November Game Scroll Auction


Hello, hello! Krystina is hard at work behind the scenes preparing the online scroll auction from the November game.

Due to the large number of scrolls, it was decided that holding the auction on FaceBook would be the simplest way to track bids and not spam everyone with piles of posts.

This will be an In-Game Auction {it’s just easier to put this portion up OOG}, and Krystina will have full details on how the auction will work and how bids will be finalized in the FaceBook post. Please note: the Auction will be limited to players/characters who were present at the November game since this is simulating an IG auction.

Since it’s understood that not everyone wants to use FaceBook, bid by proxy will be allowed. Please contact either Daniel {Ian}, Brian Hudson {Tadeusz}, or myself {Amory} with the OOG and IG names of who you authorize to proxy bid for you.

The auction post will be up tonight {11/13}, and bidding will start then – plan is to run through Wednesday before the December game {12/11}.

Our apologies for any inconvenience in holding it on FaceBook – online auctions are tough as it is, and we have a lot to go through.
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Correction: This will be on the Oregon Aer'Astria In Game Forum.
Are bids to be made in character on the post or directly to Dan via PM? :)
Also as awareness for everyone, the boards do not let you post anything within 10-15 seconds of your previous post. So bidding on multiple items will cause a delay in bidding for one person.

I.e. if you bid on the preserve duration ritual at 6:50:00, you won't be able to bid on the battle mages strike until 6:50:10 to 6:50:15.
I'd suggest that people bidding on the auction should have their character identified in either their username, signature, or in their text response. It may help to reduce confusion about what which bids were valid.
Are bids to be made in character on the post or directly to Dan via PM? :)

In-character, on the appropriate thread.

Also as awareness for everyone, the boards do not let you post anything within 10-15 seconds of your previous post. So bidding on multiple items will cause a delay in bidding for one person.

I.e. if you bid on the preserve duration ritual at 6:50:00, you won't be able to bid on the battle mages strike until 6:50:10 to 6:50:15.

Well that's less than ideal... I think it's probably liveable, since folks have 3 weeks to get things sorted? Let's circle back on this once the dust has settled and see if it was awful (and what might be done about it, and whether that doesn't involve a worse tradeoff).

Also, hopefully this doesn't become a regular thing at all. It's way nicer and cleaner if things are just handled in game.

I'd suggest that people bidding on the auction should have their character identified in either their username, signature, or in their text response. It may help to reduce confusion about what which bids were valid.

I completely agree, though I recognize everyone so far. I had to think way back to remember that obcidian_bandit is Roscoe, and I'm not going to admit how close I came to calling out Lighthouse (Iytsuna) as an invalid bidder, but everything I've seen on a cursory scan has been legit.

I'll be going through and updating the "Current bid" to "Last confirmed bid" and "Alternate" for all the lots either later tonight or tomorrow, and you can expect that update on the same every 1-2 day cadence from there.
Quick reminder that we are in the last few days of the scroll auction from last game! Get your bids in before the end of Wednesday, any post timestamped for Thursday will not be considered valid.

Also, please make sure you plan to either be at game or have a proxy who can make the exchange on your behalf at game, before Sunday!
Quick clarification on Proxies: It's nothing super formal. If something comes up and you can't make it to game, having someone else make the exchange on your behalf is acceptable. Just have them clarify that the coin is from you for (stuff) when they talk to Tadeusz.
At what point is a winning bid forfeit due to non-payment? How will the alternate be notified and how long do they have to pay for it?
Officially, winners have until Tadeusz goes to bed Saturday night to pay their due. Earlier is obviously more convenient, but that's the last moment. An effort will be made to locate the designated alternate for anyone who misses the deadline between that time and the start of the auction Sunday morning, at which point they have the option to pay their last bid amount, immediately, to keep the scroll from defaulting into the auction for the new gather.
Very well done. Thank you for organizing and handling this so well.

I hope we never have to do it again. :)
Thank you. :)

Compared to the folks involved in handling the real logistics of the loot split, I did very little, though. Shower them with continual tips and affection.