October Ashbury event pre-registration

I'm just making sure/double checking my registration went through. I pre-logisted, but still not seeing my name on the list. Should have an event credit from July Stormbreak which I could not attend but already paid.
I'm just making sure/double checking my registration went through. I pre-logisted, but still not seeing my name on the list. Should have an event credit from July Stormbreak which I could not attend but already paid.

Just get logistics to confirm it! :)

Everyone, please don't take this personally, but it's important for logistics to update the database to delete the credits before I list you. They then tell me so I can place you on the list.
Sorry it took me so long all lots happening in real life.

So we have extra room in Gargoyle and there's the healers guild area that has 4 extra beds as well. We should be able to accommodate everyone and get things worked out.
If you or your group is still without verified crash space please email me at ashburygm@gmail.com. I'll work with customer service and we will have a solution for you within a day. Thank you all for your time. I look forward to seeing you all!
If anyone still needs crash space please let me know.