October Par-Tay!- Cancelled... for now.


10/14/10 Update: Ugh, I feel horrid canceling another thing but I'm sick, have been for a week. The apt is full of unpacked boxes due to me sitting around feeling cruddy. I'm really sorry about this guys. I've decided to just have my party during November or December instead, depending on when I get over this & when I'm finally unpacked. Also, depending on the date I might change this to a Nightmare Before Christmas party. We shall see. I'll put up a new post closer to the date next time.

What: Alternative Alice in Wonderland Costume Apartment Warming Party

When: October 16th, 7:30pm+

Where: Mah New Apato (most likely to be located in Eden Prairie)

You guys are all invited to my apt warming party, to be held in the middle of October. Costume is encouraged but not required. It'll be dark/funky Alice in Wonderland themed. Food & snacks shall be provided in abundance.

Also, this is just for fun. I don't want gifts or anything.Iit's not an official/traditional house-warming, just an excuse for a party really.
Re: October Par-Tay!

so...I can wear my rabbit costume to this?
Re: October Par-Tay!

Heck yeah you can. I'm hoping to have my Alice (not Alyce) costume done by then. However I might just cheshire it up if I'm too busy packing and stuff.
Re: October Par-Tay!

Both Mike and I will do our utmost to be there.