On Void Magic

As most of you know, I am now a Creation and Void Mage. Though I doubt any of you will strongly object to my use of Creation, the same cannot be said about Void: however, I believe this may be partially out of ignorance, in most cases. Therefore, I would like to eliminate that ignorance, in hopes that the lack thereof will make this less of an issue.

First, as a clarification, Void magic exists as the opposite of creation, same as earth to chaos. That being said, their relationship is far from similar: void magic is, in essence, a kind of spacial manipulation, much like rifting. The effect of being a spacial magic is that it is a higher tier than magic, and will be unhindered by such. Simply put, other than creation magic, there is no defense against it. This trait is what scares most adventurers, along with their perceived threat it stands to the world. The existence of that threat is indeed real, but not in the form many of you believe. Void magic, or at least the kind which I use, is an actualization of my will, not a draw from any source of Void, illustrated by the incant, "By my will". Because of this, the effect said magic has is localized to that which it is used on, not emanating to the surrounding reality like Void itself would. By this fact, it can be concluded that, unlike Chaos magic that can interfere with the natural flow of the world, my magic is not harmful to this world in the form I use, as it is not reliant on the actual substance of the plane of Void. Essentially, it is not Void, but Will magic.

I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter, as this ability would prove extremely potent against our enemies: even Bleak.

- Wycliff, the Seeker.
By the way, I forgot a few things: first, I have already consulted the king on this matter, and he agrees that it is solely up to the adventurers whether or not this magic will be used. In terms of the law, it's use is perfectly legal.

Second, this is a discussion based ONLY IN LOGIC. 'Feelings' and 'intuition' have no foundation here, and I would prefer if you exclude them from this discourse. Please and thank you.

- Wycliff, the Seeker.
You are quite mistaken Wycliff. The last time I struck down a void mage I could feel each and every spell devistate Arden. It caused much more pain and suffering to the land than even Chaos does. Even when a spell did not hit me, the screams of pain were almost strong enough to make me pass out. Void magic doesn't pervert the natural flow of things it ends it.

I cannot and will not allow a void mage to stand amongst the adventurers. I know nothing about Creation, I imagine it being the opposite it is fine. But any casting of Void magic I consider a direct assault on myself and my friends.

I intend to speak with the king about this matter.

Order of the Emerald Flame
Having seen the devastation of Void on my home more than once, I urge you to be cautious in your studies Wycliff. The relation of Creation to Void is far from the same as the relation of Order and Chaos. Void does not corrupt, twist, or taint the world around it, Void unmakes that which it touches. It causes those you know and love to blink from existence so that your memories of them are all that exists.

To be blunt, your assertion that this is "Will" magic terrifies me. Attempts to "control" Void through the force of Will inevitably fail in a spectacularly tragic manner, because what Will is powerful enough to control a limitless force? Also your theory that your use of Void is not reliant on the substance of Void also appears erroneous. Void is kept out of our world by the shell of Order and anyone who attempts to make use of Void weakens that protection and is a threat to us all.

These are my facts, gained though years of adventuring, experience studying exotic magics, and watching two homes destroyed by Void. In addition to my own interactions with Void, Link and I share a similar connection to the natural world and I trust his experiences far more than the theories of someone who currently dabbles in an exotic magic.

Order of the Emerald Flame
I appreciate the infomation, Link. My conclusion was based on conjecture, so I can accept if it was, indeed, faulty. Of course, I did not start this discussion in order to callously toss around reality bending forces like candy: I realized, quite a time ago, that my current diminished power alone will not always be sufficient to protect those I care about. For the time being, until I am able to reforge my spirit to regain even a portion of my former proficiency in magic, I am ill equipped to save a friend in need, and as such, should I be faced with a situation in which I require void magic to save one of my own, I will not hesitate to do so, regardless of the consequence to myself. Though I did not wish to pull this 'card', until the time that Void magic is considered unlawful by the kingdom, unless I am mistaken, killing me for the use of said magic will be punishable by law as murder. I do not wish to cause such a thing, but you understand that though I am aware you, and many others, would wish me dead for exercising Void, I also can't be held responsible for any action you take, and I assure you that should I be killed and amnesiaed for a THIRD TIME, I will not rest until the culprit is discovered and punished to the fullest extent that our Knights will allow.

- Wycliff, the Seeker.
I apologize for my ignorance on the subject, and I am glad I took the time to consult you all about this. As for "Controlling limitless forces with will", the same will apply to Creation magic, something I have casted without consequence or real difficulty. It is my belief that the Seekers have indeed found a way to control said force with will alone, as a strong will has always been an prerequisite for becoming a Seeker. I do hope you can understand drive to protect those I care about, as I'm sure you've lost your share of friends and family: as for me, I've lost them all. It is no longer an option for me to remain powerless.

