Oct - Jan Downtimes


Hey everyone,

The holiday season is quickly approaching which often means that you are going to be very busy - as so will we.

Because our next event is so soon after the first of the year, and in order to allow us, your plot team, time to enjoy these holidays, we are going to plan our downtime submission deadline for Sunday, December 15, 2013, with responses returned by January 6, 2014. It'll allow us to work on them before the holidays get into full swing, and you won't have to worry about sending your downtimes on new year's eve!

Please refer to our downtime policy thread here: http://alliancelarp.com/forum/threads/downtime-activity-policy.8344/#post-164766 for further information. Note that you will need to scroll to the last post in the thread since I haven't figured out how to link to specific posts (sorry).

We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season,

OR Plot Team
One week to go!
For ease (although today's the deadline so it might not be all that useful..) This is the correct address to send downtimes to:
Oh crap, I just saw this. I hope you guys got mine.
Downtimes have been completed and sent out. If we missed you, please send us an email and let us know!
Thanks, guys!