Off topic (but no one reads that board) WoW thing


Hello all,

Just incase anyone is interested the game World of Warcraft will be comming out soon. Having beta tested both it and EQ2 (and every fraggin MMO out there as well) I intend to form up a guild. Since I enjoy nero gamers most I am inviting anyone that also wishes to play a spot in the guild.

The guild will be on a PvE (player vs enviroment) and will be alliance. I would also like to play horde but belive me when I say that horde has only one third the content that has already been written for the alliance. In short there is a just a whole lot more to do. After the guild gets all established and stuff I hope to have enough people to make the same guild on the PvP servers to make a hardcore fighting machine.

If you are at all interested in this please send my email a message with "WoW guild" as the subject. If you have any questions about the game before release about characters or skills just throw them in the subject. When the game comes out I will pick a Central Time server (because we will have characters from both costs) and then send out a email broadcast with the Server info and my character name to get everyone in.

Later on,

my chi is as butt stomping pallidin in a field of butts