenyu you smell zhenyu this is zhenyu" someone says "why zhenyu have pee pee" It's moments like those that you try to NOT LAUGH because its a serious moment!!!
11. NPC: "Do you know the Gatekeeper?" Tzydl: "No but I do know the KeyMaster" NPC: "Can you tell me where this keymaster is perhaps he can take me to the gatekeeper" (me trying HARD not to laugh and then backtrack a story to cover that up)
12. All things Avery
13. Is it just me or were there like a kabillion hobblings this event??! It's like they're breedin' like bunnies!
14. Meeting Ashara of the First Forest she's purdy
15. Chazz's Orc "I can't see past this wall of gorgeousness!"
16. Wall of imprisoned statues
17. Barbarian woman with red pants explaining child rearing. TOOCUTE!
18. The elf with the COOLEST cloak being all chivalrous helping tzydl through the First Forest. (sorry forgot your char's name but you had a birthday)
19. Picking jelly beans outta the air through the first forest only to find out that was a joke!!! (COME ON GUYS!!! MAGIC ANCIENT JELLY BEANS!!!)
20. The fae troll? and the Messed Up Mystic Wood Elf at the final battle(s) NICE MASKS!!!
21. The Gatekeeper!!! Too sweet!
22. The dark elf woman tied up in the kitchen all saturday night/sunday morning. (I kicked her a few times)
23. The true fire elemental!!! WOW!!! I wanted to go on that trip SO BAD but I knew Tzydl was not seasoned enough to keep up with the champions who went. I can't wait to hear about what happened though!!
24. All things Ember!
25. My husband's cooking, Ocean serving food, Syra's desserts YUM
26. Late night stuffing
27. The hobbling ordering dinner and something comes by and attacks him he just keeps ordering food...(Hobbling: so I'd like meat, potatoes, squash MONSTER: Attack! Hobbling: uhh spell shield and I'll have some of the soup and mac and cheese too) HEHEHE I hear that was going on all over the tavern!
28. Seeing so many Caldarians...Caldaria was after all our first LARP experience.
29. Squire Paladar and High mage Figment's raspberry danish
31. Hugs from everyone!! I miss everyone already!
32. Nick and Sam helping us in the tavern!(sorry forgot in game names)
33. The father leaving his sons in MY CHARGE??? hahahah too funny. Glad they weren't small children.
So much more but I actually have to pretend to work today! I'll write more later
34. Meeting cousin from Icenia! (how could I forget!!???)
Michel wanted me to post his favorites as well....
Hopping the fence
Playing big furry scary things with really cool masks.
Playing a mutated animal that swings vertigo
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
2. FIREMAN! Sorry I forgot your name but the not only did he keep the fire going (when he wasn't rezzing!!! poor guy) but he helped me with my injured arm!

My OOG name is Jeremy, IN its Avian Toth. I was happy to get you the wood and to tend too your fire. Probably a fav for me. It made me happy to see so many enjoy the fire. i Cant take full credit, Azurith definately helped, and several other people did as well. Also anybody that watched my back as Azurith and myself went to get wood, are on that list as well.

Thank you for the food and drink.

Hope your arm is doing better.

P.S. Jen (Sun)... laughed when i told her i got free food from you. She thought you were giving me her share from the ritual. :lol:
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
1. Arkelian Hunt battle formations on Saturday night. I just stuck beside them and then when I did get separated they actually saved my bumm!! muy muy I love you!
The hobbling ordering dinner and something comes by and attacks him he just keeps ordering food...(Hobbling: so I'd like meat, potatoes, squash MONSTER: Attack! Hobbling: uhh spell shield and I'll have some of the soup and mac and cheese too) HEHEHE I hear that was going on all over the tavern! [/quote="Tzydl Zhitelava"]
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
The hobbling ordering dinner and something comes by and attacks him he just keeps ordering food...(Hobbling: so I'd like meat, potatoes, squash MONSTER: Attack! Hobbling: uhh spell shield and I'll have some of the soup and mac and cheese too) HEHEHE I hear that was going on all over the tavern!

-That was me! Hey, listen I was hungry and they're were some constructs that scared away the line!

On to the Favorites!

The Asylum Module. One of the best mods I've ever been on. Scary, funny and exciting! Thank you: Stacy's brother, Doug, Kelly, Chris and unknown NPC. Love saving Hoblings! It was awesome to get Avery to knock out the crazy Hobling because of the site of his dead brother downstairs.
Muggins: Wait! Don't get any closer to him!
Drenten: Why?
Muggins: He's got a ton of gasses!
Drenten: How do you know?
Muggins: Cause I'm a crazy Hobling with gasses!

FIghting with Metzler. Loved every minute of it bro! EMILIO!

Rolling with my team and Scarn, Josua, Ahorac, Jin Mei, Kerrigwen, Morganne, Zehnyu, Melody and Phaedra.

Cutting down my best bud Rock and my new best bud Avery! " I wasn't paranoid but it seems you are all the time, Mugg".

