Offer of Education


To those in need of instruction:

I am able to provide services in teaching in a variety of disciplines. Please seek me out during the Gathering of the New Moon if you wish instruction in matters both Arcane and Mundane.

-Brother Faux

You have reminded me of the wisdom in community announcements. Perhaps we can share these notions at Dinner tonight with those at the Gathering, I aim to make those of us who have set up here, a more tightly knit band.

It is only logical to share knowledge, and I too would offer to teach folks regarding a broad number of subjects, though I admit I yet have much to learn.

Askeksa Firstforest
For any interested in the healing magics or casting of rituals I would be glad to offer instruction. As well as the fundamentals of the magics from the stars and planes. I am capable of taking two students each day, please let me know if you'd like to learn anything.

I am looking for a teacher who can instruct me to be a weapon master.


I would seek out the Mercenary Sigfried. He is most skilled in all manner of arms and armaments. If you would like, I may make introductions.

-Brother Faux
I will be traveling to the outpost in a few weeks time and should anyone require teachings of the merchantile nature, I would be happy to oblige as well.

-Hallend, Zakar
If ye are in need of spells to memorize, I have both an Full Earth book and a Full Celestial Book ye can copy from. Tis free. Just come see me.

-Squire Hildr'
Totem of Hawk
I will be traveling to the outpost in a few weeks time and should anyone require teachings of the merchantile nature, I would be happy to oblige as well.

-Hallend, Zakar


I would like to peruse the education you offer for myself or my associates. Please message me privately so we may negotiate compensation.

-Brother Faux
To any available,
I have recently developed an interest in the subject of alchemy and to any who are already proficient and willing to teach I would very much appreciate and be willing to pay for instruction. Best regards,
If ye are in need of spells to memorize, I have both an Full Earth book and a Full Celestial Book ye can copy from. Tis free. Just come see me.

-Squire Hildr'
Totem of Hawk
I will happily take you up on your generous offer regarding Earth spells next I see you at the outpost.


I would seek out the Mercenary Sigfried. He is most skilled in all manner of arms and armaments. If you would like, I may make introductions.

-Brother Faux

I have met Sigfried, and appreciate your gratuitous recommendation.
