Ogre's head


With the long night past them, Phelan trudges his way back to the Ogre's head. Phelan smiles as the smell and sounds of a busy Ogre's head fills his senses. Going to the bar he asks the Barmaid. " I will have some dark ale and some chicken if you have any left over. Ah! maybe you can help me. I am looking for Artie the Hobling. I was hoping he could help me out in getting a new throwing axe but alas I don't know were to find him."
A patrol in Home Guard tabards enter the Ogre's Head. "We are looking for Third. It's understood he frequents here often."
Vaegar enters the Tavern, a place that almost seems to be a third home for him. Its quite tonight, and that helps with what is needed. He places the book infront of him and orders a cup of wine and a candle. He opens the book and starts to write.

Long in to the night he writes. Stopping every so often to sip his wine and work the cramps from his hand. He raises his head every now and then in thought, placing the pencil to his lips. As dawn approches he pulls a few sheets from the back of the book. Using his most professional hand he writes Six letters. The last he seals with candle wax and places his ring in the seal.

He steps out into predawn chill to take a smoke of his pipe. Looks to be a bright and sunny day.....Damn.
A sigh of relief escapes Phelan as the sight of the Ogre's head comes into view. Well, that was an uneventful night of patrolling. Catching the scent of pipe and Dark Elf, Phelan spots Vargar and moves over to him. "Sorry about the wait. I just finished my nightly patrol". Pushing back the hood of his cloak, Phelan gives his head a quick shake. " Other then scaring a stray cat out of 7 of her lives it was a quiet night.
Vaegar smiles at the sound of boots in the snow. Knowing full well the clomping could be no one else. "Ha ha, my friend, I should expect you to get 8 next time". Vaegar smiles warmly at his companion. "Its good that you have come so timely, It may seem I have bitten off more then I can chew, But lets hope this is not so, eh? I need you to deliver some letters for me. They are important and I can think of no other to trust them with. They are in order so deliver them as such. They go to..." Vaegar leans in to the wolfkins ear (wisper pm). "See that they arrive in a timely manner, oh and now that you are here, escort me to the Sanctum please, there seems to be a chill air this night. My mother always said, a chill air is the last breath of a dying house. Lets hope that is not the case."

With that Vaegar hands the Letters to Phelan and starts walking in the direction of the Sanctum.