October 14-16 Event Title and Teaser

was that a salute your shorts reference?
It could be if you want it to be.
oh there was no confusion. I knew it was called an awful waffle... i thought he was being subtle and eluding to the reference... :thumbsup:
Deadlands said:
Surion Maedhros said:

I'll be PCing, and I plan on bringing four NPC's. Two of them are new, and the other two have only played Alliance once. So, you'll have people, though they be inexperienced.

Cool. Thanks!

Although I don't know what we'll do with the two who never played Alliance, since we NEVER have newbies in npc camp.

I'll try to get them up to speed, explain the basic rules, simple fighting, etc. I'll also encourage them to hang out with other NPC's who know what they're doing. If needed, I'll also jump fence to hold their hands for a while. Through osmosis, they will learn, and the collective will be greater. Mwahaha!
Yes, train them well. It will make it more fun for them and easier for us.

I can personnally attest to Dan's facility at this. Excerpt from last event:

Dan: I need you for a module.

Toddo: (Applying ice to a sucking chest wound received via a non-foam Metzler rage-stabbing as he tried to rouse Toddo from bed) I might need a minute...

Dan: F*@& YOUR MINUTE! (A cattle prod is produced and applied)


Dan: Now that that's cauterized I need you to play sheep #4 on the "Farmer McBuggery's Yiff Paradise" mod.

Toddo: (in a fetal position on NPC camp's floor) I can't feel anything from the navel down...

Dan: (Once again applying the prod) Well, consider that a blessing. Now up you go!

(Camera fades to the sound of electricity and begging...)
WOW that made me laugh so hard... :lol:

Not sure if that is something I should be worried about... :zonks:
If you're NPCing...you should worry alot

If not....watch your back