NPC All-Call: Tribes of the Howling Woods


Team Prometheus wants Non-Player Characters (NPCs) to be three-dimensional, believable, and interesting, even the monsters.

We’d like to reshape interactions with denizens of the Howling Woods, make those monster tribes fearsome, engaging adversaries, with motivations that PCs can understand and influence.

Monster encounters serve an important role in entertainment with field battles and chance meetings. Wouldn’t it be so much more enriching if those adversaries had understandable goals of their own, a reason to be there? What if you could follow which tribe of monsters was which, and you knew their particular motivations, could play them off each other? Make deals with some, and have others rise as enemies worthy of your attention? What if the individual NPCs had character names, with their own drives and personalities? Wouldn’t that open the door to interactions beyond just, “smash it with a hammer?”

This is the dream that Team Prometheus has for all our stories this year: factions with opinions beyond merely, “This is the Acarthian Way -- and that other way is WRONG.” Two sides can each be right and yet disagree! We hope to create believable, realistic NPCs to make stories come alive.

Where you come in is from the Howling Woods. We’d like to invite PCs to join with friends to create NPC teams of monsters. You will form your own tribe. You’ll have a tribe name, and a visual symbol for identification. Your individual NPCs will have character names. Your group will have unique motivations in town, and your characters will, too. You’ll be a real team. When you volunteer to NPC at later events, you’ll play these same monster characters - we’ll track your progress, your victories, and how you plan to handle your defeats.

Team Prometheus will work with your group as a team of co-writers; we’ll create together. We want you to be invested in these characters, to own them, to plan their next moves. We’ll work with you to sculpt those motivations into encounters that support the stage we’re setting for the whole game. We’ll collaborate to design monster tribes and confrontations that are fun, further the story, and serve the purpose that monsters in a game ultimately must fulfill -- but we want them to be damn fun to play, and awesome for everybody involved!

The best part is: Your participation as an occasional NPC will not hinder your ability to interact with this storyline as your PC. Your team of volunteers will know only what’s going on with your own PNPC tribe, but no one else’s. All the PC volunteers will work toward a larger story, a little something like this:

New Acarthia is the proving ground for the Howling Woods to find a new general, a role called the “Vysen.” That leader may sit at the right hand of Dargok the Unkillable… or perhaps replace Dargok if it comes to it. Competitors for the role of Vysen seek to win glory to impress the others in the Howling Woods, prove their worth. You and your team of friends will play tribes competing for that glory. Each group has a different plan of their own for how to win it.

I’ve talked enough for one sitting. I’ll share more details soon. For now, I’ll leave it at that, and let the wheels start turning….

Trace Moriarty
Team Prometheus
2017 Acarthia Plot
This sounds awesome! I've always wanted to try out a high orc or ogre. A couple questions.
1) Would we be looking at a couple hours per event? More?
2) Would our actions generally be guided by plot?
3) I assume that the hope is that we put together our costumes and makeup for these roles?

Trying to understand the level of involvement for planning purposes :) Thanks Trace. This should be really cool.

Edit: My typing really sucks on my phone and I must sound like a crazy person sometimes...
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Good questions, Matt! I'm going to let this sink in a day or two, collect more questions, and then hit this city with another tidal wave of information soon. :)

I think I speak for more than just myself when I say that I will eagerly await and attempt to prepare myself for said tidal wave.
Themes we hope your monster tribe will convey:
Conquest, vengeance, warning.
Temporary agreements with Acarthia can be made… within limits that benefit your people.

Themes we hope your monster tribe will avoid:
Humor, silliness, comic relief.
Your monster character may have a sense of humor, and crack jokes among comrades like teams do. These encounters should be serious in theme, never goofy or light-hearted.

Exceptions against the rule.
Example 1: If ogres are known for their honor, you may play an ogre that isn’t as “into it” as others are, but you may not play the one dishonorable cheater ogre.
Example 2: If gnolls are known to use necromancy, your gnoll doesn’t have to. You may play the one Fighter gnoll. You may not play a gnoll with a Life mark who preaches the evils of the black arts.

Which monster races may we play as PC volunteers?
Ogre, orc, goblin, hobgoblin, gnoll, kobold:

Ogres - Favor strength, usually physical. Strong sense of honor favoring 1:1 duels.

Orcs - Favor strength, usually physical. Victory justifies the means. Can be roguish and underhanded.

Goblins - Physically weak, they rely on safety in numbers. Value cleverness, but easily manipulated by others, and easily distracted. Petty, immediate in reaction. (Will not speak in high-pitched voices or be silly for these encounters. More info to come!)

