Offering Aid During the Storm


Chicago Staff
On behalf of Baroness Bancroft of Fluga, Cinem, I, Scribe Herbert Asail, relay this message to settlements around Gavaria:

These continuous downpours have been devastating for our beloved country. Crop fields for the Fall harvest are becoming flooded and it looked like we could face food shortages once again. However, that shall not be the case. Cinem was aided by the other Duchies and so this time Cinem will step up to aid our neighbors, our fellow kin.
I will be distributing food and supplies to any who are in need. Let no family starve during these troubling times. We can weather this storm. We will weather this storm. For anyone displaced by flooding, Fluga is open to any, as it is of higher elevation. We will get through this because we are strong and we, are, survivors!