October Faves...

Dan Nickname Beshers said:
I statted it the way I did specifically with you in mind, Jeremy. In retrospect, I should have ignored the threshold when I realized it was you calling 4s, but I was hopped up on adrenaline and thinking about how cool I looked in my own head. Next time, baby.

its all good, the fact that it was sent out period is still awesometastic. :D
I had sooo much fun this weekend. Before the weekend started I was worried I wouldn't have as much fun because I wasn't PCing, but I'm pretty sure I had more fun NPCing than I would have as a PC.

~I loved playing the chaos plot, its fun acting crazy all the time.

~Hot women with beards...

~Jaimi's reaction to the beard rot. Thanks for laughing at my misfortune :p

~Having very little downtime, I loved having lots to do all the time.

~Playing an undead in the middle of the tavern during Sumadan and no one attacking me until I started attacking...This town is turning into undead lovers.

~Having Craig and Rebecca start attacking the undead while they were trying to parlay. Its more fun when a fight starts and you don't have to continue being civil.

~Poor Jim and little Rockbreaker, its not their fault they're undead...

~Getting to spend time with a bunch of great people.


PS ~ I want pie!
1 Mitchico drawing her sword half way through Jones's love poem.
2 Wil laughing so hard that he could not call his damage on my angler-fisher cat, e and getting to play that roll with Brian again was great fun.
3 Dan's gummy bear.
4 Silas Rp with Mark and Deb.
5 The crossroads rage zombie opener.
6 Nicodemus and his swift justice on a necromancer left arm.
Well got to do home work now
love Northern Ben
I had a lot of fun this second event. Thank you all the NPCs who helped me to continue to learn, and all the PCs who made battles amazing. Also thanks to Crossroads plot for having and EPIC idea for Friday night.

1. The rage zombies Friday night with all the lights, they were AMAZING. I also loved Tab's stilt guy.
2. Playing as Chaos elementals protecting the Prince of Chaos, insane amount of popcorning. Also, getting hit in the face by Azureith by a pumpkin. Haha awesome.
3. Candy goblins saturday morning. Arguing about which foot to step with first when marching.
4. Fighting as undead while avoiding the glowing orb of doom.
5. Being the colored constructs inside the board game, and having to be taken down in specific order. Hard to see but SOOO much fun.
6. The bearataur and angler-fishercats. I wasn't involved but watching that encounter play out was amazing.

I had soo much fun, and I can't wait to play again! Thanks again everyone!
Excellent event. Thank you NH Plot, Staff, NPCs and PCs!

Just a few highlights:

1. Aklead looks at Craig and I: You guys want to go kill an undead? Muahahaha! That and the resulting RP was some of the most fun I have had as this character all year. The Intense RP with Kainen, Amaranthus, Nicodemus was awesome, as well as comforting Tempesta afterwards.

2. The final countdo- er.. I mean the final mod. OMG. When Life spells are being used as cure lights you know you are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

3. Picking up Madam Nadia's whip, a warning come too late, and Phedre offering her pants!! That is friendship!

4. Very interesting meetings with nobles.

5. Creating a Puriel music-box! Keeley's idea to make Vry sing as part of his squirely duty was... in a word... brilliant. ;)

6. The rescuing Teawaddle mod. For someone catching the tail end of this plotline I thought the mod was a lot of fun.

7. Jones' love poem. I don't remember which line it was that made Michiko start to draw her sword, but it seemed very appropriate at the time. It was hilarious.

8. Angler fish-er cat wave battle. Lawl is all I have to say.

9. Not running away from Mourgrymm! Was very satisfying to get to fight this baddie for a change. :)

10. The Order elemental mod. And yes, when you come back from a fight with Order elementals and no one got prisoned that is an rp mod. I don't care what anyone says.

Can't wait for the closer!