Hobgoblins - Value cunning and cleverness, patience wins the day. Vengeful, spiteful, mean.

Gnolls - Less competitive, their comfort justifies the means. High threshold for disgust, they find value in the refuse others leave behind. Prone to use necromancy, even that which utilizes the undead.

Kobolds - Physically weak, but terribly clever in short-term tactics. Prone to sneak attacks, stealth, and speed.

May I play a different creature type?
Not for the encounters associated with this open invitation. We’d like to reshape the basic monster encounters, to make sure that we’re covering well the main races of the Howling Woods before we deal with the more rare creatures.

More to come! Next chapter: Make-up, Masks, Costuming, Rewards, and Reimbursement.
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Really like what you're putting forward here. Of course, you know where I stand in terms of monster race! I have plenty of ideas already on that.
This is the tsunami-post where things start to get confusing, so bear with me. I’m happy to clarify if you’ve got questions.

Team Building
  • Recommended size: 5+ PNPCs (see Rewards, below)

  • You don’t have to draw from your PC team/barony. You may build a “dream team” with friends from other teams whom you don’t get to play with very often.

  • If you want to get in on this but can’t find 4+ others to join you, tell Plot, and we’ll match you with other individual volunteers.


  • The standard reward for volunteering to NPC is now 15 Goblin Points per hour.

  • Vysen groups will earn 20 Goblin Points/hour instead. (Apr 25: We have removed the requirement to get a minimum of 5 NPCs in your group to earn this award.)

  • All 5 of you have to be present in an encounter to earn the bonus; if one guy sits out or didn’t make the event, try to find a substitute, or team up with another tribe that event.

  • You will be awarded an automatic allowance of 2 hours in addition to your time onstage: 1 hour to get into monster make-up, and 1 hour to get out of it and change back to your PC.

  • NPCs are also eligible for Loyalty Awards at the end of the season. If you volunteer (doing anything at all for the game; not just this monster project) for 20 hours over the course of a whole season, you get 1 pick from a list of rad magic items.

  • If your monster team writes or runs mods, designs field battles around your tribe, or contributes in amazing ways, natch, there will be bonus awards!

Timing: How often will our tribe come into town?

Ideally, we’d like each tribe to commit to at least 3 separate appearances during the 2017 Season, meaning: you go out on at least 3 separate weekend events. You may do this every single event if you’re that into it; we’d love it!

Team Prometheus suggests that you plan to be onstage for at least 2 hours per encounter. You should figure in 1 hour to get into monster gear, at least 2 hours onstage, and 1 hour to get cleaned up and back into your PC gear. Thus, your volunteer shift will probably be at least a total of 4 hours away from playing your PC. You are welcome to go in for a longer shift… but we want you to have fun as your Player Character, so don’t feel obligated to overdo it!

Thus, to be clear: We hope that each tribe will appear on 3 separate weekends, in-game for at least 2 hours each.

Timing: When do we go out during an event?
You will schedule your appearance with Team Prometheus prior to each event. We will work with your volunteer group to schedule your appearance. We will try to steer your group away from timeslots where cool story activity is running that might interest your PCs.

You may go out any time between 9:00 am and 2:00 am. We’d prefer that there are players awake to greet your tribe, so we’ll aim for these main hours of game activity. We know that you may be hard core and willing to monster outside of those hours, but we’d rather keep the main hours action packed and ensure the maximum number of players who are awake have the potential to enjoy interacting with your tribe.

Team Prometheus wants the monsters of the Howling Woods to look absolutely bad-***! We invite you to create a personalized costume for your monster character. Wear armor if you’ve got it. Have jewelry and trophies and knicknacks that your character has collected. Fight with something a little different like a club, axe, hammer, or 2-hander if that’s your style. Feel comfortable in this outfit like you would for your PC. This character is a real person, design a costume that reflects that.

Make-up or Masks
You should portray your monster race with full make-up over all exposed skin, or a mask. Our 2017 campsite has super swank bathrooms inside the cabins, with heated floors, sinks, good lighting. Getting into and out of monster make-up, and taking a shower afterward will be pretty easy at our new site, thankfully.

Monster Camp has a limited number of masks for these creatures, but our full-time NPCs who need to make quick changes will get first dibbs on those. Masks may be available for your tribe’s use by advance discussion - but it’s probably best to plan around that limited use.

If you provide your own make-up or appropriate mask, we can set everything up in advance so that your tribe does not have to check-in at Monster Camp before going out! We prefer that you provide your own make-up, and just pace yourselves to go at the scheduled hour.

What colors?
We will provide detailed monster descriptions/make-up instructions later in this process.

