[.11] Offensive Intercept


Could Intercept be used to, well, intercept beneficial effects within weapon range?

Example: A thrown Cure Spell. A touchcast protective? Does it specifically exclude touchcasts while any thrown spells are free game?

I could see this being a way for Fighters to counter backpacks or finish casters who’ve gone on the defensive.
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Good question. I've seen parry used like this in the current rules, when a big bad was trying to spellstrike heals onto itself.
Well, reading over the description of Intercept, I don't see why you couldn't use it this way? The only stipulations for its use are 1) the effect resolves on another creature, 2) it's within reach of your weapon or hand at the time, and 3) it's delivered by packet or weapon strike. So long as it fits all of those criteria (and being directly next to a BBEG who is trying to Spellstrike beneficial effects onto itself certainly qualifies), I don't see why you couldn't call Intercept to take the effect for yourself.
Make that within reach of your weapon because if your opponent is within reach of your hand you are charging.
Intercept specifically states you can use it without a weapon in your hand if your hand could have reached the effect you want to Intercept.
ARC will clarify Intercept so that its first section is as follows:

"The Intercept skill allows a character to take the damage or effect of any effect that successfully resolves on another target. Touchcast effects may not be Intercepted."

This allows for "offensive" Intercepts, but not against Touchcast effects.

-Bryan Gregory
While this saddens me, I understand. Spell Parry should probably have the same text added to it.

I disagree. I think Spell Parry should be more powerful if used offensively, since it’s more expensive and a more valuable resource.
I agree with your premise. But, from a consistency standpoint I think it's a bad idea that two skills that work very similarly have different touch cast caveats. It should be one way or another.

I'd personally prefer they both work on touch cast but, here we are.