- Wycliff, the Seeker.

While protection your friend is a noble goal, I assure you that the consequences of tapping into Void will be much worse than the loss of a single life. Do not presume to believe that just because you can do something that you should do it or that because something is not illegal it is the right thing to do. Remember, there are forces in our world more powerful than the laws of man.

As for the ease with which you have made use of the forces of Creation, there are differences but still dangers. Creation is the natural order of things thus it make sense that those who can tap into that power can make use of it with some ease. But keep in mind that there is such a thing as to much of a good thing. Just as if an area suddenly has to much Life energy the natural order of living things is disrupted, if to much is Created in an area there will be an imbalance. The sudden impact of the newly Created things on the existing system can cause the system to collapse.

I am not saying that you should give up on your studies, only that you need to proceed with caution. There are many who would abuse the path you have begun walking down and make use of Void without a thought to the consequences. I hope that you prove yourself to be one of the few who learns what is necessary to stand in the way of the destruction that a person like that would cause.

Order of the Emerald Flame
That person already exists. I don't know his name as of yet, but he is after the book same as I.

- Wycliff, the Seeker.
I don't know anything about Void other than my studies of the Waymaker Stones.

In Dragonreach... A long long time ago, each of the planes gave up a bit of their power (except vacuum) to help prevent Void from encroaching and destroying everything. That power was then used to create the Order wall, which now protects us from Void.

The Void that was already inside the Order Wall was given Order, and so Chaos was born.

Chaos is Void given Order.

Based off of that, I would argue that that means Void magic must be far worse than anything you can do with Chaos.

Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri
Master of the Waymaker Stones
Apprentice to Mathis - Order of the Emerald Flame
I know little of Creation and Void magics, but I have seen someone using Blood magic and True Name magic, and his sense of self was very unhealthy, and believed that his own will was of higher importance than all else. If that is a possible outcome of the ability to bend others to one's will, I shudder to think what the power to bend reality to one's will could do if left unchecked. You will choose the path you decide to choose, but I advise you to be mindful of the consequences, and also of the will of those around you.

Cenarith: True name magic is, in many respects, much nastier than void and creation, simply because you need only to say their name and a command, and that person is forced to obey, no matter the command. If I may alleviate your concerns, unless my Nemesis obtains the books before I do and is released, there is no threat of me unraveling our reality. In truth, I believe it is my nemesis's wish for me to use void, because - if Mathis is indeed correct - it would weaken the barrier between our plane and the void in which he is most likely contained.
Mathis: Though I am uncertain of the other creation spells my order commands, I believe it unlikely that such a scenario would take place, because I highly doubt any of them create actual physical objects or the like. Still, I will be continuing to study Creation as I reclaim the books, and we will see just how extensive any imbalance may be. As of now, I don't think there should be any real threat, other than Shar's eyes being burned out of their sockets (hopefully he doesn't watch when I cast any high level creation magic).
- Wycliff, the Seeker.
I feel both sides in this argument are operating on assumptions.

Link, I feel your connection to the land is strong and while that is noble, it also skews your judgement to one side. I do not doubt what you felt when we dealt with the last void mage. I also do not know if Void magic will upset the balance; either by it's use, or it's condemnation. Once I do, I hope we can have a conversation.

Mathis, while your knowledge of magic is great, the mists play deceitful tricks on those with knowledge from other lands. I would welcome your counsel once you have had a chance to view the spectrum of magic in Arden closely. I have some people you could talk to if you would like discourse at a higher level of understanding. I would only ask that I may accompany you, to hear the discussion and pick up what little I can understand.

Wycliff your openness with your studies is one mark in your favor. Secrecy never ends well. Also, while Void and Creation are both powerful magics and capable of vast devastation in their own way, I am more concerned with how you are learning these magics. As I understand it you are reading from old books, and inferring your knowledge from there. This concerns me greatly. There are teachers for such things, this knowledge is not 'lost'. Learning the magic so quickly, without structure, and without proper training is the scary part to me. Perhaps you could send me a pigeon, explaining how you come to hear about these... nodes of knowledge. As an impartial observer, I might be able to calm public opinion.

As of right now, I view all power somewhat equally. I feel it is more telling what the power is used for. If their are proven side effects, of course they will be taken into account. However, I am not in favor of judging the worthiness of power in the court of public opinion. That being said, if power gets out of control, it must be dealt with swiftly.

-Cpl. Syver Olafson
This discussion will be more productive in person. You're right to keep an open mind until things are fully proven and your recent work may have provided you with certain insight. I look forward to meeting your people

Travel safely

Order of the Emerald Flame
Will you, perchance, be present next market day?