OCTOBER pre-registration CLOSED

You now have to pay at the door, please!

1. Jessica Brown: Aven
2. Brian Bender: iggy
3. Heidi Hooper: Zat
4. Amelia Lizak: Ren
5. Scott Kondrk: Fin'drth
6. Dee Kondrk: Kiri
7. William Duffy: Landiara
8. Eric Stehle: Ivan Drake
9. David Ehrhart: Khorwyn
10. Kelly Allard: Xilonen (+ year membership)
11. Erica Stephenson: Glorianna
12. Steven Crow: Marrek (+ year membership)
13. Henry Hart: Qualin
14. Brian Whitham: Garathon
15. Miranda Whitham
16. Todd Silber: Ithica
17. Danielle Darwell: Aubry
18. Dustin Crewell
19. Amanda Wells: Leona
20. Robert Graves: Nathan
21. Gregory de los Santos: Loken (+ year membership)
22. Arriana Vasquez: Raava (+ year membership)
23. Sheila Haswell: Natalia
24. Dennis Berish: Sparticous
25. Onitt Hernandez: Symerille
26. Dan Lineaweaver: Rorii
27. Missy Lineaweaver: Daralassia
28. Daniel Baillargeon: Ashrik
29. William Kinkaid: Caspiaris
30. Daniele Wilson: Anna
31. Kevin Erwin: Ket
32. Robert Kinlen: Squire Raven Nevermore
33. Angel Belford: Lanna
34. James Kridler: Jarrin
35. Jinu Kang: Kiam
36. Marissa Livollen: Sryah (+ year membership)
37. Tim Curry: Kayden
38. Justin Coggin: Tetsu
39. Kelsey Desrosiers: Sevaria

PRIVATE ROOM 1: Jessica Brown
PRIVATE ROOM 2: William Duffy
PRIVATE ROOM 3: Henry Hart

Phoenix: Toddy and the Whithams
Dragon: Ash Forest
Griffin: Erica Stephenson

Dael Jackson (+ year membership)
Frank Coyne (+ year membership)
Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

Pls add me too
Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

Just pre-registered. If one of the private rooms becomes available I'd like it for October. In the meanwhile I'm sure I speak for enough people to grab a cabin (Ash Forest & Friends) as soon as they get in gear and start pre-registering.
Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

Pls advise if commoner room area is first come first serve.
Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

AllianceNJ said:
Pls advise if commoner room area is first come first serve.

Yes... which is why it is better to reserve a cabin or a private room!

Hopefully we'll have another cabin or two within the next year.
Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

Mike pls reserve a cabin for Nordenn - preferrable one of the ones on the top of the hill.

Were working on pre regging now but it will be:
Amelia (Ren)
Bobby (Raven)
Dani (Aubrey)
and (I think) Tom (Ulthoc) - need to confirm he is pcing.

Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

Please note that one of the private rooms has opened up, as someone had to cancel their plans to attend the event. So if anyone wants a private room, the first $40 gets it.

Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

Indeed you did Henry. You're all set.

Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

Orcs are just elves that the creators screwed up...badly.

Hahahahahahah. :P
Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list


I just preregistered for 2 people in October. One of those people is me of course and the other is my wife who will be PCing for the first time. Her character does not have a name yet. Her name is Miranda Whitham.


Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

Ye beat me to it, ye pants-less beast! And I'd prefer whichever cabin has bunks, so Toddy can fall off the top bed in the middle of the night again. ;)
Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

As per how we are listed for the cabin, I think I've now fully been adopted by Brian and Miranda. I think they'd make pretty cool parents, so that's cool. :lol:
Re: OCTOBER pre-registration list

Khorwyn Brey said:
As per how we are listed for the cabin, I think I've now fully been adopted by Brian and Miranda. I think they'd make pretty cool parents, so that's cool. :lol:

I dunno, I kind of thought "Toddy and the Whithams" sounded like an early 60s rock group.