October Closer "Deep-Rooted Memories" FAVORITES!


New Hampshire Staff
What a wonderful weekend with so many amazing friends, new and old!!!

What did you love about the CLOSER event, "Deep-Rooted Memories", The Isle campaign?

Comment here!!
The weather held out!
The many and varied mods-
The "walking" mod was amazing!
The roleplay to combat ratio
Meeting all of the players for the first time,
Getting in-game validation from Duke Bennington!
Getting to play with Bec, Dan and R.J..

Getting starred down by Riddick, (probably not for the last time)
a first for me- throwing healing to keep Grand alive/not killing-blowed
Popping an engulf with a pin
Having Quincy come up to me and say "You communicate really well for someone who doesn't talk". :)
All the brand new players/NPCs.

Thanks everyone
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