October Pre-Registration List


Crossroads Staff
October's Pre-registration list. Please remember to get your name on that list by the Monday before the event. After that, door prices apply and you may not have your character information ready to go Friday night. So don't wait, get your info in now!

Also remember to pre-reg if you're NPC'ing! It helps us plan out the events knowing who and how many people we have in our monster camp so we can make the event that much more awesome.

If your name is bold it means we need your cashhhhh.
If your name has a asterisk* after it, it means we have your cashhh, but need you to pre-logist.

You can pre-logist and pay here: Alliance Deadlands Pre-Registration
Go do it! Do it now!

In the event that we are short on NPCs and have to put PCs onto a waitlist, PC's who have not filled out their pre-logistics form will be bumped onto the waitlist. PLEASE make sure to fill out the form so logistics can take care of setting up for the weekend. If there is a section of the form that you aren't sure about, do your best to fill in the appropriate information. Our logistics staff is more than happy to assist you in tweaking things after the fact rather than not getting any information ahead of time.
Fill out the form: get on the list.
Players who confirm with their preregistration that they will be paging are not counted for or against the registration cap. A PC who will page does not take up space on the list. An NPC who will page does not open up additional spaces on the list.

Anyone who has already pre-paid will be put on the initial list, but please be advised that your spot may be bumped if you have yet to fill out your form.
Thank you!

Any questions? Shoot them my way at deadlandsgm@gmail.com and I will help you out!

Looking forward to seeing you all in October!
The list:
1. Dan Beshers
2. Evan Tessier
3. Sean Metzler
4. George Hirst
5. Seb Scola
6. Mark Simino
7. Justin Ledbetter
8. Nick Wollert
9. Rachel Durfee
10. Mike Guarino
11. Sam Olson
12. Jessica Mount

1. Deb White
2. Brian White
3. Meghan Kinkaid
4. Stacey Beshers
5. Samara Martin
6. Mike Lawson
7. Jena Lawson
8. Rebecca Dawn
9. Thomas Reeves
10. Taylor Knytych
11. Shaun Glancey
12. Albert Lamonda
13. Will Kinkaid
14. Dan Aldi
15. Dom Alioto
16. Loren Williams
17. Lester Tse
18. Brian Davis
19. Zach O'Keefe
20. Nick Norris
21. Chava Karlovich
22. Lauren Yung
23. Chris Ryan
24. James St. Martin
25. Nate Killary
26. Liam Colleran
27. Jeremy Davis
28. Craig Fiske
29. Joe Plonski
30. Jennifer Reynolds
31. Tim Cray
32. Christian Coleman
33. Kelsey Desrosiers

Spaces Available: 3

- PCs on the wait-list will be notified when they are bumped up to the registration list as more NPCs sign-up. You will also be notified closer to the event if you are still on the waitlist. Find friends to bring and have them sign-up to NPC!

Updated: October 16, 2013
Hey Meg,

I registered to NPC on Monday...... Not sure if it went through though, now?
Signed up to PC, will NPC if needed.
I filled out the thing.

Some people need to sign up to NPC so I'm not flying 3,000 miles then driving a couple hours to NPC... much as I liked NPCing here :)

On that note, anyone got room in a car for a girl and a suitcase from central CT to site? Or crash space in a hotel room? I think the only sleeping bag and tent I have access to are from my days as a brownie scout, and Strawberry Shortcake is terribly out of fashion right now. And the tent is probably years past being structurally sound... and I think I lost the poles... Someone take pity on me?
phedre said:
On that note, anyone got room in a car for a girl and a suitcase from central CT to site?
We can give you a ride home on Sunday. We have a wedding Friday night in Maine to go to, so will be detouring there before heading to game Saturday AM.
Marcus said:
Hey Meg,

I registered to NPC on Monday...... Not sure if it went through though, now?
Hey Mark,
It never showed up on the pre-reg form. I will add you to the NPC list!
Hmm Weird.... Well I am definitely in for Friday and Saturday..... See how these old bones handle it before committing to Sunday as well. Can't get the day after off.... So I need to be able to walk on Monday:) See you all then.
Hi! So I'd like to PC October, but the character I'm playing will be PCing HQ this weekend and getting NPC credit from GB next weekend.

Would you prefer that I:

a) pre-logist as much as I can now and spend any build I earn (and register any Restricted Magic Items I might find at HQ) on-site Friday night?
b) pre-logist as much as I can now and email Logistics with updates after each weekend?
c) wait until after GB to even pre-logist?
d) do something else?

Thanks very much!
Please apply the registration payment I just made from oleander_sky@yahoo.com to Dan Aldi. I'm still undecided on NPCing or getting on the wait list, because woah damn look at that lack of NPCs.
mguarino said:
Hi! So I'd like to PC October, but the character I'm playing will be PCing HQ this weekend and getting NPC credit from GB next weekend.

Would you prefer that I:

a) pre-logist as much as I can now and spend any build I earn (and register any Restricted Magic Items I might find at HQ) on-site Friday night?
b) pre-logist as much as I can now and email Logistics with updates after each weekend?
c) wait until after GB to even pre-logist?
d) do something else?

Thanks very much!

A good mixture if a and b would be ideal! :-)


NH logistics
And I will assist Samara in rezzing every last one of you. Including myself.
Flyaway Bird said:
If there aren't enough NPCs to allow me to PC my one game this year, I will rez every single last one of you.
I have two fresh faces who should be signing up to NPC Sat-Sun, pending babysitters. But don't worry, I can probably find a way to rez myself by being stupid.
Hey Guys,

As great as it is to scroll through our pre logist form and see how many people say "Call a doctor, or 911" as an emergency contact, I find it very important that we really do have someone to call if something were to happen on site. I would appreciate it if we could get some real people or numbers.

I appreciate it!!
Samara, if it comes down to it, I will NPC in your place.
Dom said:
Samara, if it comes down to it, I will NPC in your place.

Ha Ha It's Skele-time
Pre-regged and paid. Weekend requested off at work. All is well, and all manner of all thing shall be well.
signed up to NPC 10/5/13

List is updated. We still need a whole lot of NPCs.


Also, please be sure to send your payments in as well. If the wait-list is still in play at the pre-registration deadline next week, PCs who have completed their pre-reg form and paid will be given priority for available PC slots.

We really don't want to tell people that they won't be able to PC, if you're not sure about which way to play, plot has some really fun roles and plans in store for our NPCs for this upcoming event with the potential for reoccurring roles if you're planning on sticking with the dark side for awhile. Also, bring friends and get them to pre-reg! If we don't know an NPC is coming, it does not help out with the wait-list.