Of Frost Fang Pass...


Public Relations Committee
Adventures of Fortanis,

In an effort to share information in an easier fashion I am making what I discovered known here. I have been assured by the Archons that this dreaming will be safe from the Reapers and that we can freely discuss plans on our next course of action. If I have misspelled any names please feel free to correct me.
In the 10th month/October of last year an army of Void Elementals attacked. These elementals attacked not only Horn’s End and Valdanis but the entirety of the lands held within the mists; from the Blood Isles to the Veil no land was spared. The army abducted most leadership within our kingdom and perhaps the other kingdoms as well, that is yet to be known. Among those taken were skilled craftsman, guild leaders, many nobles and Her Highness and the children. We know that there are five generals who are holding those people as a safety net. If we attack the generals outwardly then the hostages will be killed outright. I was not able to get the names of the five but I know at the very least the races of four of them. They are as follows:
1. A Wolf
2. An Undead
3. A leader of a hoard of monstrous races
4. Unknown
5. The embodiment of everything Reaper
The Reapers are a race that exists outside of the Elemental or Magisterial Planes on their own separate outer plane. From what the Archons have told us, the Reapers epitomize the power hungry empire building stereotype. They crave power and have been in a stalemate of sorts, a ‘cold war’ with the Archons for as long as anyone can remember. The Reapers summon elementals and bind them to their will and conscript followers. I am sure that for those looking to make gold and live life as a mercenary their offers are very tempting. The Reapers heard of the ‘worse kept secret in Valdanis’ the Creation Stone.
The Creation Stone is a powerful artifact that grants true wishes. This is no like a monkey’s paw that will grant a wish but then causing some calamity to befall the wisher or those around them but, wishes without limit. If they wished to rule the known multi-verse they would, no questions asked. They could wish that entire peoples never existed and there would be no consequences. This army is currently knocking down the defenses on the doors holding the Creation Stone in place. We do not know how long it will take and how strong the defenses are but, we know that sooner or later they will break though. That being said we know more about them then they currently know about us.

The Archons took the area of Frost Fang Pass and have created a safety net. This zone prevents most monstrous races, elementals, undead, etc. from walking though. But, this zone is not 100%. Ogres made their way in and killed Cyprus and 2 different Void portals opened on the border of the zone. The ogres were killed and the first portal was closed. This is proof that by our congregating this place the zone was weakened.

Both Al and Altavius have made it very clear that every action we take impacts the magic in and around the zone. If we are transported outside of the zone or when we leave though the mists it leads to the equivalent of a flare being sent up into the sky. If the Reapers are looking in the right direction they will sense Archon magic and investigate if not good for us. The more portals are created the greater risk that the Reapers will see and this will also upset the balance of the zone. The zone is a perfect closed system. This means that we could exist in it for ever, theoretically until something so catastrophic happens that the world is re-written; when the Reapers get the Creation Stone for example.

We have very little resources. No Dragon Circles exist that are working, we have no Earth or Celestial Circle in which to identify or resurrect, and the zone prevents any from walking out of its borders, this means that portals are the only option. We as those who are willing to fight for Valdanis and those we love who were trapped on the outside must make a decision together wither to or to not use the portals. There are others who were also rescued by Altavius that live in this zone. Our actions have far reaching consequences and cannot be made on the whim or by one without informing the others. I understand that some of us have children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and lovers on the outside but, we must reach a consensus as to when to strike.
I am uncertain as to if I will be able to get back to help for the next Market Day but, I believe that we should make some sort of decision before anyone goes off on their own. If anyone has anything that they would like to add please do so, in this situation it is extremely important that we share what information we have and unify to save not only Valdanis but, all lands within the mist.

Sera Liddia FallingStar
My reasons are semi-selfish here... but I propose rescue missions, especially for our families and very closest friends. This accomplishes two objectives.

1. We have our families in safety of sorts if they are still there to find
2. Intel, They have been out there while we have not. Don't you think they might have learned a bit more about the enemy then we have?

Can I ask whom you might be?


I won't let it happen while I still draw breath.

"We do not know how long it will take and how strong the defenses are"

This is not true.

While we may not know how long it will take them, we do know what lies in wait defending the stone.
The last trial was attempted by an exceptionally skilled and resourceful group. They failed.
We do not know if the reapers have even made it past the door, as the key has been misplaced and the lock is magik.

The Archons portals are the only known way in or out. There may be others. We have only just begun to look.

