Agreed, on all accounts, all of you.
It is not pleasant, and is in fact a very terrible thing to do to whatever, whomever. Having been a victim of it myself on many occasions I can attest to this. We all have our methods, and combining them in different facets is our best bet. Magic can see through barriers of flesh, but as we have discovered in previous cases, Magic can be clouded with Magic. Wards exist that can foul auguries, and more conventional methods alike. Our enemy has access to these sorceries through their blood magic. Mind barriers can be erected by the talented in order to proof foot soldiers against intrusion. And some creatures are just oblivious to pain and discomfiture.
Zeth, and I have already successfully combined older magics with terrestrial formal magics we could easily combine blood, and a vision to get us more concrete information, then back that up with other methods so we are not led astray, or at least can see any discrepancies between sources.
While we can devolve into our personal predilections, proclivities, and outright biases, that brings us near to the fields that brought Ceriopolis down the several times before we arrived. Great people have come before us, triumphed in the face of great odds, or were cast down, and failed. Fighting ourselves is of no avail. All sides of the various issue must come to understand that there are as many different ways of fighting a war as there are creatures upon Fortannis. All of our varied opinions are of worth from the most high minded, and visionary, to the most coldly pragmatic. We must take the strengths of both, and utilize them. Dismissing righteous idealism in favor of cold pragmatism lessens our world, and ourselves. While eschewing said pragmatism in favor of righteous idealism, leads to grievous losses.
Those of us who ply more visceral paths to information, and the prosecution of conflicts must be mindful and respectful of those who eschew such methodologies, while those who do eschew those physical techniques should be mindful of those ways of war. War is a terrible waste on all accounts, but, should we lose there will be no one left to even sing the song of our deeds, and that we cannot allow to happen. Yes lines must be drawn in the proverbial sand. And we should start with those base agreements. Such as, Necromancy, Undead, no. Not a chance, find the common ground and leave it common. The further we divide our points of view up, the further divided we become the weaker our unity, until we too are picked apart, our diversity no longer a strength, our diversity instead turned into wedges and the hammer of reality splits us apart, and we all fall down.
Let us combine a lore, and old sorcery, a vision and sorcery, and then all three to confirm our results.