NPC Orientation: Friday Night


With Jesse's blessing and possibly a momentary lapse of sanity, Dani and I have volunteered to run a NPC Orientation for all NPCs. Like with the safety briefing: This will be mandatory for all people who are planning on NPCing at some point (though not every time), especially since we'll be looking for feedback to refine and improve it from those with lots of experience ;) We'll be taking feedback seriously and trying to put together a living "NPC Handbook" to help orient newer NPCs.

Time depends on when everyone gets there, but we'll be running before layon while everyone else does logistics. Basically get in, get your bunk, and then find either Dani or myself on Friday night.

What we'll be covering:

  • Why we're here.
  • How to NPC?
  • NPC Etiquette.
  • Safety considerations.
  • How to interpret stats.
  • Basic Combat Orientation

This will include some basic roleplaying and world orientation, tips on makeup, hydration, etc.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks for running this, guys! You're great!

I agree, Great Idea!
Planning on attending to save some time later :)