Odd dreams about nobility...?


New Hampshire Staff
Hello friends,

As of late, my dreams have been riddled with seemingly important information about the people you refer to as nobility, and how something quite important is happening. I have been awake but for one cycle of seasons, and thus I am unaccustomed to such information and I can not make out its importance. Might someone be able to provide me with more clarification? I am truly intrigued by the modern system of hierarchy. Do these people need my help in any way?

The names I keep hearing in dreams are Dame Sonia, Duchess Jacelyn, Duke Broomis, Sir Nevin Kendrick, and Duke Frost. Why are their names so important?

I hate to seek out such advice in the dream realm, as I would much prefer to wander the woods and discuss, face to face, the interesting idiosyncrasies of your modern world... but these dreams seem rather pressing, as if some action needs to be taken soon.

I thank you very much, friends, for any information you can provide to help me understand this situation. I hope everyone who dreams here is well, and I hope to see many friends in the coming gather! :)
heya lil flower. Aight so the land itself is reaching out to folks trying to feel which ruler would represent the will of the people that inhabit these lands. Ya see the folks ya listed are the peoples are are looking at to become the next king or queen. So your dreams and those images that are gathering in yer brain cage while ya Sleep are the "Mons regalis" which is a magic rock that chooses the leader exploring yer feelings on the matter. Don't be frightened nor concerned its a good thing. Yer best thing is to learn what ya can bout each person. Then when yer minds clear on yer choice the dreams will cease being invasive.

Goodwoman Kialda,

Since you are regular contributor to our excellent publication, I'd be glad to lend you a hand. Having trouble with the Mons? Well, look no further than The Ashbury Times for all your candidate information! As a show of good will to the people of Ashbury (and the new monarch, whoever he or she might be) we have published a special edition and made it available, free of charge, to all citizen races. No need to thank us. It can be found here:


Speaking of your contributions to our paper, I will be in Fairedale in a week's time to deliver your payment... if that Nathan Westwind hasn't cleaned me out of all my gold by then...

Myrtle M. Marmadoc
Reporter, Ashbury Times
Thank you for your insights, friends! :) While I still have trouble understanding the need for such structured formality, I understand that it is very important to your modern society. And, knowing that it is so important, I continue to be interested in any insight that any other friends have to offer about these candidates! Perhaps the Mons Regalis is having trouble reading my heart because I am still too uninformed about the candidates, even after I have read the article. (Though I do extend my appreciation to the Ashbury Times and Myrtle M. Marmadoc!)

So in order to further clarify my dreams, perhaps some of my friends might dream about some reasons why these candidates are worthy for such a position of power? To be honest, the sooner I can be informed and have the Mons Regalis leave my dreams in peace, the better! I am disinclined to be too heavily involved in such a system, and such political dreams leave me with a bit of a headache.

Thank you for all the help, friends!
Politics is a very interesting topic, however one needs to maintain a certain amount of decorum. When speaking openly about men and women of such immense military and judicial power, it is important to consider that they might overhear your words.

That being said it is important to also remember the possible outcome of your decision; based on truthful knowledge. If His Grace Duke Sir Frost Vardik (for example) is elevated to the position of King of Icenia, then much would change. As he is our local liege lord, that which is familiar about his reign may very well change, as his responsibilities would now encompass a nation of Duchies.

I myself have only met Dame Sonia and Duke Broomis in any length that might be required to formulate an opinion about their worthiness to rule the good people of our world. I am quite confident that they are truly patriots of Icenia. I am torn by the feeling that the Mons Regalis has tasked me with an impossible choice. Also I feel certain that there are those who are not worthy of making such a choice, and yet they share our great task.

I am worried therefore that this choice, no matter what the outcome shall not go unchallenged.

Frost is merciful, he has shown that he understands that sometimes in order to win, you have to lose. Such wisdom never comes easily.

In service to the people of Icenia.
-Sir Ignatious Skippio Vex
Indeed we find ourself at a crucial point in Icenia's history. Everyone should do their best to gather what knowledge they can, and follow their heart. I have my own opinions on what a ruler should be, but thats all they are; my opinions. We each must look inside ourselves and ask: What do I believe is best for the Kingdom as a whole? Who's word can I follow without hesitation, and whose actions can I pledge myself to, without regret or cause for doubt? Tis a very difficult choice for even the most informed person, let alone the populace at large.

My only advice then can be, learn what you can, know your own ideals, and choose who best exemplifies those ideas. The Mons Regalis will know who fits your heart's desires when the time comes.

Sergeant Amaranthus Landcharmer, Brittington Irregulars
Lord of Stoneroost, Kingdom of Eire
KialdaLoa said:
Thank you for your insights, friends! :) While I still have trouble understanding the need for such structured formality, I understand that it is very important to your modern society. And, knowing that it is so important, I continue to be interested in any insight that any other friends have to offer about these candidates! Perhaps the Mons Regalis is having trouble reading my heart because I am still too uninformed about the candidates, even after I have read the article. (Though I do extend my appreciation to the Ashbury Times and Myrtle M. Marmadoc!)

So in order to further clarify my dreams, perhaps some of my friends might dream about some reasons why these candidates are worthy for such a position of power? To be honest, the sooner I can be informed and have the Mons Regalis leave my dreams in peace, the better! I am disinclined to be too heavily involved in such a system, and such political dreams leave me with a bit of a headache.

Thank you for all the help, friends!

I can perhaps give you some information on Sir Kendrick, and Duke Buchard.

Sir Nevin Kendrick is the Lord Commander of the Brittington Ducal Army. He lead the siege of Starkenstine in a flanking maneuver at the end of the war with Duchess Corellia, and he is presently my commanding officer. He is, in my eyes, the type of military tactician and commander that I aspire to be. A man of action, and commitment. I think I can speak for many in the Irregulars when I say we would follow him to the Abyss if it was so ordered. My Lord has admitted his own lack of experience as his largest fault, but I believe his heart and honor to be more than capable of making up for it.

Duke Broomis Buchard is the Duke of Brittington, and is Sir Kendrick's uncle. He is a man whom I have found defines the words personal honor and accountability. His Grace wields the authority of his position with grace, yet is not afraid to act the moment it is deemed necessary. He believes in Icenia as a whole, not just his own lands, and I have seen his put his own honor and life on the line to challenge those whose goals might have been shortsighted. His Grace has admitted his age as a fault, as he does not wish to see Icenia faced with this choice again in 10 to 15 years, and he has no heir. His age may also be his greatest asset, as he is an experienced ruler, one accustom to the weight of his choices bearing upon him.

I hope this information helps you in your quest to learn about these Nobles. My words are not meant to condemn those I have not spoken of, only to share my knowledge of those I have.

Amaranthus Landcharmer