Tribe Symbols
Every tribe should have a unique identifying visual symbol. Every member of your tribe should display this symbol proudly somewhere on your costuming, gear, or as warpaint or brand. You may choose something like an animal, an object important to your tribe like a weapon type, or a random rune that is easily drawn in warpaint and repeated. Your symbol should be rough, and “orcish” in flavor, nothing too fancy. Please don’t copy anything from a videogame or other stolen source.

Please run your choice of symbol past Trace Moriarty before you start constructing props or costumes.

You will be rewarded in Goblin Points for your costuming efforts. Alliance will reimburse you 4 Goblin Points per $1 spent for your purchases of minor costuming supplies, and make-up supplies for this. EDIT: If you submit your receipts for purchases prior to April 30, 2017, you will get the incentive award of 10 Goblin Points per $1 spent.

Your purchase MUST be pre-approved by Trace Moriarty in advance. You MUST provide a receipt (scan is fine; we don’t need the original) in order to get your Goblin Points reimbursement.

The intent with costuming and armor is that you will use what you have already, or borrow from friends. You may make minor purchases for a new tunic or matching team tabards. We won’t approve crazy stuff like $600 for a new suit of scalemail armor for your monster character. Look cool, but keep it reasonable. :)

Same with make-up. Our intent is that your tribe will have its own dishes of the appropriate color make-up, sponges, soap, bleach wipes to clean your bathroom sink… not that you buy the crazy special FX monster make-up Hollywood kit you always wanted through this deal. ;)

For the 2017 season, Alliance Denver will offer reimbursement ONLY through Goblin Points. Sorry, the game is not offering cash reimbursement or discounted event fees for this purpose this season.

If you’re gung-ho about this, but supplying your own stuff even for Goblin Point reimbursement won’t work for you, please speak with Trace Moriarty privately. You may come to Monster Camp and use its supplies with advance planning. We don’t want to see anyone left out of this because LARPing is expensive, so talk to Trace.

Okay, this was the tidal wave of new information! I expect there will be questions here. I’ll leave this up for a few days before we move onward.

Kind of tuckered out from writing this marathon post, but still super enthusiastic,
Trace Moriarty
Team Prometheus
2017 Acarthia Plot
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I'm thinking over my next posts which I believe will include some suggested questions for player consideration as you develop the goals and philosophical outlook of your tribe and characters -- what's going on in their heads? What do they want?

I have left Matt's question outstanding about, "Would our actions generally be guided by plot?"I will cover that as I talk about fulfillment of those tribal goals.

While I'm thinking over this next volley, are there are other questions out there on what I've posted so far? What are you eager to learn further about this?

Trace Moriarty
Team Prometheus
2017 Acarthia Plot
YESSSSSSSS. Should we start a separate post for "LFG"?
Should we start a separate post for "LFG"?

Please feel free! I know there are some players out there among Bayenna, Rivervale, the Scions, and Warchester already tinkering with ideas. Let's start that conversation!

Are there official reference materials for these races? Would it be safe to loosely go off the high orc and high ogre packets for orcs and ogres?
No, there are not official reference materials for the monster races -- We'll be able to supply finished teams with a little more detail privately later on. (For example, "Goblins, here's some recent news of what's affecting your people, and some basic notes on the other local tribes.") That sort of information may be varied by tribe in what you know, so I'll hold those cards a little close to my chest. :) For now, please use the brief descriptions that you kindly copied and pasted into your LFG thread. We can develop further details from there.

HIGH orcs, and HIGH ogres are different races from the monsters who live in the Howling Woods. We've polled on Facebook to see how players feel about possibly instituting some local make-up changes. But think of it this way, Matt, the difference between a high orc and an orc is as vast and wide culturally as as that between human and barbarian. They might have a lot in common, especially physically, but their cultural upbringing and norms will be of the split between civilization and the wild (as a general rule).

If you are interested simply in finding some reference for inspiration, I would more highly recommend that you watch some Klingon episodes of Star Trek: TNG rather than draw from the details of the high orc and high ogre packets for PC races. The details of their culture and ways will be terribly different... and we have no High Orc packet locally, come to think of it. ;)

Trace Moriarty
Team Prometheus
2017 Acarthia Plot
Brief clarification for all as you're dreaming and scheming:

Stepping outside the story for a moment, and talking about the GAME: Monsters are generally our combat encounters. They fight field battles, and road attacks, and can be on mods. We want these to have story, and roleplay, and negotiation, and things that aren't combat -- but the main function of monsters in the game is still generally to generate combat. Please lean toward that as a theme.