All things Hobling! Rolling with my little sister Melody, Avery The clean the dock Hobling Mod!
I was so sad at this event... that I'd never played NH before! Holy COW I had a great time! Think I got told to "shut up already" a few times I was raving so much! :D

Couple things that stick out...

-Chick mod and things started from it. LOVE my tough women of NERO!
-All things Hunt: you guys are quickly becoming my NERO family - thanks for taking in a transplant
-Zehnyu, Thrugyar and Raksa - savage races unite! and Samar's dryad nearly choking to death over our conversations
-OMG Emilio - Sean, you are brilliant and evilllllll and we love every minute of it!
-Phaedre and the giggling at every possible inappropriate moment we could find
-Sunday morning caffeine
-Every single NPC being a fraggin' machine! From RP to combat, you guys made us bring our A-game every single second of the weekend: THANKS!!!
-Ending the season wishing I could have more instead of wanting a break from consecutive LARP weekends
- New faces! Old faces I haven't often gotten to chat with! Old faces I haven't seen in awhile! So many people!

- Showing up late Friday night and immediately jumping into game as a cheeky little poltergeist. Good way to start your event!

- Getting so many people involved in the Children of Autumn plot. Rock on.

- Playing Nadarin again. Catching up with old friends, sticking to Paladar and Nicodemus like glue, finally seeing Galloway, using 2/3 of a magic item, generally rockin the mostly-mute schtick. I miss her so.

- CHICK MOD! Chick PCs, chick benny, chick villain, chick victim... Three dudes as mooks. Awesome.

- Bill as Nettle of the Malwoken and the ensuing RP.

- Jamie, Ben and Gavin as my faithful Mod Squad. They rocked it four mods in a row, thank you guys so much!

- Giving Nicodemus what I hope was a good rez story. Just returning the favour. :)

- Trying to get people to let me in their heads as Sashi. Hearing Rock's excuse: "I not allowed to have any more people in my head!"

- Kaia being super brave.

- Thruggyar behind the all-female wall of prisoned people: "What going on? I can't see beyond this wall of gorgeousness!"

- Playing Aribella -- trying to roleplay with Zahn's malice and protect Persis while a wave battle goes on around us. Sean definitely pommel-whipped me once or twice. Touching reunion will Zahn's love at the end.

- Related to the above... All the bad bad jokes in NPC camp about the fact that I was playing Gary's mother. Oedipus, anyone?

- Thomas and Daisy!

- Getting several Epic Embraces, in and out of game.

- Hearing Steph say that she's writing a song about Irina! I'm so excited!

- Rock, Morganne and Drifa almost making Asharah choke to death on her dinner... Twice! Air Raksa on the subject of elves' fertility: "I am the most fertile I have ever been! I have never BEEN so fertile! All you ladies betta stay away!" And Morganne describing hoblings' relationships with money: "You know how some people do bad things with dead things? It kinda like that."

- Trying to calm Little Zahnicar by showing him Leonard Bun-Bun.

- All things Avery. Discussing the various hobling contracts with him and Nicodemus: Nadarin is now apparently Avery's secret wife, and she and Nic have a love so secret neither of them know it exists. But it's totally contracted.

- Eric Gibson knowing just how to strike me speechless. :P

Awesome season. Thank you plot, staff, NPCs, PCs, tavern staff, everyone. Looking forward to seeing you all again in the spring! Or even better, at the winter feast!
First off, thank you to everyone for a truly enjoyable weekend and a great overall season. I returned to Alliance in May after a five year break from larp'ing and I'm glad to be back, mostly because of all of you. Some fav's off the top of my head:

1) Finally getting to meet and rp with all the folk's from all the others chapters that joined us this weekend.... You guys all rocked.

2) First Forest Guardian mod. Trying to recount tales and memories mid-combat to bring the guardain back to itself was just cool beans.

3) Laying to rest Zhan's human spirit. I wasn't there for the final confrontation when his undead form was finally destroyed, and always felt like I missed the end of what was a years long ongoing plot for all of the old Syraandor players. Being able to put to rest the aspects of his spirit and free Perseus really brought it all back around for me and gave it a nice end. Thank you.

4) Cold icey stares with members of the Arkelian Hunt all weekend long. Thrugyar, you're awesome... oog that is. ;)

5) Not getting killed by the PC's. I was so betting against that one this weekend.

6) Mental RP with Sevaria and Emilio. Sean, you da man. Emilio also just shot to the top of Nic's most hated list.

7) All things Jamie!

8) Sieging the keep to destroy Logan's bottle. I know it's not everyone's favorite thing to do, but for some reason I just love assaulting that castle, and killing a member of the Doom Brigade is always fun.

9) Saden Moore and the Pure Lords rp. I've been waiting to see how this grows throughout the season and it's really shaping into something exciting with a lot more potential. Huge kudo's to Eric (can't remember your young elf's name) for talking Officer Robert down and getting him to spare Orin. Very impressive.

