Official Positions of Concordia

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
To the good people of Concordia,

The following is a list of the nobility and official positions that are held within the Duchy of Concordia.

Duchess of Concordia - Duchess Morgan Rowena Barclay
Baron of the Barony of Sanctuary - Baron Garoth Sudicar
Baroness of the Barony of Hagen - Baroness Petrovia
Baroness of the Barony of Ogrit - Baroness Alexia
The final Barony of Concordia is yet to be named but it's Baron is Baron Orthus
Magistrate for the Duchy of Concordia - Baron Garoth Sudicar
High Sheriff of the Duchy of Concordia - Sir Mathias Rassuer Royal Knight of Valdanis.
Sherrif of the town of Horn's End - M'Lord Cain Westlin.

Carraiste Lasairean Seandeanta
Royal Bookkeeper
Why isn't Tadron a noble? I could have sworn he was the best of you northerners...

Logic would dictate you offered him a position, and he turned it down; I'll speak with Tadron and make him reconsider, do not fret.

A. Runebeard
Ordo Tempestus
Goodman Runebeard and all other concerned parties,

I wish to inform all that the list I posted was not conclusive of all nobility in the lands as we have many Lords, Ladies, Knights and other such titles that are held by many. However, those people are also mostly adventurers who take much of their time to keep the people of this kingdom safe from any person or creature that would threaten them. It is a difficult task and requires a great amount of attention thus I did not add their names to the list of nobility. Should any of the nobles not mentioned wish their name to be added, I shall do so and post it in the public forum for all peoples knowledge.

Carraiste Lasairean Seandeanta
Royal Bookkeeper