October Event Favorites!


It was a pleasure to be able to run an event for everyone. A BIG SHOUTOUT to my NPCs and PC helpers. Thank you Amy for being there for us. I'm sorry you get to deal with my pre-coffee and hunger grumps. You took care of us well!

We would love to hear your favorites! And don't forget to send in your Feedback (gobbies yay), and IBGAs (more plot, yay).

Some of my favorites:
- Seeing the Props made by our talented players
-RP as Enna, hearing the crazy stories
-Gandian wishing to "have words" with Charis
- Dex mods! (Thank you Jeremy and Greg for helping me set up those) Always fun to see a little grace and problem solving. I never thought Valentino could pull off such a graceful jump and twist.
-Dex mod continue: Briar and Asher team work. Well, that is one way to solve the mod
-I will just say this: some of the late night...choices.. the PCs make.
- Ragnarok learning about Kendra's personality first hand.
- Reaction to Annie
- playing a "baby crock" Sunday morning
I know there is more, but I'm a little out of it still
I'd say kip's death, though sad, was pretty good. Glad to have died by such a noble arrow.
The dex mods were a first for me, and I'd say unbelievably cool. Would love to see more in the future.
I did enjoy your baby croc. It was fun to block your slays, though slightly horrifying.
-Trying to stay warm by huddling around Dan in his fur coat with Roderick and Groll Grock for 30 minutes well Kip watches because he doesn't get cold for some reason.

-Valentino getting terror'ed, Sir Von Griffin getting fear and me getting death'ed gave us all horrible visions of what would happen if Roderick becomes a Knight.

-Had a really fun alchemist mod with Artemis and Roderick well Griffin and Valentino took a nap in front of a heater.

-Learning Formal magic from Emma.

- I also had a lot of fun talking with some newer players

It was a great game and I cannot wait for my first Castle event.
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I had a pretty fun event. There were quite a few moments that stuck out in my mind, so here are a few

-As I said at the event, #1 on the favorites list is the crocodile dance.

the rest (in no particular order):
-Lilly's ability to organize from beyond the grave
-Boggle with polearm: swings "three normal"
Ragnarok "Someone should teach you how to swing that thing" swings "9 normal"
Me: "Ragnarok, someone should teach you how to swing that thing" swings "10 normal"
-Cleansing/Freeing Auspicious the unicorn
-Random arts and crafts with Oliver
-The discussion of what level of villainy makes a villain "dastardly"
-The ballad of the battle at against the Harroc at Irthos
-Apparently I make the lists now
-Seeing Valentino, Artemis, and Kip alive after they went scouting for canopic jars
-As a dad, the House of Plague with the children in stasis really messed me up. I like that our game can have those sorts of powerful emotions
-The Trog Princess (I'm not going to try to spell that name) and suggesting that the she had to leave the party early and "forget" one of her gloves
-Nearly finishing the weapons rack (just two-hander storage left), seems like that's going to work out for monster camp

-There was a small group of folks that helped me with some stuff out of game (you know who you are ;)). I just want to say "thanks" again, or for the first time to those I missed. It's people like you that make this game worth playing, and the connections that we make with our fellow players that make this the best game.
Thanks to all the Staff, NPCs and crafters who worked hard putting this game together, especialy thanks to dave for being the hero getting the grass mowed and the heat on.

-Amy, Emma, and Jen doing such a great job with the food, along with Jack Benjamin and Ragnarock taking time out of their games to help with clean up and other chores.
-Rob, Thanks so much for coming all this way to help with our game.
-Getting to be the disjuncter a few times, I especially enjoyed the fast responses with Oliver and Gandian getting me the components when time was of the essence.
- Oliver commissioning a portit of a refined scholar and painting Jack because he looked so refined in his sweater vest, never mind that he can't read. And the fact that I already had a painting of Urt for the hardened warrior.
-Everyone's enjoyment of The Royal and Most Pleasant Game of the Goose, My Dad got the game for me when he was visiting Montichello, VA I'm glad it makes such an entertaining LARP game and that betting and drinking can be incorporated.
-Pre-game the new guys that showed up and all their help getting the site cleaned up, I could not have done it with out you two. And to Josh for finishing up the weapon rack.
-Courtney using page blows on me cus she saw orange on my tummy :)
-How beautiful the garage turned out, Thanks Matt for all your direction and making it look like a feast in there.
-Alexander for all you hopping fence for the Stone elf and your "murl-mod" the extra spices that add more flavor to the game
-Greg for building me a compost. Thank you So much! looking forward to less waste at our games.
-Dave a beautiful princess as always
-Sitting outside the unicorn pool in Bome wondering if the Ghetto was here because of the celestial circle we disjuncted though or if the circle hasn't been destroyed because it's the ghetto, Then being left behind on the other side on guard duty, sigh cost me two extra components to get myself out.
-Going into a resurrection story unpaired and mostly telling bad puns, even the spirits agree that 10 mins is too long for a resurrection to last, gonna have to come up with more jokes for next time.
-Getting to step into Lilly again and see where we are with the artifacts, it especially warmed my heart when latter Ragnorock showed up to Briar with components for the Dryad artifact. It made me so happy to organize the adventures, I guess that is essentially what Lilly did, collect and redistribute information.
-Kendra, would have enjoyed spending time with her as Gorka again, but it was great to see her.
-Baby Crocs
-Yummy food
-Accidentally making bread late at night
-Watching pumpkin carving with a circle at the ready and getting payed for my forethought
-Getting to spend time with my friends, I may be feeling tired and not up to as much but I'm so glad I got to spend my weekend with such great people
Thanks PCs and NPCs alike- I had a blast.
My brain is pretty addled as I went from your event into event prep for my weekend coming up. So just a couple quick moments-
- Tactics/Chess and such with Viktor and Ragnarok loved Viktor being like I am making a chess board lol
- Playing the Winter Wolf at Dinner was a lot of fun as I got to channel my favorite real life dog lol
- I loved the look on peoples faces as Rattles made them follow him on an insane stealth not stealth mod approach
- I loved some of the rp I overheard during dinner
- Lastly Ashers list of were the Bliss reclaimer went wrong in life...it was a long list.
-Many more I am sure- see you guys next time.
I always forget something but here's to trying to break that habit.

-Resurrection via puns.
-Obstacle course mods! I didn't even know that I liked those.
-Counting my coin at the end of event and having literally double what I thought I had.
-Wearing the Preserver. Best. Armor. Ever.
-Rob RP. Just excellent.
-Getting to show off Rags selfless nature, rezzing trying to save Glav and just handing Briar a fistful of components.
-Rag vs panther gahst. Rag wins without taking a hit.
-The Royal and Most Pleasant Game of Goose.

I probably forgot something. I had a blast!
Thank you NPC's and PC's it was rocking
-The remembrance dinner
-Flirting with Dave was..... new
-Teague going BOO very softly (It was spoopy)
-Skinning a dead person
-The Feast Croc was very sassy
-Visiting other parts of town
-The Smore's
-Hanging with the new guys
-Alexander telling stories of the old'n days
-Meeting Annie
sorry about being late with my favorites.. seeing the spirits of both lilly and kendra which both nice and a bit scarey at the same time, helping gandian make a weapon out of dragonglass which could be very useful in the coming future.