OMG! New Zelda game!

If the final product looks like that, I may have to add a gamecube to my list of things to buy.
In-game screenshots, made with the in-game engine.
I can't play zelda games any more. Damien ruined it for me. All I can picture in my head is Nye whenever I look at Link any more.

Solomon Maxondaerth said:
I can't play zelda games any more. Damien ruined it for me. All I can picture in my head is Nye whenever I look at Link any more.

That's sad. lmao

Kevin :D
Ahhh! Ok, Benson (Kimo) is getting us (me) some info on this new game from E3 so hopefully we'll know more when he gets back...! ^^
Owwwww... That looks pretty. Now I'm gonna have to play and beat this one.
Kittyfox said:
Link had pants. . . they're just really really tight. ^_^ The chainmail is niiiice.

Nylons are hardly pants ;) But now he has actually stitched pants! And chain mail! And a sword strap! And straps on his shield! And an undershirt that's not a turtleneck! I am thoroughly impressed. :)
Yeah, my sister informed me of that recently. I checked with the nintendo website and confirmed her claim. I am happy that they brought back adult Link as well as the Ocarina detail, not that terrible Southpark quality from Windmaker. So far, no Zelda game has topped The Ocarina of Time. This one may set the new standard. I mean, they have horseback combat!

Also eagerly awaiting the coming of Starfox Armada and Metroid Prime II. This represents the continuation of all three SNES games that rocked my childhood!

However, the really important one, the one that I bought a Gamecube for in the first place, the one that should be out by now were it not for the producers doing their usual thing and perpetually pushing back the release date so that the game is actually finished upon release, is currently scheduled for release in November. It is Starcraft: Ghost! Oh, there is some good stuff to be released soon!
Dont forget about Resident Evil 4.
Johnathan Lancaster said:
Dont forget about Resident Evil 4.

Damn near the best looking game on the gamecube, let alone all the games of 2005. That game is proof that the GC has the best graphics card of all three systems. Hah!
No one ever believed me, "ooooh no, but le X-boxer is ze roxors! Ne?"

What-eva! Its all about Nintendo (when they get better controllers) and Sony!

Go PS2! Go GC!
Izlude_Oranes said:
Damn near the best looking game on the gamecube, let alone all the games of 2005. That game is proof that the GC has the best graphics card of all three systems. Hah!
No one ever believed me, "ooooh no, but le X-boxer is ze roxors! Ne?"

What-eva! Its all about Nintendo (when they get better controllers) and Sony!

Go PS2! Go GC!

Wow... Just wow... Suddenly Cartman from Southpark pops into my mind.