NPCing and the NPC Guild

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Howdy folks!

Alliance Oregon is looking for a few good men and women to volunteer to be beat upon, have bird seed thrown at them, and make the paying players laugh, cry, and run like rabbits!

There are two ways that you can volunteer to NPC: the NPC Guild, and ad-hoc NPCing

NPC guild members make the following commitments:

  • Commit to only NPC for the season when you attend Events.*
  • Attend at least 4 of the 6 planned Events for the upcoming season.
  • Attend Game Days as an NPC as availability and need allow for. Game Days can be attended to fulfill your event commitments at a rate of two to one. (i.e. you can fulfill your commitment by attending two modules and three events, for instance).
  • As guild members demonstrate ideal NPC habits (consistently looking to help out, staying in-game in PC-populated areas, etc.) and a strong command of the system; we'll be assigning a few as "group leaders" to mentor new NPCs and lead teams of NPCs in assorted key encounters.

*Depending on the scope and NPC needs of a Game Day, it may be possible to attend as a PC in order to start developing your own characters and begin building relationships with the other PCs.

Some (not all) of the rewards for joining NPC Guild:

  • Greater gobbie and grab bag rewards for attendance than ad-hoc NPCs.
  • Assigned key "White Hat" and "Black Hat" roles which will make appearances based on need and story.
  • A broader and deeper understanding of the story for each event.
  • A reward at the end of the season for fulfilling your obligations.

Quickie FAQ:
  • What's a nubi.. er, "NPC"? - NPCs (or Non-Player Characters) are the people that help make the game run. They work with the plot team to provide good guy and bad guy characters for the PCs (Player Characters) to interact with, either through roleplay or combat or a mix of both. They also help out in Monster Camp - setting up, breaking down, and cleaning up modules, and so on.
  • Why would I pay for that? - You don't, that the great thing! NPCing our events and game days is free, and you earn rewards towards a new PC of your very own!
  • What's this "NPC food plan"? - NPCs at events will also be able to purchase the NPC food plan for $10 (assuming a two-night event)! This covers a light dinner on the first night, breakfast, a light lunch (sandwich fixings or wraps and a snack), and dinner for Saturday, and a light breakfast for Sunday. You aren't required to buy in to the plan, and can always bring your own food.
  • Oh no! The season is half over! Does that mean I can't join the NPC guild? - Not at all, please do join! But it does mean that we may not have the time or resources to assigning you a key White/Black Hat character for that season. Also, the end-of-commitment reward may be less.
  • I don't want to join the guild, but I want to NPC. Can I, can I, hunh? - Absolutely! At every Event, we will assign every NPC with a "townie" of some sort with rumors or backstory so that they can interact with the PCs on a (hopefully) non-confrontational basis and let them eat in-game. We'll also have a brief write-up of the theme and flow of the event so that you can get a good sense of what to expect while NPCing that weekend.
  • Whaddaya mean "(hopefully) non-confrontational"? - Face it, sometimes people end up with wacky ideas about the person you're portraying. If you try and play your townie as a sneaky, backstabby son of a motherless goat*, you may get a little "re-education" from the others in town. We'll try and give out characters that you can safely eat your dinner as, though.
  • So, what do I need to bring? - Enthusiasm and energy for starters. Sleeping gear for starters. Many of the camps we use do not provide mattresses, so if a sleeping bag on wood isn't enough, bring more. Clothingwise - black or dark brown sweats in the winter are a good base to add on other things. If you have some neat costuming that isn't identifiable as part of your PC garb, feel free to bring that along too, but for the most part, we will try and have costuming and makeup available for your roles at Monster Camp. Shoes with good ankle support is strongly recommended - we'll be mussing about in the woods, and a rolled ankle makes for a slow event. Beyond that, it's up to you. If you have allergies, bring your allergy-relief. If you have special dietary concerns, bring your special foods. Bug spray might be useful, etc. Personally, I try and buy a fresh pack of socks every event. Nothing is as cozy as warm, dry socks when you go to bed.
  • Do NPCs have to prereg? - While it's not necessary, dropping a line on the forum or an email to plot ahead of time is great, especially if you plan on taking part in the meal plan. Marking Facebook as "attending" works too, though it doesn't help us know if you're eating.

*Any resemblance to actual sons of motherless goats, living or undead, is entirely coincidental.
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