October Favorites

Hey Guys and Gals, please post what you like about the HQ Season Closer right here
We play a high-stakes, safety-off game of semi-pro improv theater with an interactive audience out there. Sometimes things just don't happen as you envision them. Larp is a fickle mistress.

So here's my favorite:

All of you.

I love every single one of you for giving me a shot this year. Many drove for hundreds of miles and some flew for thousands of miles to give me that shot and for that I will be eternally grateful.

I'll learn. Don't you worry. I'll build on every victory and every defeat. In 2014 I will pour every bit of heart into the game as I have this year.

For now, I'm going to rest and enjoy the fine shows being put on by Gettysburg and Deadlands and in that rest I invite any and all to join me for a drink and a story this winter.

Thank you,
Collin Babcock
First I want to thank all of hq staff for the best season ever.
Thanks to all the new npcs and anyone who hopped to the dark side. Litteraly there would be no game with out you all.
Thanks to Collin for this crazy fun an emotional season
Thanks to Tom h for your actions IG and giving my character new perspective.
Thanks to Tom w for going out of your way to send fun stuff our way.
Thanks to Kyle for being an all around awesome guy, and going out of his way to make sure we are always having fun.

As for the event , so much fun.
Fun with fighting the monsoon and trying to stay dry
Watching jinx and raven play in the rain.
On Friday night getting pissed off at the troll healing itself so I resorted to prisioning it and then slitting it throat.
The Gilded Claw holding the hill and slaughtering trolls
Fighting undead with qualin, or should I say decimating them.
Finnaly getting to effect the jade skeleton , god I hate that sob :)

My team getting a keep . " thanks for all your sacrifice and service , and for all that here is some more responsablity ." Lol but no seriously I hope that my team can do sometimes good with it but it I ever become a noble I'm gonna give away vacations.
Dinner time is always fun. And the people are so entertaining. You all don't know why your missing. Scotty is an amazing cook, Geoffrey just the right amount of snide and bitchyness, izer ruis huleene all awesome.
The plaidins super serious, Susie you knocked it out of the park.

Lastly my team, your the heart and soul I love you all.

And Collin I want to wish you all the luck in the comming seasons.
I had a blast
First, thank you to the NPC's and PC's for a great season and another fun event.

On to the memories:

The fog. While I found the entire warm and uncomfortable, the fog we had this weekend at various times was amazingly beautiful.

The Friday troll mod. All the paranoia. Watching Amaranthus flashback and seeing the train wreck that would have occurred if Zara had been within sword reach for more than a second or two, with my plan being "just let it happen then clean up the pieces." Also explaining to Ruiz that, "I'm staying back because you don't' want me to get paranoid. That usually ends with me deathing people then running away." The look on her face of, 'oh he's not exaggerating' was great. Also, getting to use death spells anyways, it was nice, it had been awhile.

Backpacking Ulthoc Saturday afternoon. He was clearly not used to the magic armors.

All night chats. Haven't done that for YEARS, then remembering why the next day.

"I'm out of first aids."

Vanguard. Always a pleasure.

Izer and the Heavy Blade trial. "So both Izer and the Paladin admit he did wrong, but somehow holding a sword over his head commutes the sentence? Interesting tradition."

Gilded Claw Dinner. Always delicious, and a good time.

Late night bubbling over of emotion over the murder of Avalon and the repercussions afterward. The number of people who came up to me afterward saying "You finally said what we've all been thinking". Ooops. From now on I'll get more sleep to keep those emotions in check.

And the ritual of the weekend is: Undead Alarm System. I didn't get to fully install it, but the fact that Count Ulthoc and Raven jumped on board to one of my "I wish I could do this someday" ideas is great. Then realizing it had a shot at hurting the Jade Skeleton was icing on the cake. Finally, during the ritual expecting the Jade Skeleton to show up, but instead having it be Find'rth. I would have preferred the Jade Skeleton. Also, the brief conversation that was finally had with Find'rth and thinking afterward, "I may yet survive the evening".

320 Earth Vengeance. Get used to that, it will be around all next year :)

Dwarf Drinking party with Zhenyu and QJW regaling the various parts of the Battle of Aiolia.

Tea with friends over any/every meal.

This awesome chapter. Can't wait to do it again next year.
This was a relatively quiet game for me, actually. Not that there wasn't combat to be had, that was provided in spades, it just didn't involve my PC much. It's what I get for making a character who's still convinced that anything law-related is stupid. :funny: This list is in no semblance of order. I'm not even going to try to pretend it is.

