Alright, it has been over a week and I’m still not done processing everything that happened and how I am responding to it all, but favorites need to be shared before they are forgotten because this event was amazing.
A huge thank you to the plot team for running this weekend. There were a lot of encounters and characters to interact with that led to a lot of great discussions and RP.
Another big thank you to NH plot for running with this story and giving it its ending. This weekend was the wrap up of many years of intense plot and so many IBGAs and anxiety inducing secret mods and actions. I’m going to miss being active in this part of the world and story that we created, but am so happy to have seen its resolution.
Having Roman back in game, finally. Dude, you were missed this season.
Getting the first punch in the gut with Dan’s pure lord asking me why I was just chilling around in the Hollow and not fighting, followed by “oh, you haven’t heard.”
The following discussion with Kainen, Keeley, and Tabin and what needed to get done and ready for. Finally pulling the ripcord and discussing protection needs depending on how our retrieval of Carver went. Ray, I love the conversations Tabin and Aisling have.
The confusion on Abbath’s face when she sat down next to Aisling as she was digging through all of her alchemy. Followed by instant support, loyalty, and reassurances. <3 Abbath and our role play.
Having a plan for getting into Sadeen Moor with the hit squad only to have it change at the last second as we were portaling out with Roman saying, “we’re going to this place, I have a guy.”
Awkward family introductions.
The Carver retrieval mod. There was so much there that I could barely process or comprehend all of the bits and pieces that were going on.
- Apologizing to everyone for taking them to the Sanctum, cringing when opening the inside door, and getting real concerned when it was dead quiet.
- Finding my footing to attempt to pull rank on the skyrider. A valiant effort at trying to avoid a fight.
- That fight - might have been a bit intense. Best part of it was the brief pause as Roman prisoned himself between me and Sean. The facial expressions all around spoke volumes.
- The brief attempt at an alchemy stand off and it resulting in a shatter spirit landing square on Tenerian’s chest.
- Bill’s RP while they tried to take him out of his cell. “You came with AISLING? You dumb idiots!”
Post rescue feelings, discussions, and getting yelled at. “Yes, I messed up. Yes, I’m sorry. No, that doesn’t fix it. Yes, it was for the people.” This guilt is going to last for always.
Snapping at Nova and all of the RP that flowed from that throughout the weekend. Jamie, you rock.
Conversations about how to get Shaw to leave SM. “I know how to get Maka; I can do it.” and revealing that special relationship to the world.

He was a hyena monster, but he was ours and he was just trying to protect me.
The confusion during that fight while I sat confined, paralyzed, prisoned...take your pick.
Figuring out how to go to the cave to get Maka and whether or not it was a trap or really just tea party time.
The final moments with Maka and struggling with some conflicted emotions, including a pinch of fear: “I’m going to eat your tongue and then your face.”
Losing my nerves to anxiety more than a few times over the weekend and always having someone there to help. Roman, Phedre, Keeley, Tabin, and Tenerian being constant sounding boards and reassurances that I was getting through this was HUGE and the RP with it was some really great discussions.
Saturday night with the random effects that kept happening to people with Silas around. I legit started losing my mind to giggle fits towards the end of that. Well done, plot, that was a messed up and fun time.
Sunday morning and the lovely description of the bats overhead. “The bats are carrying cages with various animals in them. At the front of the formation, there’s a bat carrying a cage that you notice is empty.” Congrats Sean, Aisling found out that she could, in fact, get more freaked out and scared that she had been for most of the weekend. That description dropped a boulder of lead into the bottom of my stomach.
- Again with the bats: walking into the tavern with Roman and overhearing discussions of what might be happening. Dear, sweet, naive Aloise very excitedly talking about the animals in cages and saying how silly it was to have an empty cage. Aisling kept trying to cut that conversation short, but Aloise kept commenting about the empty cage. Aisling finally snapped, turned to him and very bluntly stated, “that cage is for me,” and walked out.
Holding it together during the pre-wave battle fights and the bombardments, apologizing to Vry for bringing this mess to the Hollow. Building up my confidence that I was ready to make this stand-off and then immediately losing all nerves and booking it across the field in fear as Shaw came around the corner shouting, “WHERE IS SHE?” Nope Nope Nope!
“I trusted you!” and the crush of so many mixed emotions and not knowing if or how to respond.
The start of the fight and the drive by for Roman. I started circling to stay away from Shaw as he circled around the town, and then had that wonderful, slow-mo, “oh no” moment as I realized he was going for Roman instead of Aisling. Whoops
Getting dropped by Shaw and him swinging a shatter spirit at me as Ona (I think?) parried it, followed by a shatter spirit gas globe as Shaw chased Ona down and very happily calling a “poison shield.”
Taking in the fight and deciding to start getting in Shaw’s way so that others wouldn’t keep getting hurt. Short story: it worked. Longer story: he dropped me instantly and dragged me into the tavern. At least it kept him off the field until I dissipated.
Rezzing instantly, thank you Samara and Tenerian for the plot behind that! We can skip the horrid romanticism that came along with Roman and Aisling rezzing next to each other.
Waking up from the rez, realizing I was surrounded by friends, that things were over, and being hit by a giant release of emotions.
Carver’s heart - cool cool cool
The reaction to the shouting wind report of Sadeen Moor, the new circle for the people there (pretty sure my jaw hit the floor), and hearing about Anaxion taking the country. *#$@&$# NO. BAD DRAGON
Hunt, crap like this reminds me of how solid a family we are. I bought this ticket 100 times over and you all stood right there with me to make sure we took care of it. Hunters choose in, even if the person responsible deserved every bit of fallout.
I think I’ve rambled enough, I could retell the whole weekend and it would be full of favorite moments. Y’all are the best. <3