October event pre-registration

I'll be there to PC
-Joshua Berit
Fearless Leader said:
20. Sheila Haswell [event credit used]
22. Sheila Haswell (Kremhild) + year membership [event credit used]

Sheila is soooo intense she is playing 2 characters!!!
I'm Sam Owens, I'd like to use my payment from September and I'll be playing Dorian.
Psst. Sam, you're already hiding farther up the list. You're so sneaky even you didn't see you.
Haha, when I posted that it just had my name and not '[event credit used]' just wanted to clarify that or figure out if I needed to fill out a reg form or somethin.
I will be sending a different pre-reg. Expect that a little closer to the date. (A week or so prior.)
NPCing and blanketing... a new character! BUM BUM BUMMM.
Arfghgbrrghl! Marching band competition that weekend?! Why did I not see that earlier? :pinch: Man. I was going to get out of the football game to make it to this closer, but to miss a whole competition... I have many-a-string to pull for that! I'll start asking about it, and we'll see how things go. But for now, it may be more likely that I CAN'T come. Geeze, I'm sorry for always going back and forth with my pre-reg stuff. :wacko:
Its never too early to logist! Remember to logist your items and spells and i can get some sleep before the event!

edited... whats funny is i had autocorrect turned off..
really? biologist kyle? I'm thinking its going to start being worth taking bets on what the next odd comment is... :thumbsup:
I'll be attending as well and you can just use my credit from the september event.

Joseph Richie #1960
Regretfully, September was the last event this year I was going to be able to make. I work the weekend of the 7-8th, so sadly I will miss the event.

If anyone would like to volunteer to be medical staff for the event please let me know either here or via e-mail: christine.maudlin@gmail.com.

I will miss you all and I'm sad I only got to play twice this year. Work has made it exceedingly difficult, as I would have to burn 36hrs of vacation time to make an event. Super sad face.

Have fun everybody.

Please apply my credit from the August event to next week's event.

-Frank Willig
Re: October event pre-registration: DEADLINE SUNDAY

I've got a wedding on the 8th and will sadly miss this one. Damn.
Re: October event pre-registration: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Payment sent. I will get a pre reg in soon.

Can't wait to come to this event. Its been to long since i was in Ashbury for an October event :thumbsup:
Re: October event pre-registration: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Hey Mike....Last name is Belford.....Not Bedford......it's a common...yet annoying mistake. I forgive you! :thumbsup:
Re: October event pre-registration: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Small change of plans: PCing Luka, although I will be spending a considerable amount of time on the other side of the fence, too <3