In speaking with some of the early groups (not all of whom have posted on the forums), I am hearing a strong common theme of, "We want to be the group that messes with Acarthia in subtle ways, instead of through combat." There's room for that as an exception -- but not if every group does it.

For themes, try to lean toward: Conquest, vengeance, warning.

That means combat, spellcasting, alchemy, traps -- with roleplay in support of it.

Hope that's helpful! I'll have more soon! (We've got a big meeting of Team Prometheus tonight, and my attention has been all on Alliance, but on topics outside of this project. Sorry I'm falling behind; I know you want more!)

Trace Moriarty
Team Prometheus
2017 Acarthia Plot
Questions to help you shape the mindset of your tribe and monster character:

Your Tribe

Contest for the Vysen:
  • Does your tribe wish to win the role of Vysen?

  • Just make sure that some other group does NOT win it?

  • Make a good showing, and then throw support to the clear winner later?

  • If one outside is chosen as Vysen:
    • Will you support the new leader?

    • Openly revolt?

    • Lay low until you spot your chance?

    • Sell out the new Vysen the first chance you get?

  • Dargok: May he live a thousand years, or forget that guy??

  • What makes your tribe leader a good one whom others will follow?

  • How did you meet, and form a tribe?

  • When you die, will your children carry on in this tribe? Did your parents belong to this tribe before you?

  • What is the best thing your tribe could imagine happening to it this year?

  • Who is the worst rival that you fear could become Vysen instead?

  • Ogres control the resurrection circles. How do you get along with the ogre tribes?

  • What does your tribe symbol mean?

  • What’s your tribe’s favorite cuss word? (Make up something new.)

  • Has your tribe attacked, or otherwise traveled into New Acarthia in the past?

  • What is your tribe’s relationship with Town Guard watch towers, outposts, and Acarthian scouts and rangers who skirt the border of the Howling Woods?

  • Is there any Acarthian group…
    • That your tribe fears? (Mages, poisoners…)

    • Will not attack for any reason? (Certain color tabards, the young/old, healers…)

    • Particularly hates? (Don’t choose specific PCs or PC teams; keep it broad.)

Your Character

  • Which is more useful: strength or smarts?

  • Which defines you more: your tribe or your race?
  • Does your character have any tattoos or other body modifications?

  • Who does your character look up to?

  • If your character knows magic:
    • Who taught you?

    • Where do you hide your spellbooks?
  • Does your character have a best friend? A mate? Children? Pets?

  • What is your character’s place in tribal society? High or low placed? Respected, spit on, or ignored?

  • Do you have any biases or prejudices against other races or tribes of the Howling Woods?

  • Do you have any biases or prejudices against particular PC races or professions?

  • What is your most treasured possession?

  • When the tribe says, “Run!” do you listen; stand behind to guard their escape; or cut down that coward who suggested it?

  • Is there any line you won’t cross in order to win?
    • Necromancy (Cause spells)

    • Necromancy (dealing with undead)

    • Backstabbing, cheating?

    • Selling out your own group?

    • Self-sacrifice?

    • Killing the young or infirm among your enemies?

    • Theft from your own?

    • Enslavement of any sort: literal, poison, charms, and so forth?
Important scenario: Your tribe discovers a lone, first-time player on the road who’s having a really bad night. As good players, you want to cut this guy a break, and entertain the new player but let his character walk away from the encounter intact. How would you roleplay this out as your tribe, your character?

Trace Moriarty
Team Prometheus
2017 Acarthia Plot
Monster Tribes, by March 31, could you kindly contact me privately with your team's preferences as follows:
  • If your tribe plans to appear at the April 14-16 2017 Season Opener
  • Your top 3 preferred time slots in April (in order of preference)
  • The top 3 stories/encounters that your group specifically doesn't want to miss as PCs
For sure we won't schedule your volunteer time if we know Team Prometheus is sending out an encounter directed toward your PCs at that time. But let us know generalities like, "We don't want to miss dragons, We're interested in fighting undead, Don't want to miss guild meetings," that kind of thing. That will help us make sure you don't miss something your PC was super psyched about.

Thank you!

Trace Moriarty
Team Prometheus
2017 Acarthia Plot
Edited rewards to reflect recent changes in the chapter. Standard reward for any NPC duty was 10, and is now 15. Thus the reward for forming one of the Vysen groups, as described, is now 20 Goblin Points per hour!

We have removed the requirement to have at least 5 NPCs in your Vysen group to earn the bonus award - we'd still prefer that you travel in packs for better story, though.

I was a little worried about that to be honest, but I bet we'll always have at least 4 people. We look to be full strength for our first outing though :)