I am not on plot, but I would like to point out that we have the largest group of PC's we've had in a long time. This is awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and rocking Dragonfall with you all.
We have (currently) only 7 people NPC'ing (vs. so far 51 PC's). I would like to take a moment to remind people that taking an NPC shift is really helpful to the chapter. If you can, take a few hours out of your weekend and NPC. The more NPC's we have, the more fun it is for everyone involved and it helps to take stress off of our already over worked Plot team.
We have (currently) only 7 people NPC'ing (vs. so far 51 PC's). I would like to take a moment to remind people that taking an NPC shift is really helpful to the chapter. If you can, take a few hours out of your weekend and NPC. The more NPC's we have, the more fun it is for everyone involved and it helps to take stress off of our already over worked Plot team.