10) Emilio and Fever Grey double shot on Sunday afternoon. It came right on the heel of some bad bad news for Nic, and I had to just stand there torn as to who hate to more in that moment. Total mental overload, all I could do was quiver with rage.

It really was a blast this weekend, and I'm glad I made the trip back to Alliance this year. Huge thanks to Gary, Dan, Sean, Ray, Doug, Kelly, and Jamie for giving us the Deadlands. It was a great first season and my mind is spinning with all the crap to be done before next April.

okie here it is , some repeates but only because it was so much fun
playing my pooka,
playing the poltergiest once when dan, gary and one other npc in the tavern turning over benches and taking cups
playing a poltergiest again with samara, tugging on weapons, clothes, shields, moving the cups again
going out as a orc breakfast crunchie sat morning and being fooled by the pc's to face inward to each other as a new battle technique
being a gnoll breakfast crunchie on sunday morning only to then after be an undead gnoll with alot more body
the keep battle, that was alot of fun, thanks again stephine for taking those pictures
the food for saturday dinner was very good, turkey was juciey and mash'd taters were very good. and i hoped people liked my apple crisp i made along with the choco-chip pumpkin bread.
npc camp. so much fun
hearing what jeremy aka avian toth said saturday morning "good thing i woke up early, to role play with no-one." lol
torries awsome bird makeup that was soooooo good.
the battle under the street light, that was great listening to the rp between gary, sean and samara
mike's giant furry war beast, too cool and what ever it was on sunday
all in all, i have absolutly loved my from may to now, larping, it was just great and i know i will be back next year.
Admittedly, after running a full season of HQ, I thought I was pretty LARP'ed out, and I found myself at the end of this weekend going "But? there's no more? Aw Man..."

I'll post favorites when I get a chance to in a bit, but I would like to thank all of NH staff for an awesome event. I'd been promising Sean that I would come up to play Deadlands, and having made it, I'm kicking myself that I didn't start at the start of your season.

There is, however, next year :twisted:

-Ali/ Zehnyu
Some quick faves:

- Seeing the contract that Will wrote for Evie, even though I couldn't play her. Oh man, that made my weekend.
- Personal plot = the awesome.
- Having no nobles in town again. You guys are totally slacking.
- Baron Rorri, oh man. I'm so used to people being hesitant.
Me: "We need to detain that dark elf."
Baron: "Okay!" ::runs over and tools down::
Me: "...well, ****."
I can't wait to run around Icenia again with you guys, seriously. Ash Forest kicks ***.
- I can cry on cue. Thanks, Emilio! No seriously, having Emilio in my head and the ensuing roleplay with Nicodemus that followed was awesome.
- Thruggs and Racksa. I love these orcs so much -- almost as much as I love Chaz and Brian. I need to make an orc, holy crap.
- Interacting with Galloway, Orrin, Justicar Crowe and Southkin. I am such a sucker for political plot it's stupid.

See you all in the spriiiing! Or in Ohio if you're adventurous.
I had such a blast! Thank you staff, NPCs, my team and all the fun people out there that made this a great weekend. It's the first full weekend I've been able to play in almost 2 years. I'm so sore and tired, but it was totally worth it.

Some small portion of my favs:

Emilio, evil bastard. Sean you rock!
The noise Rock made when he saw the troll fae. It was awesome. Was that Rock's mating call?
Being able to tell little Zahn that I helped squish the "spider".
Running for my life. I seriously haven't done that in a while. Sucks that Drak had to die right in front of us though.

Ok I know there's so much more, but my brain is fried and my little one needs a bath. I'll try to add more as I locate those portions of my brain.

Ezri said:
I'm sorry but in the dark aside from Tori I have NO clue who you all are, but thanks!

Yeah, I can always pick out Tori, too.. she's the chick constantly kicking my *** up and down the battlefield. Yowza!
Another sad moment: Sevaria getting her mind played with by Emilio..Jeepers! I was almost in tears yet again!!! GREAT ACTING KELSY!

Another fave i can't believe I forgot to post: Seeing Thomas and his new girly friend. I felt so bad that Tzydl didn't have candy for him!!! Its her mission in life to spoil him rotten!!!!

and the creepiness of "shun all non-Dan's-Character" OOG faceless things tend to frighten me a bit...nice job Gary

Hearing people's life stories: Joque (sp?) dwarf guy who got spewed out into the ocean when the mines were flooded. Tinker GREAT back story..can't wait for Tzydl to have a science machine necklace. Natalia cool story about how you met the Baron. Rock I enjoyed hearing about the various effects of things you'd eaten and how pain isn't the same for Orcs and Humans.

Can't thank Ocean/Tim enough for rescuing me from the madness of the kitchen!!!! ((BY THE WAY WE HAVE YOUR BOX YOU LEFT IT ON A TOP SHELF IN THE BACK ROOM we'll come up for lunch at your cafe and bring it with us some time!))