I would be very interested in any whispering winds and visions that may be available.
This would provide a vital tool to contacting the outside and keeping abreast of the situation without piercing the bubble.

~Lady Ahlana Antaro Silverbane Maldovia Moore of Abalyss~
If Liddia says this is a safe place to talk let's get a roll call going or at least plan one so we have an idea what to work with:

My name is Jehan Wyldweaver- In the outside world, I am the defender of Maladonia and the leader of House Life-storm. I am a somewhat accomplished celestial formalist with a specialization in Golemancy. Who else is coming?

Please note, I don't think its my place to try to lead you, but if i can advise, help, fund, or otherwise aid our efforts I will do so gladly.

Jehan Wyldweaver
My name is Tansy. Tansy of Vilarn. I'm still new to the world outside my village. My Goal is to become a bard. The best bard. I was teleported to the pass for reasons unknown and am exited to watch events unfold. They might make a good song. I am willing to fight. I am not strong yet but I will do what I can while learning and becoming stronger.
I am Ark, mystic wood elf of little consequence. Alas it would seem that my vacation coincides with this little soiree and from what I've heard Jehan knows all of the finest people.

I'd cancel your vacation plans or bring a circle.


From my experience, even the least experienced sword can have a powerful impact on a battle or before it. What little you feel you can offer in terms of service will be accepted gladly by all. Besides, without Maxwell a song or tale by the fire will surely be welcome.

I am Ahlana.

If you have not yet heard of me, you soon will.

We are in the midst of a war. Not just war for our country, but what may well be a war for our existance.

I am organizing a militia/army to eradicate the reaper threat.

As this threat transcends all traditional boundries (country, race, etc) I call upon all of you to take up arms, and join in the defense of our world.

As soon as the gather commences, I will be accepting defenders willing to pledge themselves to this cause.
These defenders will be organized into companies, and given tasks as needed to further the war effort.
When the time comes to face the reaper hordes, each company will have its role to play in mass battle as well.

We have a wide variety of skill levels and talents here in Frost Fang. Every single person can make a difference. Every single person can aid the cause. We need teamwork and organization if we are to stand a chance.

I am providing the organization. Each and every one of you is vital to providing the teamwork.

I have already contracted the wagon... Now you tell me that I should cancel my vacation. Your sense of timing is impeccable. I guess that there is nothing left to do, it's out of my control at this point. If we are to do battle though I may find myself woefully unpacked. I prepared for a moderate weather, parasol and all. I do believe I have neglected to bring any type of weapon that I could lay both hands on. Would you happen to have an armory in these lands I might utilize?

Wait...there's a war going on? I was really kinda hoping I would just be able to stop buy and buy something I've been looking for, for awhile. I guess it's kinda to late to turn back now, because I told some folks I'd bring them things and they might be depending on them if there is a war going on. I'm not very brave or helpful with fighting or stuff...but um, I could maybe help take notes or fix armor or something.


....I promise I won't get in the way if I can help it, but I usually kinda do get in the way some even though i don't mean to.


The mists have seen to it that I have made it to Valdanis again; however, I am short a sister.

For those who do not know, I am a sister of House LifeStorm. I'm not the best fighter or healer, but I do try my best. I am a decent tavern keeper on most days. And can follow directions when they make sense.

We can build on the skills that I taught you last gathering. Do you know how to tell if your friends are still alive?

Vacation? You should know those never go as planned.

Eve Rosenfeld
Sister of the Brotherhood of LifeStorm
My name is Nommerithalasa, most people simply call me Nomm or Squishy.

My Skill is my versatility, between my brother Shar and myself if we don't have the answer for a problem we know who does.

I have also recently formed a guild for helping those new to adventuring in body and spirit,
Currently my new friend Jack is the only member and i believe Tansy, you said you wanted to join as well? (I may have forgotten some details with the hole fae thing)

We will do everything in our power to defeat this new threat.
I am Edward "Bishop" Grove. I am one of the founders of the Vanguard. We are typically proud of our battle tactics but this last market day has proven that we have gotten a little rusty through the winter months.

My specialties include a big pokey stick and battle healing, I don't provide a lot of healing but typically if I see you down in combat I will try to get you up and send you to the back of the lines to get healed and repaired. I am not advanced enough to be casting these rituals yet.

I am used to having a shield to either side of me but unfortunately we will be missing one of our shields during our get together.