Singing is number one on the list of things that made me happy, though. I don't care what kind of singing it is, Vicky got some sing time with Alda and then it just kind of... spread? I don't know what happened there, but it was awesome and should be repeated. The dirty jokes made Vicky homesick, hah!

Yay, Dad's 50th birthday! It started off with a lot of frustration and threats to confiscate his phone, but he ended up enjoying himself. He makes Robb Graves and Joe Siegel look like the "happy-happy-joy-joy" type of people who compliment everyone, so I'm both impressed and relieved that he actually had fun. Thank you all for putting up with his constant confusion. :)

'Nother little out of game note: NICOLE AND ROBARE, THAT WAS ADORABLE. Seriously. So happy for you guys. I don't think anyone could blame you at all for not being able to stay in character. The huzzahs and everything were just perfect. Also, "Is there any reason for this hold to continue?" "It's adorable!" Yes. That is definitely a legitimate reason for that to go on for a bit so everyone could stop girlishly squealing. (if you didn't out loud, you know you did it a little inside, along with yelling "Gross!" if you're Sean)

Being taught how to read magic by the Phoenix. What. Just... what. Mike, that roleplay way so much fun! And random Auwen (...spelling?) interruptions! Haha, Perry's sudden appearance and "no, really, chaos is okay. Necromancy is some messed up stuff." explanation may have blown Vicky's mind just a bit.

Checking in on the Vansir who showed up. Vicky worries about you guys. But she had to have some distance and give you guys space, so there wasn't much RP. In distancing herself from them, spending a little time with the Gilded Claw because Vicky was uncomfortable with Zenyhu (sp?). All the getting to know Lili things. Explaining horns aren't something to be shy about, discussing Death Kitty, how saying "b****" after a slay should be a flaw on a weapon, general shenanigans, etc.

Having a conversation with Claude that didn't result in Vicky wanting to murder him repeatedly.

Tackling Kai and thinking it was all okay and then... AUGHHHH, KAAAAAAAI, STAHP. What're you DOING?! Breaking Vicky, of course. It's cool. The one thing that's kept her mentally stable for the past season just magically disappeared. It's fine. She still cares. Nothing's wronggggg-!!!

Ruis hugs and the knowing looks that resulted in. Little "you good? okay." expressions every so often are nice, even if they're unintended. Also the "wait, you still need healing? healing arts, how many body are you down?" "...26..." and NOT getting glared at for once. Just a sigh and a shake of the head.

Conversations with Chullain. Accidentally stepping on a landmine. Vicky's starting to like the taste of foot.

"Did you just use 'terse' in a sentence? All right, she's cool. Any anger that had been there? It's over. Gone."

Watching Kai go catatonic and not being able to do anything about it. It makes me appreciate Erika as a roleplayer, but it makes Vicky tear her hair out. Foot in mouth, again.

On a related note, Vicky has slight PTSD. Did not realize this. Also, she worries constantly about people who aren't there. "How's Nikhujo? Is her claw still messed up?" "Wonder if Tvard'll be all right where I left him." "I hope Ag and Val are keeping a good eye on Thurisaz. I know they will, but..."

So, Vicky has this thing called a "hate-crush"? Uhm... all right. Resulting gossip with Erden and Vicky realizing she might be able to get along with Erden even if Kai wasn't going to hear it.

Sitting with the Healer's Guild and the Hunt for a few meals. Hilarity. Also, being interviewed. Much less terrifying than Vicky thought. Also, talking with Lili about it maybe not being a good idea after all and delving into Vicky's insecurities and trust issues.

Storming off to go cry something out, having the in-character realization that this was childish. Also, Ocean's attempt to teach her how to handle things in a non-painful manner. She may get fixed yet.

Susie. flipping. Lee. "I AM THE LAW!" That argument was so hard not to meta!laugh at, but it was very well played. "Who do you think signed it?" and the resulting "ooooooooh!" from everyone was just great.

And finally, the Jade Skeleton. What? Just... what? Vicky was so torn about all of that! Talking to him, happy that she wasn't going to get messed with, wanting to know things, feeling bad for him, wanting to repay him for making her feel safe, finding out Sejanus was probably under some kind of influence, getting a hint, and then panicking when she stopped hearing him. *shakes fist* Tom's an amazing roleplayer, guys. Seriously.

To conclude it with a more funny note... Watching Tom get "group creeped" by the Hunt. What even?