NPC Meal Plan Menu


Here is the (rough) menu for the NPC meal plan, for the November event, it is subject to minor changes. We likely cannot acommodate special requests beyond what is posted. The meal plan will be finalized by Thursday.

All meal plan participants must be pre-registered by this Friday, we will have two extra slots available on a first come first serve basis after that.

Friday Night:
Spaghetti Carbonara (meat free will be available, pre-reg as vegetarian, so we have the correct amounts).
Garlic Bread

Saturday Morning:
Pancakes and fresh fruit.

Saturday Lunch:

Saturday Night
Rice/Pasta dish
Cooked seasonal veggies

Sunday Morning:
Fruit, yogurt and hot cereal.
As a reminder, registration for the npc meal plan is closed. There are two extra meal plan slots for late registrations available. To claim one, send an email to plot before the event.
All meal plan slots have now been claimed. No further additions will be available.